[h2]Heir to the Konpaku[/h2] [hr] See them? I don't understand what this monk means. I was about to ask him what these unpleasant-feeling creatures were. They didn't resemble any disembodied spirits or--- A chill runs up my spine--- ---ghosts that I could recognize. But why wouldn't we be able to see them? "What do you---" They're moving. Roukanken leaves its sheath in my right hand, the sound of steel on wood ringing out through the graveyard. Something shaped like a human twisted into the form of a dog is reaching for me, teeth gnashing. A single slash across my body, an arc of silver light. It falls apart in two halves, spurting purple-toned blood. I don't understand. What's going on? Fighting just for fighting's sake is one thing, but this isn't danmaku, is it? These things are some sort of spirit, I think. That's how their presence feels, no matter how distorted it might be. My left hand flies to my lower back, fingers wrapping around Hakurouken as I draw it smoothly from its sheath. I don't understand what's happening. I don't know what these creatures are. But I can cut them, and that's all I need to know. When danger you can't even understand arises, the only thing you can do is slash through it. The next one is bigger, looking almost like a muscular, green, warped infant, its fists crashing down towards me--- But it won't hit! I push off the ground and backwards, swinging Hakurouken up in the same movement and severing one of its arms. It sails through the air, trailing purple. I land a meter back, catching myself and raising both of my blades. There's plenty of these monsters. The monk mentioned dying before. Is he some sort of immortal? He's definitely a kind of magician if he's controlling these things. That one he just summoned is bigger--- Why are they all so ugly?! I'm so glad they're not ghosts! "Fine, if you want to fight, then I'll kill every one of these monsters!" I inhale deeply as I spread my feet apart, squaring my legs as my blades catch the light. This is a lot of opponents. And they're all different, not like those strange cursed black things at the village. But something about them almost feels similar. Grandfather would have said to shave off their numbers. Cut through as many of the smaller ones as possible in order to make the biggest threat more manageable. And against an opponent like this, that didn't necessarily mean the largest monster under his command. If that monk is controlling them, then pinning him down and stopping him is the end goal. But I'll need to slash my way through these monsters in order to reach him! The air whips past me, catching my hair and skirt as I move forward. Something like a centipede rises in my way, and Roukanken slices it apart down the middle. I'll slash through his monsters, reach him, and end this quickly! [@FujiwaraPhoenix][@Raineh Daze] [hr] [h2]The Scarlet Devil[/h2] [hr] If my arrival in this world hadn't been so painful and unbecoming, this would be the most irritating thing I experienced so far. I'm nobility. I have plenty of prestige to my name! Certainly, this is a different world, one that doesn't know my name, one where I don't actually have any sort of rank--- Don't dare mention I don't have any rank in Gensokyo. Ahem. Still, they should be able to tell I have plenty of authority! So how can she just ignore my request? She didn't even deign to reply with a denial! That still would be infuriating, but at least it would be an answer! I can feel heat bubbling up in my chest, the sensation of my irritation surging higher the longer I think about it. I can't help but feel as if my kindness is being abused, here. I accepted the deal she offered, but now she's ignoring my request? "Hmph!" I cross my arms over my chest, making my displeasure evident as I turn away. "To think, I accepted this offer with no preconditions of my own and you chose not to reply to my request. If I wasn't so generous, I might have reconsidered!" ---Still, it would be foolish to actually step away from the deal we've been given. But I'm not about to hide my annoyance with her refusal to answer me. I've had to endure far too much shame since arriving here. But assisting them won't just get us money. It might get me something else I'm desiring as well. [@FujiwaraPhoenix][@Drifting Pollen][@Rezod92]