[h2]Tyaethe[/h2] Not quite gone to the stables [i]yet[/i], the vampire came sliding back in at alarming velocity—not too fast to follow, not any more, but still demonstrating a frightening turn of speed. To, apparently, perch perilously on a purloined chair and hold the duke's chin in her hand, gazing straight ahead as if she was trying to peer into his soul. Which she [i]probably[/i] wasn't. "Well, that—oh-ho, a staring contest, is it? Very well, I have been preparing all my life for this against the local cats!" At least the duke seemed to be taking this in stride. If he had practised against cats, it might even stand him in good stead, Tyaethe's gaze was about as consistent. Only after the duke was finally forced to concede to the unblinking stare did she kick back and sit in the chair, looking grumpy. "[i]Not[/i] actually the moon, and definitely not Mayon. Something felt… less? I'm a priest; not a wizard. "An audience [i]would[/i] be nice…" Would vampire puppy dog eyes work? At least, without actually being a puppy. It might help Fionn's plea.