[center][h2][color=0072bc]Blazermate[/color][/h2] Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (56/130) Location: Mafia Town Word Count: Less than 750 [/center] Well, whatever those people at the docks were planning came to Mafia town a lot sooner than anyone thought. Its almost if Blzaermate had stayed behind for another 5 minutes she would've had a front row seat to what was basically a bunch of clown cannonballs being launched and attacking the Mafia with wrestling moves. [color=0072bc]"Thats just weird. So uh... guess we've gotta go help?"[/color] Before she figured out a place to go, Blazermate decided to set up a safety zone. She summoned her engineer who began to build his base, and once the sentry was at least rank 2, she zoomed off to heal and heard the civilians to the safe area. Well, those that weren't caught in combat anyway. While the other seekers went off to either attack the boat itself or defend the city, Blazermate helped with the defense of the town. Something that'd be kinda... interesting since she'd be healing Mafia who were engaging with some of the wrestlers. Making ti so that Mafia that would normally probably lose these fights, suddenly have a turn around and win. At least for the first two she healed and overhealed before leaving for a few others. While big and brutish, they were at least thankful with a single "Thanks blue angel" from one of them in an accent Blazermate couldn't place. Another thing, healing all these people charged her ubercharge and her projectile shield very quickly. Especially when she came about a group of 3 mafia who had teamed up to take out one of the clowns and were low on health, at least until she healed them up in mere seconds as their wounds were old. Having her resources all set up, she'd have to help one of the others with one of the bigger bads. Perhpas the first one she'd see as she flew around. [center][h2][color=92278f]Sectonia[/color][/h2] Level 12 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) (38/120) Location: Skyworld Word Count: Less than 750 [/center] Sectonia didn't rest as long as many of the others did, her items letting her heal and restore herself faster than the others even with her giving some Death Pulse healing. As such, she wasn't near Edward when he did his flame sword buff and didn't receive it but would come to find what Edward could do the next time. She wouldn't have much use for it anyway, as she used her holy light to launch sweeping beams of pure light at the corruption until they seemed to unleash their trump card, a sick twisted abomination of considerable power. While the angels could finish it off, it left them bereft of strength which would soon be remedided as the sky shown with bright light from Palutenia, the roof of the building having been blown off to reveal an oncoming airship battle. While the others engaged some airships, Sectonia instead would try to blast them out of the sky with one attack. Charging a reality shatter, she unleashed it upon an airship who was engaging Edelgard and Ortho, the shattering of reality causing the ship itself to shatter like glass as a white void was left behind. She'd get their attention with an attack like that, if not, her followup blasts of radiant light would find their targets...