The sight of gory destruction flowed into Barrusom's eyes, its brain processing the floating trail of death as a beckoning cosmic snack bell. Redirecting its path without a thought to where it had been going previously, the Ravager drove its claws through the continuum, gouging and slashing several more rifts open as it violently changed course on a racing path to feast. Considering It had not been far away to begin with, travel time was extremely minimal, the creature extending its siphon tongue with no regard for anything other than sucking up the mess Exeter created for him. Unbeknownst to Baurrsom as it chewed, crunched, and even created more bodies after being unsatisfied with the amount it was given, in its turning and small hopping motions to lap up the creatures like an anteater, the creature finally took notice of the effects its footprints had on space. Namely the way they explosively bent and expanded the rift, wherein a new portion of the Amalgam’s branches were coming through. Consequently, Disconception found its momentum disrupted several times, with the rootsystem itself actively directing its growth along a path of interception, having like Barrusom, been given a chance to suck on the blood of dead Corpas pack members, and deduced a strange cause of death via the odd alteration of their flesh. It wanted to understand this phenomenon and copy the properties onto its own logographic parchment, wherein the laws of its own cosmos would be swiftly updated once more. Several splinters erupted from impact, the blade inevitably causing less and less damage until was alas snared in place, and luckily for Exeter, she would have been able to feel the absence of destructive intent being imposed on the blade: rather, if she could read minds, or sense intent, it was curiosity that she would first pick up on. By the time the ursim finished eating, and the Corpas finished finding spots to hide, Barrusom had already taken off again. It was only a matter of moments before the pack reemerged, this time being markedly more careful not to remain too close by. Some of them acted on a different impulse, and instead went to go sniff the sword that had been caught up in the branches, eager to acquire a scent on the thing that randomly appeared to slaughter them. In the meantime, the Amalgam network only continued to expand in complexity, roots gradually extending to colossal branches, each apergetic explosion following Barrusom's path aiding in the endeavor of endless growth. Meanwhile, at least as it stood now, Exeter seemed to be the one causing the most death.