[right][sup][color=darkgray]Timestamp: Saturday, 5:45pm Location: Yani’s van, the route to the school [color=#04ac43]Kisho[/color], [color=#ac046d]Yani[/color], and [color=#15d44c]Leila[/color] [@Aces Away] and [@Fabricant451][/color][/sup][/right] [center][b][color=#04AC43]_[/color][color=#08A744]_[/color][color=#0DA245]_[/color][color=#129D46]_[/color][color=#179847]_[/color][color=#1C9349]_[/color][color=#218E4A]_[/color][color=#26894B]_[/color][color=#2B844C]_[/color][color=#307F4E]_[/color][color=#357A4F]_[/color][color=#3A7550]_[/color][color=#3F7051]_[/color][color=#446B53]_[/color][color=#496654]_[/color][color=#4E6155]_[/color][color=#535C56]_[/color][color=#575857]_[/color][color=#5C5359]_[/color][color=#614E5A]_[/color][color=#66495B]_[/color][color=#6B445C]_[/color][color=#703F5E]_[/color][color=#753A5F]_[/color][color=#7A3560]_[/color][color=#7F3061]_[/color][color=#842B63]_[/color][color=#892664]_[/color][color=#8E2165]_[/color][color=#931C66]_[/color][color=#981768]_[/color][color=#9D1269]_[/color][color=#A20D6A]_[/color][color=#A7086B]_[/color][color=#AB046C]_[/color][color=#A70A6C]_[/color][color=#A3106B]_[/color][color=#9E166A]_[/color][color=#9A1C69]_[/color][color=#952268]_[/color][color=#912867]_[/color][color=#8C2E66]_[/color][color=#883465]_[/color][color=#843B64]_[/color][color=#7F4163]_[/color][color=#7B4762]_[/color][color=#764D61]_[/color][color=#725360]_[/color][color=#6D595F]_[/color][color=#695F5E]_[/color][color=#64655D]_[/color][color=#606C5C]_[/color][color=#5C725B]_[/color][color=#57785A]_[/color][color=#537E59]_[/color][color=#4E8458]_[/color][color=#4A8A57]_[/color][color=#459056]_[/color][color=#419655]_[/color][color=#3C9C54]_[/color][color=#38A353]_[/color][color=#34A952]_[/color][color=#2FAF51]_[/color][color=#2BB550]_[/color][color=#26BB4F]_[/color][color=#22C14E]_[/color][color=#1DC74D]_[/color][color=#19CD4C]_[/color][/b] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/6b143ea7-287b-47c3-92db-b9b1596f0e81.png[/img] [b][color=#04AC43]_[/color][color=#08A744]_[/color][color=#0DA245]_[/color][color=#129D46]_[/color][color=#179847]_[/color][color=#1C9349]_[/color][color=#218E4A]_[/color][color=#26894B]_[/color][color=#2B844C]_[/color][color=#307F4E]_[/color][color=#357A4F]_[/color][color=#3A7550]_[/color][color=#3F7051]_[/color][color=#446B53]_[/color][color=#496654]_[/color][color=#4E6155]_[/color][color=#535C56]_[/color][color=#575857]_[/color][color=#5C5359]_[/color][color=#614E5A]_[/color][color=#66495B]_[/color][color=#6B445C]_[/color][color=#703F5E]_[/color][color=#753A5F]_[/color][color=#7A3560]_[/color][color=#7F3061]_[/color][color=#842B63]_[/color][color=#892664]_[/color][color=#8E2165]_[/color][color=#931C66]_[/color][color=#981768]_[/color][color=#9D1269]_[/color][color=#A20D6A]_[/color][color=#A7086B]_[/color][color=#AB046C]_[/color][color=#A70A6C]_[/color][color=#A3106B]_[/color][color=#9E166A]_[/color][color=#9A1C69]_[/color][color=#952268]_[/color][color=#912867]_[/color][color=#8C2E66]_[/color][color=#883465]_[/color][color=#843B64]_[/color][color=#7F4163]_[/color][color=#7B4762]_[/color][color=#764D61]_[/color][color=#725360]_[/color][color=#6D595F]_[/color][color=#695F5E]_[/color][color=#64655D]_[/color][color=#606C5C]_[/color][color=#5C725B]_[/color][color=#57785A]_[/color][color=#537E59]_[/color][color=#4E8458]_[/color][color=#4A8A57]_[/color][color=#459056]_[/color][color=#419655]_[/color][color=#3C9C54]_[/color][color=#38A353]_[/color][color=#34A952]_[/color][color=#2FAF51]_[/color][color=#2BB550]_[/color][color=#26BB4F]_[/color][color=#22C14E]_[/color][color=#1DC74D]_[/color][color=#19CD4C]_[/color][/b][/center] [indent][indent][color=lightgray]With one of their latest beats testing the limits of their subwoofers, Yani drove towards the address Leila had texted them after they parted ways yesterday afternoon, all but bouncing excitedly in their seat the closer they got. They were trying not to vibrate out of their [url=https://scontent-ord5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/451451761_1016298977172108_217672091078285619_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=833d8c&_nc_ohc=pl6IzS8BcUoQ7kNvgFz6QwU&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2.xx&_nc_gid=AdbPCi1eN3sb-XfF0LEfLnt&oh=00_AYDvD_0dxvFELyZN2Kf4ekioMgUNSLibflPU9qAJJHn-sw&oe=66FA9519]bright red suit[/url] with the excitement of going to pick up the beauty that was Leila Webb, but they couldn’t help the constant excited movements. When they got closer to their destination, a hand that was not theirs reached out and turned the volume down to a level acceptable for driving through a neighborhood. [color=#04ac43]“I can’t believe you got a date and still made us carpool,”[/color] Their brother spoke up, speech less formal in the privacy of the van. [color=#04ac43]“Are you sure it’s not going to upset her?”