[b]MIKA[/b] Mika missed most of the yelling from Anna as she came down the stairs, and it was probably a good thing as she would instantly want to go into mother mode and go down to the basement even though she couldn't go near enough the panic room without hurting for some reason, still unknown to her. She told herself for years she was allergic to the iron like how some people were allergic to silver or gold plating on costume jewelry. It was the only thing that made sense to her without her going insane trying to find any other non natural reasons for it. As her bare feet touched the hard floor on the main floor, she walked through the hallway, smiling as Dean called out to her even before she made it into his full eyesight. Proof he really has learned every little thing about her, even down to what her footsteps sounded like on the old floorboards. As she met him at the doorway, she gladly took the mug of coffee, the smell of the dark liquid being a welcome fragrance to her after a good sleep. “Hey” she just managed to get out before he leaned in and kissed her, making her return said kiss just as deeply before pulling away just enough to take that first sip of much needed coffee. “So who's up? Other than Bobby” she asked him, having heard Bobby's voice on the phone as she came down the stairs. The temptation to just loop her fingers through one of his belt loops on his jeans, but she decided against it, at least for the time being. She never tired of seeing him shirtless, it always reminded her how lucky she was to have him, but it also made it very difficult to keep her hands off of him. [b]NATALIA[/b] Nat couldn't get the smile off her lips and out of her eyes when she saw him smile back at her. Him saying ‘good morning’ to her did make her lightly chuckle slightly, “think it's way past morning” she pointed out as he scooter closer to her, letting him tangle his legs up in hers so they could be closer together. Feeling his nose brush against hers, she closed her eyes and smiled at the sweet touch. The actions confirmed to her that she didn't dream of him admitting he loved her and that it really happened. He was here, being loving on her and making her feel loved. It felt like a moment of bliss in their chaotic and dark lives. She kept her eyes on him when he spoke up, explaining that she did in fact sleep well, confirming how she felt. “Sore and achy, but mentally refreshed. Well, as refreshed as one can be in this life.” she smiled, telling him the full truth as she never wanted to lie to him. As she spoke, her eyes glanced down to check on his wounds that she saw hours earlier and saw they were healed, only a thin scar visible. Running her fingers over where the wounds once were, she felt relieved he had finally managed to heal up before looking back up at his face as he spoke once more. “I was stirring anyway, but I appreciate the calm wake up compared to how I could have been woken.” She smiled, lifting her hand and placing it on his cheek. “it's a much better wake up call than those idiots waking me.” She softly chuckled, now hearing Dean and Duke's voices from the other room, as well as Bobby's voice seemingly on a phone. “at least they sound much calmer and happier” she remarked. Then he said he had to do something, but would be right back and she gave a nod. “okay” she replied, letting him go. She figured it would be to check on Anna so she wasn't worried in the slightest, just sighed happily and brushed her hand through her hair, resting it above her head. She never knew she could feel this way and if she was the corny type, she'd have sworn she was on Cloud 9 as all the chick flicks would say, as shw looked up at the ceiling. As soon as she was left alone, she felt him land on the bed again, turning her head back to look at him as he tangled himself back into her again. She chuckled at his remarks and calling himself a pet demon. “figured as much” she replied, wrapping her arm over him to pull herself closer to him. She really didn't want to leave the room, enjoying their moment together alone and without spying eyes on them both. “But you're more than a pet demon. Even if it's just me that thinks so.” She smiled. [b]SAM[/b] Seeing the fear and tears in Anna's eyes, he had that silent confirmation that she did indeed have a horrible hallucination and it no doubt involved him in some way. He let her climb onto his lap, holding her securely to him, as she took in whatever she could to ground herself into reality. He just wanted her to get through this first round of detox. “I'm here…” he repeated softly, keeping her safe in his arms and against him. When the bang on the door happened, he looked up towards it, feeling Anna flinch at the sound. He looked down at Anna and gave a nod to say that yes, he heard Cason's voice as well and it was still reality. He listened to the words aimed at him, instantly being able to guess what Cason was implying he had forgotten Anna. Glancing down at Anna, he carefully moved her off of his lap, “I'm just going to the door, I won't leave your sight” he told her, standing up straight, dusting himself off and walking to the door. He had no idea if Cason was still outside the door or not, but he opened it up. If he was there, he would have asked how Nat was holding up, but with the door now open he saw Cason had already scarpered. Sighing, he looked down and saw the bottle on the floor. Bending down he picked it up and pulled the door shut once more, more for their privacy than for anything else and then walked back over to Anna. He showed her the bottle, deciding that he would leave it to Anna's choice on what she wanted to do with it. “he left you another vial of his blood….” He simply told her as he got closer and sat down next to her. “I don't wanna force you to drink it, but I also don't want to beg you not to. This is your decision to make and yours only.” He explained calmly, he just wanted her to have some control in what she did with her own self and body.