[h3] Dean [/h3] Dean washed his plate and fork, his brain mulling over all of the ways that this whole agreement could go south. But he had to think of it as a potential investment, and saving this girl. She had the potential to be reckless and dangerous, if given the right weapons and without the right restraint. He placed his plate into the strainer next to the large sink and wiped his hands, just as Lexi walked up beside him and nudged him with her hip. Dean chuckled but tilted his head with his eyebrows raised when she said she as proud of him. “Oh really…” He quipped, turning to stare down at her for a moment, a dopey smile on his own face. Her next words brought him back out of her eyes and he laughed, tempted to grab her and spin her around or something with the way his chest felt. He snarled his nose at the internal thoughts and did a final wipe of his hands on his pants, before nodding. “Yeah. We should probably get her settled in. She can…as much as it grosses me out to say this…borrow one of Sam’s shirt. I mean, she’s a tiny thing. His gargantuan shirts would fit her like a night gown.” Dean laughed, reaching an arm out to nudge her in the direction of the door, trying his best to make as little contact as possible, as if he could hide his feelings from Sam and Anya. The odds of him being able to stay in his room, down the hall from Lexi…when she was right…there… Well, he wouldn’t bet on that happening, if he was a betting man. [h3] Anya [/h3] Anya watched Lexi and Dean at the sink, a smile planted firmly on her lips as they flirted. She chose not to take her own plate over, until she knew they were leaving the kitchen. They deserved to have their moment, as brief as it was. When Sam whispered to her what she was already thinking, Anya laughed silently, pulling her phone from the table and typing a message. She didn’t press play, simply nudging Sam’s elbow to let him read it on the screen, so that Lexi and Dean wouldn’t overhear. “No chance. We could almost start counting down…right now.” Anya thought about the statement for a moment, smiling up at Sam with a twinkle in her bright blue eyes. She then looked down and her friendly smile turned into a mischievous smirk. She typed another message and turned the phone back to him with a brighter smile, the mischief still settled behind her eyes. “I just heard Dean talking about how big your tshirts would look on me. I would say they are making the same bet about us. Will [I]you[/I] be able to control yourself tonight, Mr. Winchester?”