[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220729/023912a75a8a9b16c801799640a60148.png[/img] [b]Word Count:[/b] 962 [b]Level 9 Roxas:[/b] 22/90 [b]Exp Gained:[/b] +2 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 24/90 [h3]Skyworld[/h3][/center] When Edelgard went back to fighting Beloved, Roxas took that as a cue to shift his focus on cleaning up the remaining corrupted. Between himself and the remaining Black Eagle Squad, that didn’t prove to be a particularly daunting task. Although for Roxas, his MP was currently spent up which naturally held him back from going full tilt, but that was mitigated by the presence of allies fighting around him as well. With Beloved down and his forces mopped up, it was time to move on. Roxas mounted up with Edelgard again on Ortho and they took off for where the battle would take them next. Being on Ortho’s back meant that he and Edelgard got a pretty good view of Legion’s downfall. And it also meant they had what was basically front row seats to the appearance of the Worship and the accompanying Kinships. As Edelgard dismounted in order to board a Kinship for an assault, Roxas was about to hop down to join her, but changed his mind at the last moment. Edelgard’s Black Eagles had split into two groups, with the smaller one going with their leader and the larger one remaining in the air. He figured it wasn’t to leave the other half hanging on their own and decided he’d stay up in the air with them! …Somehow. He’d work out the details about that apart as he went along. For now, he stayed on Ortho’s back and accompanied him with the Black Eagles into the aerial battle. The aerial battle was a chaotic mess of angels and corrupted angels duking it out in the sky alongside projectiles fired into the fray from the flying ships. As such, the flight on Orthos’ back was anything but smooth. Not that Roxas was planning to be a burden on him forever. As soon as he spotted a corrupted in close enough proximity he did the unthinkable and actually [i]launched himself off of Ortho[/i]! He used his StepSword to instantly move himself into a striking position to slash at the corrupted with his ignited energy sword. After that all he could do was start falling, albeit with his arms and legs out in order to slow his descent as much as possible. A passing-by Feathershield grabbed him under the arms and then swung the Nobody back upward a little bit. During this moment Roxas was able to lock onto another corrupted and used his StepSword on it as well. But rather than fall and rely on being caught, this time Roxas instantiated a platform of virtual cubes he could stand on to stop from falling. Then he used his RockGun to start taking potshots at corrupted whenever they were close enough to be in range. But his efforts didn’t go unnoticed, as a corrupted came swooping in to try and knock him off of his platform. But rather than fall helplessly, Roxas managed to grab ahold of his enemy and brought them both into a freefall that ended with Roxas kicking himself up off of the enemy. And with that he was able to instantiate a new platform of virtual cubes, though this was more scattered and required him to use Flow Motion to maneuver through. But once he did he was able to launch himself at another aerial corrupted and once again take it by surprise with his StepSword. This pattern repeated itself a few more times. Roxas would use StepSword to attack an aerial enemy and he would make sure to kick himself off of their body in order to allow himself the chance to reuse his virtual cube constructs to keep from plummeting to his demise. Or occasionally a member of the Black Eagles would catch him under the arms and swing the Nobody and essentially “throw” them toward another enemy he could attack with his StepSword. But eventually, Roxas finally spotted the form of Ortho swooping back toward him and so he gratefully managed to land safely back on the griffin’s back. Or, well, as safe as he could be in this chaotic aerial battle anyway. [color=gold]”Looks like Edelgard’s ready for a pickup!”[/color] Roxas called out as he pointed toward the now-heavily damaged Kinship that he saw Edelgard standing on. As such, Orthos went in so that Edelgard could mount back up on his back. Now it was time to take on the big one, the Worship. Midna had already gotten started on it and now even Edelgard was preparing some axes that she could throw as they flew by it. Well, Roxas made similar preparations, readying a Keyblade in his left hand and his RockGun with the right hand. For the most part, Roxas stuck with projectiles at first. He shot charged RockGun shots from his right gauntlet and Firaga spells from the Keyblade in his left hand. And when the cherubic maw had gotten a hold on Ortho, Roxas was quick to act alongside Edelgard. While she worked to try and get the griffin free, Roxas took that moment to go into a flurry of Keyblade strikes against the cherubic face to get in as much damage as he could before Ortho took off again. And once they had taken off, Roxas decided to use his Curaga spell again. [color=gold]”Heal!”[/color] So that it could undo as much of the damage Ortho took from the Worship’s bite as possible, especially alongside the healing that Edelgard was giving him. It also served to give some healing to himself and Edelgard - if she needed it. [color=gold]”Yeah.”[/color] Roxas said in agreement with Edelgard’s suggestion before quickly correcting his manners to be more respectful to the commander. [color=gold]”Er, I mean - yes Ma'am, Commander!”[/color]