Nngh, this song--- The moment Robin had set foot on deck, she could feel it. It wasn't a direct attack on her, not really. It didn't hurt. She could still move normally. But something was working its way into her mind, somehow. Enough to make everything seem just that bit more off--- No. Her fingers wrapped around the hilt of her blade as she smoothly drew it. Certainly she was going to have to compensate for this twisted song, though it seemed as if it was lightning a little. Ciradyl had joined the fight, and begun to weave a song in a bid to counter it. Either way--- If she wanted to be a hero, Robin couldn't allow something like this song to hold her back. Robin took one set forward, raising her spada as she leaned forward. She'd push her way through it and ensure her blade reached her targets. She'd defend this boat an everyone on it. That traitorous dragoon, the valheimr utilizing their strange jump-packs, all of it wasn't going to be out of the reach of the edge of her blade. Robin inhaled, deeply, sucking in air and forcing herself to focus. She couldn't completely shut it out even now, but she could push as much of the song's influence into the back of her mind as possible. Light flowed up the edge of her spada--- Robin moved. She caught one of the Valheimr as he landed, plunging her blade cleanly through his neck and then stepping back as a bullet whizzed past her. The trail of crimson disappeared in a flash as the lights gleamed brilliantly on her sword's edge. She knew the real Dragoon had just targeted Rudolf, but she was plenty confident he'd evade. So she'd thin some of their numbers and then go to his assistance as quickly as possible! Another bullet. She'd seen where the fake dragoon was aiming, ducked to the side. It was closer then it should have been, though. The song was definitely still afflicting her, even if she was able to fight through it. Robin lunged forward, her blade flashing only to be met with steel. He'd managed to block. That wasn't right, either. She should have been faster. But that didn't matter, she just had to get past him! Robin stepped back and disengaged, the lights along her spada growing brighter still. She could break the axe with a solid strike and her light materia. Even if he blocked--- Robin went for a low thrust. But something somewhat unexpected happened. Rather then being blocked, or piercing his body, her strike missed by centimeters as the Valheimr twisted his body and prepared to ascend. But it did catch, and pierce, the pack on his back. The effects were obvious almost immediately. As the Valheimr attempted to ascend, he instead went careening into the air with a terrifed scream, trailing smoke and flames and nearly crashing into one of his fellows as he hurtled far higher then intended. And then, with one last scream, he was engulfed in flames as the sound of a violent explosion tore its way through the sea air. "... Everyone! Go for their packs!" she called. Not only was it a weak spot, but they could probably disrupt their assault like this! And now she could--- "Rudolf?!" Robin was completely stunned by the sight of her fellow Edrenian catapulting over the edge of the boat. What happened?!