[center][h2][color=#008b8b]Fionn MacKerracher[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Progress, for sure; dealing with a man in a state like Thedric's meant that finding any leads in his words was likely to be a difficult task no matter what, and Fionn agreed with Fanilly and Heartwood's speculation that this may well be one. The risk remained that it was just another figment of his imagination, but rather than ranting about ducks, desserts, and diamonds and their various rulers, having a name as positively myth-like as 'the Moonlit Queen' made it seem like something outside the rest of the act. The worst that could come of it would be to find out the duke meant some mannequin or stand he'd seen under a window that same night. Regarding something of the duke himself being [i]missing,[/i] with all of this...to say that Fionn was starting to have certain suspicions brewing in his mind would be an understatement. Hopefully Gertrude [i]could[/i] summon Fiadh in after all. [color=#008b8b]"Ah, your highness, I don't think most of my agents are so familiar with such high society as of yet,"[/color] he said, attempting to placate the madman's momentary confusion, sliding back into his role as Thedric's loyal spy—[i]pie[/i] master. [color=#008b8b]"Do you think you could gain us an audience with the Moonlit Queen? Surely, dropping in as such a surprise, she can't live too far away."[/color]