[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230204/4845b153b0aa5194f883010594dee61c.png[/img][h1]HOMECOMING[/h1][color=DCDCDC][b]MENTIONS:[/b][/color] [color=DCDCDC]...[/color][/center][hr] The skies were clear, crystal blue and the weather was fair as the young Neve crossed the border into Drana Asnaeu territory. The vast plains and rolling hills of Edren soon turned into an ever-growing forest of larger and larger trees. They had not grown to the majesty of the trees belonging to its largest towns and cities but they had begun to form a canopy that allowed little sunlight through. There was a thick, acrid stench that began to drift on the wind soon followed by clumps of dark smoke. There was something burning in the distance of what should have been the frontier village of Oren’s Wood. Corpses of diseased animals began to dot the area as Neve passed through and the trees had lost a large number of leaves. Buildings typical of Drana architecture slowly came into view as well as the source of the smoke. A large bonfire raged at what should have been the village center, a place where locals sold what small goods they produced. There was another, familiar stench that carried its way from the bonfire towards Neve. The smell of a Blight-beast. They were stacked on top of each other on the bonfire and its intense heat melted flesh from bone. There stood two figures near the bonfire amidst what had to have been a horrific battle. One wore silver armor adorned with black cloth that was typical of Knights in this kingdom. It was difficult to discern their appearance with their backs to her as she approached. The second had faded, white hair and her skin looked like it was covered in pale, gray ash. The robes she wore were clearly intended to be robust enough for travel and possibly combat. Her presence suggested she was a caster of some kind. Whoever they were, it almost seemed like they were bowing their heads in reverence. — There was still so much to do. That was the reason she left Drana Asnaeu, the reason she left Brightlam, the reason that she left Cascona Landing. She had always been told that she was different– [i]special[/i]– just because the wind and grass whispered to her from time to time. And just as Neve’s journey away from home had led her away from the bedlam of thick trees and the droning nags of the Grovemasters, they had called her back before she could even bring anything [i]hopeful[/i] back home. Frustration wasn’t even the beginning of what she felt. The emotion burned in her throat and formed a knot in her gullet. It scorched deep in her chest as her silver-feathered chocobo trotted along, his claws carefully picking over the dead underbrush. Clutched in Neve’s white-knuckled right fist was a damp, yellowed letter. Its ink had been tarnished by rain and other sorts of moisture. She couldn’t even recall the words scrawled upon the page. Every time her mind flicked back to the courier that had handed her the letter, she remembered that she had left Izayoi, Arton, Eliane, and Galahad without a single word. Were they okay? Could they be looking for her..? Between the tired trud of her exhausted chocobo and the thoughts that stormed in her mind, Neve hardly caught the scent of smoke. It was the bothered snort of her steed that snapped her back to reality, and that was when she realized that her throat and chest burned more than before. Spluttering, she raised her sleeve to her lips in an attempt to stifle the smoke from entering her lungs. Creatures, beings of the wood and plains, laid dead on the side of the road. Her chocobo wheezed in discomfort, most likely because of the sight and stench of gore. Neve smoothed down the feathers at the back of his neck before nudging her ankles into his sides and guiding him into a quicker trot. If she was right, there had to be a village around. They could rest there. She wasn’t wrong. As she stepped into the outskirts of the nameless village, the bright glow of a vicious bonfire filled her vision. Neve’s nose wrinkled with the foul stench of a Blightbeast’s burning flesh. Everything was far too quiet and still besides the fire’s starving, flaming tongues… and the strange figures that stood near the scorching corpses. Pulling on the reigns of her chocobo, Neve guided the beast to the side of the road before she slipped off the saddle and slowly approached the strange folk. Her hands smoothed down the wrinkles of her white-and-red cloak as she fought the nervous patter in her chest. [color=659EC7]“What… what has happened here?”[/color] The pointed ears of the woman twitched at the new sound [color=F5FFBF][b]“Damage control.”