[center][abbr=Pit][img]https://i.ibb.co/7VzgY22/pit.png[/img][/abbr] Word Count: 1546 (+3 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]7[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 191/70 [i]Monday Evening-turned-Morning.[/i] [b]Location[/b]: Skyworld, above The Sandswept Sky[/center] After clearing out the last of the bottom floors with Midna, Pit and his squad began to ascend. They passed through floors they'd cleansed and those already run through by others, hoping that the battles they heard still in progress were going well. Palutena's voice was a welcome one even if it came as a warning, which led Pit and his troops toward the great hall where the rumbling and crashing eventually gave way to victorious shouts and celebratory cheers. They found there way up to the top of the citadel, joining in with whoops of their own. Up there, they regrouped with the Seekers, Uriel, Nathaniel, Fodoquia and the rest of the army, and... some other guy. Well, he'd ask about it later - there were more important things going on. Their next battle had come quickly. Too quickly for some. But in true divine fashion, Lady Palutena pulled through. As soon as he heard the order, Pit took flight. The Host moved behind him, and while the faster forces sped ahead Pit's own troops stuck by their captain. They let out a chorus of courageous roars as he called to them, [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"In the name of the Goddess of Light!"[/color] The flew swiftly in the same formation as before, eager to purge all corrupted that flew in their path. All of them claimed the offer of fire without question, as did Pit when he felt the little tingle in the back of his mind. He didn't know what it was, but he assumed it was helpful. Some angels, daunted by the sheer size of the rocket-shaped Worship, chose to ignore it in favor of destroying the more manageably sized Kinships and their crews. It wasn't a cowardly tactic - the Kinships needed to go down at some point, and without their archers letting loose it would make things that much easier in the air. Pit split his squad up for that purpose, sending them to rain fire on as many Kinships as they could reach thanks to Edward. Entirely unfazed by the massive false angel (aside from letting out a [i]whoooa![/i] when it first appeared), Pit was headed right for it however. He found the same issue that everyone else choosing to face off against Worship had - it was protected by a strong barrier that couldn't be broken through with brute force. Pit backed off after trying all of the equipment at his disposal. There was obviously some trigger to lower the shield, but what was it? Where was it? With missiles, arrows, lasers, and corrupted angels all flying around through the air, he didn't have time to stop and think about it. Rather, he went on the defensive. While trying everything at his disposal he'd ended up with the Breaking Palm equipped, and with some effort his energy output could match the fusillade of missiles the massive angel ship was putting out. As Palutena's Army got to work, Pit protected all of them as much as possible. Streaks of light and fire shot out from the palm of his hand, chasing after cherubic missiles and corrupted arrows alike to destroy them in flight. He couldn't take down every single one, so he focused on what was coming out of Worship itself while Feather squads took to taking out the Kinships. That huge laser was still a problem, but at least it couldn't be fired as much as its other attacks. When the first of the faces on its flank were destroyed, the golden shield around its front faltered. Given Worship's size, everyone could see it - and they now knew what action they had to take to bring it down. Scores of angels flocked alongside Edelgard, Roxas, and Ortho to take out Worship's entourage so they could get at the second smaller face on its side. Pit moved to join them, which is when an unfortunate, inevitable event happened. Prior missions he'd run since reuniting with Lady Palutena had been ground battles, or if they did have an aerial component it never lasted for very long. For that reason, and the fact that both Pit and Palutena were so focused on the mission at hand, both of them had let a crucial piece of information slip to the back of their minds. Pit was reminded of it only when he felt something in his third pair of limbs: heat spreading from the tips of his feathers into his bones, and gradually growing hotter. It wasn't yet anymore painful than a mild sunburn, but Pit unfortunately knew from experience that it would get very bad, very fast. He couldn't help the blip of panic that seized his heart, and he shamelessly called out for his patron deity. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][i]"Lady Palutena!!"[/i][/color] Even while monitoring the battle, her favored angel's voice reached the goddess easily. Her attention snapped to him, and she could see the once soft blue aura around Pit's wings was turning orange. Due to Pit's weak wings, the Power of Flight could only be used on him for up to five minutes before he needed a rest... and they were cutting it really close with the time limit. When she realized what was going on she instantly cut the connection of her magic to Pit, which naturally caused him to start to fall with a squawk. [color=springgreen][i]Whoops. It's been a while since we've needed to use the Power of Flight this long. I nearly forgot.[/i][/color] Much more casual with him than when she was commanding her army, she didn't sound worried at all that Pit was hurtling down through the air. To be fair, he was used to that - and in multiple directions. But since she wasn't worried, Pit wasn't either. There were tons of angels around after all, and anything was better than his wings burning up. He did cross his arms as he fell though, giving the captain of the guard the appearance of a pouting teen. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][i]Forgot? That's fine I guess. I mean, it's just my life at stake. No biggie.[/i][/color] [color=springgreen][i]Don't get sassy on me now.[/i][/color] Palutena's amusement came through in her telepathic voice, chasing away the last of Pit's apprehension from the brush with the time limit. He cracked a grin, the familiar banter lifting his spirits like little else could. While he was falling, the corrupted archers hadn't sent any arrows at him. They probably figured that he was just another angel shot out of the sky. When a Feathersword and a Strongarm swooped down to scoop their captain up, suddenly the three of them together made an enticing target. Pit switched out the Palm for the Guardian Orbitars, directing his escorts to go straight back up into battle while he fended off the projectiles streaking their way. Arrows, bolts of corruption, and even a few missiles with faces on them crashed against the two free floating shields without getting through. It wasn't smooth sailing, but it was relatively safe. They were just about back in the action when the front faces of Worship opened up once more, particles of light collecting in its mouth for the laser they all knew was coming. It was aimed at the largest collection of Palutena's forces, and though Pit's escorts began to move away from the danger zone Pit himself had other plans. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Keep going, get in front of it!"[/color] He ordered, and the soldiers complied without hesitation. Trusting their captain they rushed straight forward toward the looming mouth charging its laser until they were directly in its path and still going. It fired, and Pit activated the Orbitar's special shield. The huge, winged energy shield materialized in front of him, blocking the laser in its entirety while floating forward, steadily pushing the condensed light closer to Worship. Both the laser and the shield itself petered out before anything else happened, but all of the angels behind them were safe and now the path to Worship's main face was clear. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Charge!"[/color] Flocks of angels dove in to strike at Worship, Pit's remaining squad members among them as they'd spotted their captain. When he was close enough Pit hopped out of the arms of his rescuers, swapping weapons once more to bring the Upperdash Arm down hard on Worship's porcelain-like face. Having been on the defensive pretty much the whole time in the air battle, getting up close and personal felt good - and it cracked with a satisfying noise. The collection of Featherswords wasted no time in following up. Under a concentrated beating by the heavenly host, Worship faltered. It shuddered and unleashed a whole new round of missiles, but its attackers were much too close to it. It opened its mouth to try and fire off another laser, risking the exposure of its weakest point in a last bid to scatter the angels assaulting it. It never got the chance to fire as Pit brought the hammer-like Arm down again alongside the Feathers blades, shattering the orb in its mouth and causing Worship's body to fail. Explosions went off inside of it, including at its head, the force of which pushed the angels away. Most flew up, and one fell down. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"We did it!"[/color] Pit cheered while he tumbled through the clouds again. Now there was only one more island to go, and they'd won!