[h3] Dean and Anya [/h3] Dean wasn’t sure he was making the right decision. He was more than adamant about not bringing new people into the life, especially those as young and bright eyed as Anya. He didn’t like watching their life fade from their eyes, the more they saw, and the more they survived by the skin of their teeth. But he was also of the opinion that he would rather her be there, around hunters she could trust, that would do everything in their power to keep her safe, than alone. Judging by Anya’s insistence, she would go off and do it anyway, if she left. Anya glanced over at Dean, as he ate his pie and smiled softly as Lexi spoke up. The idea of training to be stronger, and a better fighter was exciting. She had never really worked out, outside of jogging, but she was willing to soak up anything they could teach her like a sponge, if she was going to become a hunter. It was then that she wished she could speak even more, because she wanted to butt in on the conversation, and make sure that they didn’t think they had to hover. Dean glanced over and could see the expression on her face, “Not tonight. Tonight, we’ll get you a room, let you get unpacked and settled in.” Anya nodded and pulled out her phone, hitting their comments beat by beat as she typed. “I would love to learn how to fight. And I am fine with tattoos. It won’t be my first…” She pressed play on the first message, playing it while looking up at Sam with a small smile and then typed the next one, “As for unpacking, I need to head back to the motel in town at some point and grab my bags. I have a few clothes in my backpack, but not much.” Dean smirked, nodding his head, “Hand your key over before you settle in and we can go grab your stuff in the morning. I’m sure me and Sam can come up with something for you to sleep in for the night, so you don’t have to sleep in jeans.” “Why are you being nice to me?” Anya’s phone suddenly spoke up, and Dean froze for a moment, looking down at the phone that was still clinched in both of Anya’s hands. “Because I thought about it, and I know for a fact that I would never let something like this slide. Revenge is a slippery slope, but I get it. You’re human and you seem like a good girl. I don’t want to see you get hurt…” Dean spoke honestly, turning his eyes away from Anya to look at Lexi. He smiled softly, truly conceding to the idea of keeping this girl safe. “We’ll play it as we go. You got Sam. I can tell.” “Thank you guys. I think I’m gonna like it here.” Anya typed, and then went back to picking at her food with an awkward smile. Dean just chuckled and picked up his plate, walking it over to the sink.