[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231021/c8de3d4938a7934e3807d1d1d63ce88c.png[/img][color=B2FFC4][b]Mentions:[/b][/color][/center][hr] Ciradyl had been merrily humming a tune as she diced some vegetables on a wooden cutting board. She had taken up helping the head cook with meal preparation in order to brush off the rust of her own skills. It had been an rather enjoyable experience and the crew seemed to light up each time Ciradyl was there to serve them their meals. Once served, she would often perform some musical accompaniment to overwhelming applause. It was bitterly sweet taste of what her life might have been had Osprey not been ravaged by war. This was soon cut short by the commotion and voices been raised above deck. The Faye tore through the lower hallways nimbly maneuvering around scrambling pirates as she hurried for her quarters. Several hard thuds came from above just as she reached her room. Her keen hearing could just about make out what was being said. The door was flung open hitting a wooden stool as her eyes quickly searched for her armor. She scrambled to slide the leather chest-piece over the white blouse she had been wearing. Ciradyl had just gotten her bow and quiver slung over her shoulder when the ethereally melody flooded her ears. Her eyes flicked to Heaven's Chorus and wasted not another second grabbing it, rushing out of her quarters. There was something sinister, deeply unsettling about the notes that made her nauseous. Ciradyl emerged on the top deck holding the violin and bow. Immediately she flinched as the strange song grew louder in her head. She couldn't take anytime to take stock of the chaotic battle unfolding around her and immediately readied her bow on the strings of her violin. After a deep breath, she drew the bow across the bow across Heaven's Chorus and after the brief prelude began to [url=https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=z56Gj7r-wvU&si=MPxnUVrzQ_PHGlYW]sing[/url]. [color=B2FFC4][i]You are an ocean of waves Weaving a dream Like thoughts become a river stream Yet may the tide ever change Flowing like time To the path, yours to climb[/i][/color] A faint, rainbow-like glow emitted from the Faye as she focused all of her energy into the performance. What normally would have granted a boon to her allies on the ship served instead to rid them of the malicious shackles on their mind. The two aether-projected melodies collied in a discordant symphony as each fought to rise above the other. Ciradyl could feel a fierce push-back from whoever, or whatever, was performing against her and it took all of her concentration not to break her trance-like state. There was little else she could do so she entrusted her protection her allies. [i]Drown it out. Focus.[/i] [i]Do not miss a step. Concentrate.[/i] Every now she caught a glimpse of Izayoi, Galahad, or Eve moving in for a strike or dodging one. Wait. Where was he? Every time that she had came out onto the top deck she could see Rudolf sitting in his normal, isolated spot. The prismatic glow around her flickered as she wondered where he had charged off to before becoming stable once more. No time. Team Kirin couldn't afford to be hampered by whatever foul curse this sinister melody brought forth.