In the wake of its vomiting, Barrusom felt emptier than it had, even starting off, belching little more than bad breath vapors into the cold void of space. Instead of marveling at the sparkling glow of its crystallizing burp gas, its six-eyed gaze caught a much more appealing spark, though the size of its flame was barely akin to combustion motes and embers compared to what the beast had reached in evacuating his stomach contents. Before it had puked, Barrusom was close to the size of the Atlantic Ocean – now, the reach of its middle limbs was long enough to grip the heartland of the United States, and Central Europe simultaneously, with its feet gripping the head of South America, and the throat of Africa. Shaking off the discomfort, Barrusom's fur was flung wildly to and fro, flinging humongous globs with sizes on par with the great lakes off its body. Each time the beast entered a universe, it did so by slashing through the contuum's guts, inadvertently bathing itself in sticky dark matter, the glue of that held matter together. Consequently, when the supernova reached Barrusom, the fire, and all the radioactive heat emanating from it was enveloped in a cloud that neither fed nor extinguished the fire, merely holding it in place. Feeling a tad confused, and aggressively impatient, the Ravager rose up on its hindlegs, then slammed its front paws against the spatial fabric, generating a black tsunami which eclipsed all the previous ones it had clumsily rode in on. Stepping forward onto the colossal footprints it pounded into place, Barrusom waited for the inevitable return to a state of normality, though its effects on the monster's position were going to be anything but. Waiting slightly longer than it wanted to, Barrusom began to growl with impatience before being suddenly launched like it was sitting atop a coiled spring, dragging the captured flames with it via the protective coating on its fur. The sensation mildly shocked the creature, causing it to let out a brief, albeit deep yelp considering the sudden change in its vocal pitch. Tucking in its limbs, rather than bounce across branches like it had done before drinking, the ursim spun like a cannonball with its eyes causing a most disturbing visual effect on nearby light sources, pulling their rays towards its face like streamers following the beast's “flaming” rotations, photons twisted into a thoroughly contorted distortion at the cause's epicenter; flinging more dark matter off its “flaming” body, Barrusom narrowly caught up with the shockwave it had released, and was fast-approaching the wave’s crest. The need to feed was growing evermore maddening in Barrusom’s mind now. Soon it would land upon, and ride the wave it created to an appetizing planet, star, asteroid belt…anything would do right now after throwing up. Its relentless urges were exemplified in the destructive expansion of the rift as the wave pulled and stretched on space, letting more and more of the root system into the universe, the branches quickly becoming visible in conjunction with the continual conversion of space-time into rapidly hardening sludge. In the midst of the growing chaos, a swarm of mustard pawed feet, bearing a hybrid structure akin to that of a canine insect characterizing the rest of their segmented armor, wandered along the moss-covered Amalgam. Elliptical mouths parted, revealing probing tongues covered in emerald studs tasting for food, whilst sharp diamond-shaped nostrils waited for signs of death and detritus to enter through. A pair of icy blue eyes scanned the area for a sign of direction, tails ending in a cluster of protruding thorns swishing back and forth. No larger than German shepherds, the Corpas pack, Foragers of Cosms had arrived, not to aid Barrusom, but to follow the path of carnage the beast so often left behind in its wake, and feed on its gifts. Like the Ravager, they too were very hungry, but in a much more basic, non-insanity inducing way, which nevertheless lit the first spark of extraversal enlightenment. Barrusom was not the inhabitant of a strange dimension--its home was a verse all its own, threaded between other cosms, and presenting an ecosystem which [i]appeared[/i] to display its traits more through the Amalgam’s invasive, logos-consuming tendencies. How much of this Exeter would be able to piece together was unknown, nor was it entirely clear if Barrusom had fully perceived [i]her[/i] during its less than stellar charge. How much danger the Lumanarun was in could not be answered with certainty: the tidal wave, though far stronger than the previous one, would merely move her around again, and though the swarm of insectile dogs did not function on a primarily predatory mindset, killing to survive was hardly out of the question. Would she meet their searching stares and become an early-game forage snack, would she spot them first and thin their population which numbered in the tens of thousands, or would Barrusom [i]finally[/i] figure out that there was something deliberately trying to keep his paws off the cosmos’ many beehives and go [i]berserk[/i].