[/b][/color] The mature woman's voice was cold but carried a sadness tempered by a reverence for the dead. A staff not incredibly dissimilar to Neve's was secured on her slender back. Sparse armor plating covered vital areas around a well-made, well-worn robe. A soft sigh left her lips as she turned around to face the newcomer. Her eyes were a milky white which may have explained why she was looking at Neve but not making direct eye contact. The Knight turned around as well but did not speak. Silver fox ears poked out from his closed helmet and he looked at Neve with piercing orange eyes. [color=F5FFBF][b]“We came upon this village in the middle of an attack by the Blight. The few survivors were sent towards another settlement.”[/b][/color] The Faye woman spoke. [color=FF7B39][b]“What is your name, young one?”[/b][/color] The coarse voice came from the Knight who could see the influence of Draanu in her attire. The strange woman’s sudden and direct reply nearly made Neve leap out of her skin. Now that she noticed, there was a lilt to her voice, and her temperance reminded her of the many other apprentices that she spent time with in Brightlam. Her gaze darted from the pile of charred Blightbeasts and the rest of the village. Empty and void of any life other than theirs, the sheer silence of its wooden buildings made her the inner depths of her chest ache. At the very least there were some that had survived the onslaught, she told herself. Neve perked up at the armored man’s query. For a moment, she pondered whether or not to surrender her name to the pair, but seeing as they were culling Blightbeasts and saving villages, she figured that they were trustworthy enough. Nervously clearing her throat, she dipped her head towards them. [color=659EC7]“I am Neve Shadesbough,”[/color] she answered, curtsying in respect to the duo. [color=659EC7]“I was ordered by the Grovemasters themselves to return to Brightlam post-haste.”[/color] The brows of the woman seemed to lift up in recognition of her name and returned the curtsy while the armored knight bowed [color=F5FFBF][b]“I am Soriel and this is my companion, Avrael. It is by the will of the Grovemasters we have been sent to escort you to them.”[/b] [/color]A hint of relief accompanied her words. She appeared to be a decent amount older than Neve judging by her appearance and tone. Avrael’s ears twitched slightly at something seemingly in the distance [color=FF7B39][b]“My lady, we should not linger her any longer.”[/b][/color] Soriel nodded at her knight’s suggestion [color=F5FFBF][b]“Neve, if you would follow us we shall get you to Brightlam quickly and safely.”[/b][/color] There did not seem to be any others of their party as the conversation drew on. The two of them had been acting independently so they were surprised to receive an official request from the Grovemasters. So these were to be her guides. Neve nibbled on her bottom lip, interlocking her fingers in front of her hips and as she wrung them together. The Grovemasters were serious, then; they really wanted her to come back to Brightlam. A long-winded, shuddering sigh left her lips as her shoulders slouched and she glanced away from them. [color=659EC7]“Very well,”[/color] she said as she turned away and took a few steps toward her chocobo. She took his reigns into her hand and began to lead him back towards Avrael and Soriel. [color=659EC7]“Is Brightlam too far from here…?”[/color] Neve asked them, glancing between the two as she reapproached. [color=659EC7]“I’ve been traveling for quite a while, and my rations are running low. I don’t remember passing this village on the way to Edren…”[/color] [color=F5FFBF][b]“Avrael, retrieve our Chocobos please.”[/b][/color] [color=FF7B39][b]“Yes, my lady.”[/b][/color] Avrael addressed her with reverence before disappearing into the nearby woods around the village. Soriel retrieved her masterfully crafted staff from her back and held it in one hand off to her side. [color=F5FFBF][b]“We should make it there in two days at most if we face any obstacles.”[/b][/color] The older white mage took up position next to Neve as she guided them onto the road that would take them to their destination. [color=F5FFBF][b]“Speaking of Edren, what happened on your journey?”[/b][/color] She asked with a kind, soft tone. Soriel was less interested in gathering intelligence and moreso asking about her health. Avrael returned to the two waiting ladies with Chocobos with muted green feathers with a large number of saddlebags attached. He gave a simple nod of acknowledgement and handed the reins of one over to Soriel before taking the lead in the formation. Two days; it felt like such a long time, but in retrospect, it was not too much of a trek, especially on chocobo-back. Neve glanced back at where Avrael had disappeared into the wood before she motioned for her own steed to approach. The Edren chocobo sauntered over in a lazy gait, warking in what sounded like a complaint. She felt bad for the poor thing. They had been traveling over rough terrain for the better part of a day, if not more. It deserved rest, but for now, they had to keep on moving. Neve slid back onto the beast’s saddle, perking up at Soriel’s question. [color=659EC7]“Much,” [/color]she sighed, digging her heels into her chocobo’s sides and forcing it into a steady trot. [color=659EC7]“Valheim has attacked Edren, seeking the life of its king. Blightbeasts have attacked us on the road as we traveled to Midgar. I never thought they’d make it this far west.”