[b]SAM AND LEXI[/b] Sam knew what a big deal it was for Dean to agree to help Anya and let her in this life. He knew the weight it held and what sacrifices it meant to become a hunter, all three of them did. It felt a bigger deal knowing that bringing in someone new was almost a bigger risk since they relatively recently lost Mika to the life. He was convinced that Dean would be adamant Anya was not to be a hunter after they lost Mika permanently, so to see him agreeing was one hell of a step forward. He also agreed that tonight was to remain a relaxed night, and no sparring or training was to happen. He saw how elated Anya seemed to be at bringing accepted into the growing gang. He listened as Anya accepted Dean's terms, glad that she was fine about getting protected via the anti possession tattoo, which reminded him, he couldn't remember if Lexi had such protection or not. That was something he'd have to ask in the morning. Lexi watched the three of them discuss everything over and saw how excited Anya was. She did smile at the sight but she had to hope that Anya wouldn't lose that smile when time came to really bringing her the hard times. She really hoped Anya would be strong enough to cope or this could go completely wrong. Seeing the two of them being nice to Anya made Lexi feel rather proud of Dean for keeping to his promise of being civil with the girl. "If the boys don't have anything have, I no doubt will" she chimed in about the clothes before looking towards Dean as he looked at her after his little speech. Sam gave Dean and Lexi both a look of thanks at them being so open to all of this before gently taking Anya's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze to say 'told you he'd come around'. Seeing the two of them be so sweet, Lexi couldn't help but smile once more, giving them both a friendly wink and then got up from her seat. Picking up her plate, she took it to the sink where Dean was and gently nudged him with her hip onto his. "proud of you" she whispered to him with her smile still firmly on her lips. "So, shall we get a room set up for our young padawan?" She asked him with a light melodic chuckle, showing that she took had her little nerdy ways at times. She also just wanted to get Anya settled in so she could head to her own room to chill out. It had strangely been a long day and she was ready to kick her boots off and relax. Although she had a feeling she'd be thinking about Dean most of the time she stayed in her room alone. Whilst she was there, Sam couldn't help but watch his friend and brother at the sink, there was definitely something there between them, even he could see it and it made him smile. "Chances of them not staying in their own rooms all night?" He whispered to Anya with an amused smirk.