Caleb gave a quick salute to the captain as he got off the man's ship, and back onto solid land. The first thing he did was a few stretching movements that made his joints pop a little, and more audibly shifted his armor. He then looked towards the wharf proper, and first heard, then saw, the massive crowd and grimaced slightly. The roar of the crowd was overwhelming to him, as he practically fought his way forward. He just wanted to get off this dock as quickly as he could, and away from all the constant noise. He couldn't hear the footsteps of people around him over the noise, which made him nervous and a little paranoid. He did his best to shake it off for now, but his mind kept drawing forward the notion that someone was going to try to take his gear, which made him rest his hand on the pommel of his sword to make sure it was still on his belt. He entered the rough queue, not pushing his way forward, but keeping other people from pushing past him, by either refusing to be moved, or a swift but relatively light 'accidental' strike of his elbow. Eventually, as the line moved, he was able to eventually speak with one of the notaries. [b]"Name?"[/b] [b][color=fff79a]"Caleb Derrius Evermoore III."[/color][/b] [b]"Business or pleasure?"[/b] [b][color=fff79a]"Business."[/color][/b] [b]"Anything you'd like to declare?"[/b] [b][color=fff79a]"My armor, my sword, my shield, and my boot knife."[/color][/b] The notary looked up for a moment, surprised for a moment when they saw the man in full plate, before returning to their paperwork. It was safe to assume that he couldn't fit much between the armor and the arming doublet, and having him take it off would be more trouble than it's worth. Before they could say anything else, Caleb handed his pack to one of the customs agents for inspection, and produced his boot knife to prove it was on his person. He'd been processed before, and knew what he needed to do in order to speed things along a little bit. [b]"Next!"[/b] [i][color=fff79a]That wasn't so bad[/color][/i], he thought to himself as he started to move away from the throng. He was lying to himself, he absolutely hated that, but at the very least his compliance managed to speed things along a little bit. [i][color=fff79a]It's probably for the best that I stick around these folks for now. They seem like the kind of miscreants that might at least be able to have my back in a pinch.[/color][/i] He then moved to meet up with the rest of the group he had arrived with, sighing in relief as he was able to make out the footsteps of the people around him again, and finally relaxing a little.