[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210104/a99cdc088aa9c386fb10b51db1d049ee.png[/img][/center] [Right][color=9400D3]Interactions: Adelyn [@Lunarlord34], Kiba [@Cello], DM [@Zarkun][/color][/right] A twig snapped, but not from his left or across the way. From his right. Markovis released his spell and dropped down from sight. A blasted Vulcan. An unwelcome complication. A heavy exhale did nothing to relieve the tension now building between his shoulder blades. He had fought Vulcan before. Troublesome but not particularly difficult for him as they were not the most tactful or agile of combatants. But given they didn't know what their actual prey was as a combatant, perhaps this was for the best. It would give them a chance to observe it's fighting style and maybe see an opening that would make for a better angle of attack. [color=black][right]Could kill them both.[/right][/color]Waiting would mean less effort to fight, less risk of injury to the others. It would be easier to take the canine-like beast in alive if he waited. He had little doubt the beast would kill the Vulcan even if the Vulcan thought it could take the beast. But if he made his presence known, he knew it would draw the attention of both - regardless of how he attacked. Inaction was easier. Safer. [right][color=black]Slower.[/color][/right] How long was it safe to draw this out? The lightning beast the Sergeant was watching out for could come across them in the middle of waiting and make everything harder. Hell, it could come to complicate things at any moment given no one knew how the two beasts were related. Too much risk. Calculations swirled through the mage's head as he watched the first seconds of the combat. No, waiting was insufficient. It was going to be unfortunate, but he could not afford the greater risk. Adelyn was a mage - she could manage to survive the encounter if she used her head - and Kiba was more than competent in keeping himself safe during a dangerous task. Entering the fray was the only acceptable option, and thermodynamic conversion would not suffice in ending this quickly. The stoic mage stood once more, thrusting his hands out toward both creatures. "[color=9400D3]Leeching Abyss.[/color]" The air around him grew hazy and dark despite the daylight. Tendrils of the black and violet matter shot up from the ground beneath both creatures in an effort to latch onto the creatures limbs and hold them in place. He watched both creatures carefully to angle the tendrils of dark magic for each movement they made, anticipating adjustments to grab them and start draining some of their energy.