Another secret she knew, but had forgotten in the heat of the moment, was the interaction between dark matter and negative-mass objects. Namely, an alchemy that could and did aerosolize her sword. The colossus that was Barrusom then turned to face her, and her eyes widened. "Oh. Well damn." She wouldn't disregard that dark matter's properties further. But she wouldn't disregard her sword, either, not even in its current state as a gas. She promptly dispersed the dark matter surrounding and penetrating the sword's molecules, making way for lifting Disconception off Barrusom's fur. She coalesced it into a basketball-sized sphere, and although it wouldn't stick together anymore as it had before due to its reversed gravity, she could still move it as one pseudo-solid object far away from Barrusom. That pesky negative-mass feedback loop also allowed it to accelerate fast enough that as it hurtled towards the forgotten snack of a planet, Barrusom's backwards movement wouldn't catch up to it. She guessed that he was making large waves, using the inertia loss in his arms to gauge how powerful they could be. Swing after swing, and then swipe after swipe -- spangling stars giving way to [color=ffc1c4]red[/color] and white like his puke from before. [i]So that must've been his breakfast.[/i] She couldn't help but be impressed that a creature like him managed to make such a clever attack as this. With the acid waves heading her way, she decided to do another experiment. Activating her anklets for extra speed, she started skating far off to the side outside the reach of the waves; A safe evasive curve while using her telekinesis to attempt to swerve this acid in the other direction. Surely, despite its extra-versal origins, she should be able to manipulate it like any matter -- but she preferred not to put all her eggs in one basket, especially after failures like her time-machinegun setup. The skating, she expected to put her well out of harm's way; Whether or not she could manipulate this acid would not impact her chances at surviving it, which currently looked to be 100%. While her experiment went underway and the waves were passing her by, she got a strange feeling like something was looking over her shoulder... no, looking over [i]the universe's[/i] shoulder, encompassing it. Observing. Maybe it, too, was watching an experiment of its own. Now she had the shivers of [b]existential dread[/b], a feeling she as a Lumanar didn't know she could have. Adding onto that dread was the spreading rend in space, a domino effect that translated Barrusom's clever attack into a deadly plague hellbent on unraveling the universe. Something of this scale and [color=ffaa99]urgency[/color] no doubt would send many priests and priestesses of spacetime into prayer to reinforce every corner, nook, and cranny of the galaxy against this threat and to contain the breach. That left Exeter to stop him from nullifying those efforts with further space-breaking. The nets were too small to do anything. Her sword was a stress ball of fluid. She had five nova grenades. Firecrackers -- against [i]Barrusom's[/i] skin. [color=ff5656]She had an option[/color], if it came down to it.