[center] [h1]At sea…[/h1] [/center] Five days spent on the waves. Two more until they reached Costa del Sol, according to Bikke. For the most part, the voyage had been rather uneventful thus far. The seas had been calm, and they’d not encountered another ship in days. That was about to change. ”OI! On th’ horizon! Airship on our arses, capn’!” The lookout up in the crow’s nest set his spyglass aside, yelling down to the rest of the crew. [b]”What?!”[/b] Bikke roared from his position at the helm, craning his neck back to confirm that, indeed, there was an airship closing in at high speed on their position. [b]”Damn it! All hands, to stations! Those of ye not on guns, prepare fer boarders! Helmsman, hard to port, get us in position fer a barrage!”[/b] As the airship approached, its Valheimr colors became evident, and Izayoi frowned as she beheld it. [color=#736AFF][b]”They must have followed us from Kugane.”[/b][/color] She noted with a hiss, her hand falling down to crack an inch of steel from its sheathe. [color=#736AFF][b]”To arms, then!”[/b][/color] The airship slowed its approach just before entering vertical range of the pirates’ cannons, causing no small amount of consternation among the crew. Before Bikke’s battle plans could be redrawn, however, movement from the interceptor caught the attention of all on board. A glint of light shot out from the airship’s boarding ramp, arcing up into the sky before coming crashing down towards the [i]Scurvy Fishman[/i], several smaller flames following its arc. As the light began to descend, Izayoi widened her eyes in surprise, recognizing what was going on. How could she not, when she’d faced so many of them during the war? [color=#736AFF][b]”Incoming dragoon! Move!”[/b][/color] She cried out to everyone in range, already leaping to the side. The dragoon’s jump missed her by inches, and the apparent Edreni turncoat in question backflipped out of the way of Izayoi’s retaliatory strike, landing with an unnecessary twirl of his spear. His purple armor gleamed in the sunlight as he landed, tilting his helmeted head, face hidden behind a visor. [b]”Pity. I was hoping to avenge my fellows. Ah, well. You’re just a side benefit, anyway.”[/b] The flames following the dragoon revealed themselves as several armored Valheimr with large metal backpacks spewing flame, enabling some amount of limited flight and highly enhanced jumping capability. They brandished rifles bearing axe-bayonets as they landed, impaling and shooting several of the pirates after having taken them completely by surprise on their unorthodox approach. [b]”Godsdamnit, get off me ship, ye cunts!”[/b] Bikke snarled in frustration as he brandished a massive battleaxe, one of the Valheimr faux-dragoons nimbly boosting out of the way of his blows with their jump pack. For his part, the one legitimate dragoon among them regarded his compatriots with disgust, spewing orders with no small amount of derision. [b]”Alright, [i]squires[/i], time to prove if you’re worth the time I’ve been putting into you. Capture the dragon girl and don’t bother engaging the man wearing armor like mine, not even if he attacks you. Caradoc’s life is worth a hundred of yours’, and if any of you wretches somehow luck your way into killing him, I’ll make sure you die by inches. And try to stay out of our…attache’s way.”[/b] His orders given, the enemy dragoon turned towards Galahad, offering a respectful nod. [b]”Galahad. Forgive the trespass. You’ll understand one day.”[/b] His chance to say anything further was cut off as Izayoi engaged, just barely managing to bring his weapon up to deflect her opening blow. The two went back and forth for a few moments until he flipped away once more, landing nimbly atop the ship’s mast as he surveyed the battlefield. [b]”None of that, Limbtaker! I’ll deal with you in a moment. Just give me the chance to speak to an old friend-is that [i]Rudolf Shilage[/i]??”[/b] The purple-armored dragoon lifted his visor up to reveal a jovial, blonde-haired face ever so slightly younger than his Caradoc fellow. One which was recognizable to the two Edreni men he’d been addressing. [b]”You’re supposed to be dying of plague, according to Otto! What in the hells are you doing here?!”[/b] After a moment, he shrugged. [b]”Ah, well. Questions for later, if you survive.”[/b] He leapt up again, this time plunging down towards Rudolf, spearhead aimed for his heart. All the while, the remaining Valheimr continued to launch their assault on the ship’s crew and the Kirins, rifle-axes lashing out. Despite their commander’s disdain for them, their effectiveness approached those of legitimate Edreni dragon knights, swiftly moving through the air and striking with impunity thanks to their technological crutches. [color=#736AFF][b]”I will [i]enjoy[/i] hearing the explanation for this once his corpse riddles the bottom of the sea, Caradoc!”[/b][/color] Izayoi yelled in Galahad's direction as she narrowly sidestepped a rifle shot and started to close in on one of the Valheimr dragoons.