[/color] The three of them made a good pace as they passed through once overgrown paths and hidden passages. Soreil’s head lowered at the mention of the incident in Edren. Was it their intent to weaken Edren’s position and power before they committed to an invasion of Dranu Asnaeu? Drana’s border with the occupied Osprey had become a virtual wasteland due to numerous Blightbeast incursions that drained more and more of the country’s strength. Soriel was unsure what they would be able to due once Valheim decided to invade in earnest [color=F5FFBF][b]“That is quite a lot to go through in such a short time. It concerns me to hear Valheim making their next move already, but it seems to be resolved for the time being. I thank Etro you were able to return safely.”[/b][/color] Soriel warmly spoke, her hands tightly wrapped around the reins of her Chocobo. Her mount seemed to mirror the movements of the one in front which suggested she had her full faith in Avrael’s navigation. A stench drifted through the air as they continued to make their way a form lying on the side of the road slowly came into view. Avrael raised his hand to motion them to stop before dismounting his Chocobo. With a sword drawn, his head scanned the environment as he approached the now identified Mystrel man. Avrael looked around thoroughly once more once he reached the body before turning back to them [color=FF7B39][b]“Clear.”[/b][/color] He spoke in clear, projected voice. Soriel’s [i]gaze[/i] didn’t budge from the corpse [color=F5FFBF][b]”There is something I’d like you to see before we move on.”[/b][/color] Soriel got off her Chocobo and stepped towards the body. Now that they had gotten close enough the presence of blight within became clear. The Mystrel’s veins had corrupted to a dark black and the flesh had adopted a similar color where he had sustained wounds. The frozen look of agony was enough to understand this was not a painless death [color=F5FFBF][b]“This is the fate that awaits us should the Blight overrun the continent.”[/b][/color] Neve followed wordlessly, nodding as Soriel’s speech reflected her thoughts. Her journey, although short, had been quite the ordeal. Valheim’s attempt on Leonhart’s life was nigh impossible to believe, and the Blightbeasts that prowled the shadows seemed to sprout from the innards of a child’s morbid bedtime story. The silence that permeated the forest as a foul odor permeated the wood; she felt her hackles rise as she felt something gnawing deep within her chest. She bit the inside of her cheek as she watched the male dismount his chocobo, the sound of steel breaking the silence as it was removed from its sheath. Neve’s body tensed as Soriel dismounted, which signaled her to do the same. The woman slid off the saddle of her steed as she approached the horrid sight. For a long moment, Neve was quiet. She clasped her palms together in front of her chest, bowing her head in a silent prayer to the Mystrel that had fallen victim to the Blight. [color=659EC7]“Etro… why must you allow your children to fall to this pestilence?”[/color] she whispered under her breath. [color=659EC7]“Please, I beg you… stop this madness.”[/color] She waited for a sign, any sign that their Mother was listening. But the forest was still, and the decay hung thick in the air like a veil of death. Neve sucked in a breath as she looked up at Soriel. [color=659EC7]“There must be something we can do. The Kirins will bring back the Light– they have to.”[/color] Soriel stood vigilant over Neve as she performed her silent prayer. The blight-stricken corpse was a sight she had seen too often in her battle against the monsters. This had been the reason for the pyre earlier. A portion of the villagers had shown signs of the same disease, nearly all with deep bite marks. When Neve broke her stance, Soriel figured that whatever prayer she had offered had been met with silence [color=F5FFBF]“For now, young Neve, we must carry the light within us.”[/color] The older Faye knelt down to the corpse and gently placed both her hands on a mangled arm. Bright, golden light emanated from her palms and the portion her hands were over erupted in a brilliant white flame. The flame moved along the areas afflicted by the Blight cleansing the dark markings as it went along. [color=F5FFBF][b]“It is by the nature of our roles as clerics that we draw upon the power of the light.”