All that the Knight-Captain could manage was mute shock, as Sir Fionn directly engaged Duke Thedric in his madness. And indeed, it had to be madness. While it seemed like some kind of parody, almost a theatrical performance, for what reason would a man like the Duke possibly keep this performance up for so long even when investigated by both clergy and magi? Without a single crack showing? It didn't make sense. But what could cause such a childish and incoherent form of madness? It didn't feel like anything natural, but it couldn't be a performance, so what--- "Lady Gertrude? It is magic, then?" But not the sort used by a priest, nor most magi. Fanilly let out a heavy sigh. While it wasn't what they were looking for, at the same time they couldn't simply allow the Duke to continue in this witless state. As the Knight-Captain, she couldn't turn away, even if she hadn't the faintest idea of where to begin. She had no deep knowledge of magic, but Gertrude had mentioned that it could be the work of something fey or demonic. How did they begin looking for such a thing? She had to help. There was no way she turned away and did nothing. But where did she even start? "Raisins?!" The Duke let out a gasp of shock. "I can't abide such treachery! This must be the work of the King of Ducks!" He thrust his fist into the air, then pointed forcefully towards Sir Aglan. "Horse, bring me my knight!" The Knight sighed heavily. "In a moment, your grace..." But then, another voice spoke. "I couldn't help but overhear. You say it was likely fey, or demonic?" The source of the voice was a handsome, or perhaps beautiful man with dark purple and black robes and long, straight purple hair. Fanilly recognized him swiftly as the King's court mage. She heard he'd been sent to attempt to resolve the Duke's situation, but hadn't expected to meet him so quickly. "I suspected as much, but such things are difficult to determine in these situations," he commented as he approached Gertrude. After a moment he seemed to realize not everyone here had met him before and bowed his head. "Arken Heartwood, Court Mage to his Highness the King." He swiftly straightened. "I must commend your new mage, Knight-Captain, it's not a common skillset that can determine the origins of such subtle and strange magic. But I wonder... did you feel it? There's something missing from him, as well, though I struggle to be certain of what." Something missing? Fanilly wondered just what that could be. It had to be the reason the Duke had lost his mind. "Mmm, I should have predicted the King of Ducks' treachery, after what the Moonlit Queen told me during the party!" declared the Duke, "She was an unexpected guest, after all, so it must have been important." ---The Moonlit Queen, during the party? It could just be the madness speaking, but it seemed like a direct reference to something that actually occurred in reality. "You said you met a Moonlit Queen, Duke Thedric?" Fanilly found herself asking, stepping forward. "Of course! I hadn't seen her in many years, but there she was! She spoke of many things, many things indeed!" It was still tinged with a manic intensity, but at the same time the party had occurred in reality. Did that mean, possibly---? "Can you tell us more about the Moonlit Queen?" This time it was Arken Heartwood who spoke. A look of confusion crossed Duke Thedric's features. "Surely you all know of her! But anyway, she was quite pleased I still remembered her after all this time! And after that, she told me all about the Rhombus Company and their evil plot!" It wasn't just her, was it? Obviously the 'Rhombus Company' was a figment of Duke Thedric's maddened imagination. But something about the way he spoke of this Moonlit Queen---