Look, three things are halfway salvaging this. There are three factors in play which make it so that it is theoretically possible that the Toxicrene will look up and see a ravenous, unleashed Ceronian ready to punish her at Bella’s command. Firstly, as mentioned before: Redana looks at Mynx and sees someone a lot like she used to be, which means that her experience right now is that she is imagining what it would be like to be in Mynx’s place, which is why she is ramrod-straight, ears at attention, fixated and [i]intent.[/i] And why her tail is trying to fly away. Secondly, though: she is aware that this is of vital importance to her Bella, her wife. Memories of Mynx have come swimming back, along with the sorts of things she did in order to try and catch Mynx before. If she doesn’t sell the fantasy, if she can’t keep Mynx off-balance, then everything falls apart, the assassins are lost, and the grand adventure falls apart in the featureless dark between blue stars. She cannot break. She cannot corpse. She cannot give Mynx reason to start reasoning again. Not with Bella doing such a fine job. Thirdly, she can smell Bella from where she stands. The desire on her face is not faked. The twitch of drool at the corner of a lip, the intensity of her eyes, the tension in her muscles: all of these are quite vividly real in the eyes of the Toxicrene. It’s just that they’re not directed at [i]her.[/i] But in the heat of the moment, that’s so hard to judge, isn’t it? Backed by the pack that so effortlessly defeated the pseudoprincess, Ember must look like the terror of worlds and palaces alike. She is adorned in finery which fails to cover her straining muscles, her shining eyes, the way her leg flexes as if to pounce for but a moment. She is a pirate and a queen of pirates, and she bares her teeth and [i]bites[/i] the air on cue. And we all know what pirates would do to princesses— don’t we, Mynx?