[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0oQiEpr.png[/img][/center] [color=00e600][center][h1]Cautions and Ambitions[/h1][/center][/color] [color=0033cc]”You need to rethink! Father, he will drag us all so far through the mud that we will soon have to grovel to counts![/color] The eldest begged the head of the house, yet the older man’s expression showed to be rather unimpressed. [color=#536C49]”That may be so, but you are not showing enough worth to take his place, Armand. The pot truly is calling the kettle black.”[/color] Jacques’ eyes stared daggers into his own blood. [color=#536C49]”Once you reveal yourself to be worth my blessings, I might think it over.”[/color] [color=0033cc]”Father, what do you?-”[/color] [color=#536C49]”What I mean is that once you stop being such an eyesore, I might give you a chance. If only you and your brother could be a bit more like your dear sister. Alas, perhaps there is still hope for Lucien.”[/color] The lord of the estate sighed as he waved towards his servant. [color=#536C49]”Let the other annoyance in.”[/color] The servant responded with a bow before she left the building. Arriving with the second son by her side. [color=00e600]”You wish to speak to me, father?”[/color] The boy greeted his own father with barely even a nod of his head. [color=00e600]”Do know that my time has become more valuable now that I am working in the direct interest of our King.”[/color] Armand’s built up resentment was all too visible the way his eyes looked at his own brother with nothing but disdain. He approached Yvain and laid a hand on his shoulder. [color=0033cc]”Father wishes to discuss the recent development with you, ‘o great, royal pole-smoker.”[/color] and just like that he left the room. [color=#536C49]”I assume you have heard of the developments in Palapar.”[/color] His words accompanied with an expression that could only be described as ‘uneasy’. [color=00e600]”You mean the inevitable? Anyone with a brain could have anticipated that in a world with the Traveller’s goons and their masked fools running amok, something of the sort would happen.”[/color] Yvain’s face showed nothing short of pure disgust. [color=00e600]”The fact that they’re our ally is revolting. Being so with the ol-”[/color] He was cut off by a sharp snap of the father’s fingers before he could finish his sentence. [color=#536C49]”Yvain, we cannot risk mingling ourselves with such matters. It could become disastrous for us.”[/color] Yvain squinted his eyes and lowered his head.[color=00e600]”As you wish, father. But you are aware that the hypocritical Revidians will get involved. They’re like necrophagous beasts with how opportunistic they are to profit whilst not dirtying their hands. It's disgusting.”[/color] Even if he knew one decent Revidian did not revise his outlook on Prospero’s dystopia. [color=#536C49]”That might be true, but we are not Revidian rats. Do your best not to compare yourself to them. We are inheritors of Avince’s vigor, the people that have surpassed them. They are but the bickering remains of a long splintered empire thinking themselves the descendants of it.”[/color] Jacques’ voice rang stern. [color=00e600]”I know that, father. I would never lower myself to compare myself to them.”[/color] The older man slumped slightly into his seat. [color=#536C49]”However we might have to come face to face with them. A war is truly looking inevitable, regrettable as it is.[/color] Yvain grinned upon seeing his own father’s onlook upon the upcoming conflict. [color=00e600]”This is not going to be just a war, father. It is a war of ideals. A war of philosophies. Not just about territory, but the ruler of the new world that arises.”[/color] [color=00e600]”I am Verusand’s chosen, born for the same greatness as their mortal flesh.”[/color] He spread his arms with a triumphant smile. [color=00e600]”If the Revidians want to spread their broken and flawed ideals. It is only natural that it lays upon the Perrench to correct them and punish them for their childish tantrums.”[/color] He shook his head. [color=00e600]”Nay, we should look upon this more broadly. We should prove their ideals wrong by spreading our own! To paint the world [b]green![/b]. . . . To bring forth a-”[/color] [center][color=00e600][h2]PAX PARRENCII[/h2][/color][/center]