[center][h3][b][color=ec008c]JURI HAN[/color][/b][/h3] Level 5: 37/50 Location: Mafia Town Word Count: 465 Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance: Level 5: 38/50[/center] [hr] Juri landed at the top plate, and glanced around. There were spirits everywhere. [b][color=ec008c]”Oh, my god…Tony, no! Alfonso? I can’t believe it.”[/color][/b] She gasped as she strolled through the wreckage. With a nudge she kicked one of the identical goon spirits with her boot. [b][color=ec008c]”Ricardo, you too? Benny? Paulie? I can’t believe- okay, forget it.”[/color][/b] She let out a little chuckle at her self-satisfied humor. [b][color=ec008c]”They really don’t make bloody aftermaths like they used too, huh?”[/color][/b] Juri sped inside. [b][color=ec008c]”Guess it’s gang warfare after all.”[/color][/b] How could she make money off of this? It all depended on what she’d find inside. If the old boss was already dead, she’d probably just buzz off, since the Seekers were leaving soon anyway. Spider dashed inside and, to her surprise, saw the boss man holding his own. And to her delight, he immediately offered her money for violence. For a moment she thought she was going to have to extort it out of him with some sarcastic crap, but luckily the chef mafia knew exactly how things worked. [b][color=ec008c]”Let’s go, then!”[/color][/b] Juri widened her stance dramatically, a grin spreading across her face. One of her eyebrows raised, though, as she heard a familiar voice behind her. [b][color=ec008c]”Did you follow me all the way up here? Have a little schoolgirl crush, do ya?”[/color][/b] Juri asked with that usual faux-earnest sarcasm. At Nadia’s hesitance to join the fray, Spider just rolled her eyes. [b][color=ec008c]”So you’re allergic to fun [i]and[/i] money. Gotcha. Just stay outta my way, then.”[/color][/b] It’s like every time Nadia was offered a chance to prove her worth, she chose the worst option. No more wastin’ time. It was time to shed some blood and ash up the place. Juri was told to serve up some small fry, so she decided to clean up the chaff. There were eight goons left. Juri figured she could take ‘em out. She strafed to the side alarmingly fast and rattled into them with her tommy gun. She zigged, zagged, and then tossed the gun aside to get into the crowd. She popped one up with a light tap of her foot that let her charge up a sweeping projectile. She sent it forward to knock several of them off their feet with a sweeping ki strike. [b][color=ec008c]”Guess no one can get any help around here, huh?!”[/color][/b] Juri crowed. All she wanted to do was take them out, whether that meant crippling or killing them was of no concern to her. Inevitably she would have to turn her sights on Mabuchi, and she tried to keep the henchmen inbetween her and Mabuchi so he wouldn’t easily get the drop on her. If he decided to keep going after mafia boss, she’d interrupt her own massacre for a cheeky divekick to the spine.