[/b][/color] She stood up slowly and turned to face Neve again. [color=F5FFBF][b]“Etro has not cast us aside, but for now has delivered a way for us to resist. I can show it to you, if you’d like.”[/b][/color] There was no way to cure someone who had been already infected with the Blight once it reached a critical point. What Soirel had performed was just a means to slow its progress and reverse it if the cleric was strong enough. [color=F5FFBF][b]“Azrael.”[/b][/color] One word was enough to convey her intentions to her retainer. Azrael, carrying a torch he ignited earlier, moved to his chocobo and retrieved a small jug. He stepped carefully over to the corpse, twisted the cap off, and slowly poured a dark liquid over the length of its body. He bent down and held the torch close to the head and the entire corpse ignited in a wild inferno. [color=FF7B39][b]“May you find your way into our mother’s arms once more and find peace.”[/b][/color] It was the Knight who spoke the prayer as the corruption burned away. Soriel gestured to their chocobos and began moving towards her own. [color=F5FFBF][b]“We should continue on our way. I do not wish to be in the grovemasters' service longer than needed.”[/b][/color] Neve watched the older Faye approach the body. Her lips open in protest, hoping to warn her in time before she touched the foul corpse. However, she froze in place once golden light sprouted from her fingers and flowed through the dark veins of the fallen, banishing the taint from the poor Mystrel’s flesh. The sight was akin to a miracle. She couldn’t bring herself to tear her eyes away. How? How could she have such magicks to purge the Blight from man’s very blood? Her eyes followed the strange woman, silent in her presence. Neve hardly realized that she had asked her retainer to set the corpse alight. It was only the voice of the knight that snapped her back to reality. The acrid stench of burning flesh made her wrinkle her nose, and she turned away from the searing corpse. She uttered another prayer under her breath, though she was not aware of the words that flowed from her lips as she spoke towards Soriel. [color=659EC7]“Please. Please teach me,”[/color] she murmured. [color=659EC7]“I cannot bear to… to see such things any longer.”[/color] Tears sprang forth from her eyes. Neve looked up towards Soriel, seeing that this woman, this… this sign from Mother, had already started to depart. [color=659EC7]“I can’t let this happen again.”[/color] Soriel’s pointed ears twitched and barely picked up Neve’s murmurs just as her hands gripped the regions of her chocobo. It had become such a common occurrence for the pair. The sight was hardly shocking and even the smell had lost its punch on her senses. A soft sigh left her lips as she turned back around to face Neve, warmth behind a weary face. [color=F5FFBF][b]“Very well, Neve Shadesbough. I, Soriel of the Wastes, shall teach you what I have learned through pain. May it help avert a tragedy of your own.”[/b][/color] A gentle hand came onto Neve’s shoulder from the senior cleric [color=F5FFBF][b]“You have come this far, but the road ahead is longer still. Do not lose heart. Now that you have requested to be my student, I will show you the next steps.”[/b][/color] It was at this moment that Avrael walked past the two having ensured the body’s immolation would not spread [color=FF7B39][b]“You would be wise to listen carefully. She doesn’t like to repeat herself.”[/b][/color] He spoke in a more casual tone and received a sideways glare from the Faye. Soriel had agreed to teach her. Her willingness surprised her. What she knew seemed difficult to learn– she wouldn’t be surprised if it was some sort of ancient magicks that had been hidden away, if it was that powerful. Neve wondered why the Grovemasters hadn’t told her about such a blessing. Could it be possible that they didn’t know about it? In the midst of her pondering, she felt something heavy lay upon her shoulder. She glanced up at Soriel, her ears perking at her voice, eager to drink in her words. If she was to be her mentor, then she would listen to whatever she had to say, even if her words sounded menial and unimportant. By Etro, she’d even listen to her about what she had for lunch the day prior, if that meant that she could garner some knowledge from it! [color=659EC7][b]”I’m already on it,”[/b][/color] Neve told Avarael, shooting him a smile as she approached her chocobo. She wiped the rest of her tears away using the long length of her sleeve before she pulled herself back upon his saddle. [color=659EC7][b]”Shall we get going? I believe we still have much of a ride to Brightlam.”[/b][/color]