[/color] [color=#ac046d]“Why would we drive to the same place from the same place?”[/color] Yani asked incredulously, seeing no difference from when they would drive into school together. Not to mention, the way their brother reacted when his car’s infotainment system lit up with a message from Theo of all people on their way home from the game last night, Yani wasn’t sure they could let their brother behind the wheel again so soon. When Yani should have been up all night thinking about their kiss with Leila, instead it was the absolute disregard Kisho gave to everything else as he lunged to disconnect his phone from the screen before it could read whatever Theo had sent him that had kept Yani awake, wondering just what the hell was going on between those two. They’d all known each other for years, but Kisho and Theo’s relationship has been weird ever since highschool and Kisho refuses to talk about the red headed boy at all when Yani tries to ask. Even Wakiya’s more subtle attempts were evaded, and this morning Kisho had gone as far as to snap at his step-sister to mind her own business before immediately apologizing and disappearing into his room. Yani was worried for their brother.[color=#ac046d]“Why would she be upset? You’re my brother, not a surprise date!”[/color] Kisho scowled at his sibling. In truth, he’d been planning on showing up to the dance a bit later than most and hoped that would let him avoid his friends just a bit longer. Avoiding most of the actual event but getting there with time to spare to head out with Ethan and whoever else was making the journey to the vineyard seemed like the best course. He’d spent the morning throwing up in his bathroom over the thought of betraying Benji on Theo’s orders, of saying something as heinous as the other dark haired boy [i]drugging[/i] Theo’s drink. He had been planning on talking to Benji at the dance and nudging him towards a conversation with Yani, because if anyone understood imprisoned parents on account of white collar fraud, it was his sibling. Instead he was planning to avoid not just him, but all his friends as much as possible. If no one tries to talk about last night, Kisho won’t be asked anything. He won’t have to say anything. Dammit, he [i]can’t[/i] say anything. He was loyal to a fault to all the Elite aside from Theo and Alvaro, and even thinking about the position he was currently in from a single text from his tormentor felt like he was being torn apart. He was already wilting under the stress. So yeah, he had planned avoidance above all else until he had a chance to breathe and process and properly freak out over what the hell he was supposed to do. But no, Yani had routines, and driving to the school together was one of them, regardless of any detours or who was driving, or if it was even [i]for school[/i]. As Yani pulled up to the house and hopped out to go knock on the door and collect Leila, Kisho made his way out of the passenger seat and into the back of the van, hanging up his [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/dee9f26a-e573-4977-8cbe-4a1ee18b2192.jpg]paisley designed suit jacket[/url] before lounging on the bed in his dress shirt. He grabbed whatever book he’d left next to the nearest speaker from the last time he’d been stuck in the van for a while, hopeful and ready to disappear while Yani fawned over their new girlfriend on the way to the dance. He could tell his sibling was concerned, last night he was almost a second too late in disconnecting his phone from his car and it could have been all over right then and there. Yani would know Theo had him under his thumb and would want to know why, and then they would have found out how weak Kisho was. Yani would never understand the lengths he would go to to keep Theo's blackmail on him a secret, because they were comfortable and openly them and everyone loved them too much to disparage them even if given a reason. This night was going to suck. Yani made their way up the driveway and knocked on the door at a respectful level before taking a step back while smoothing out their suit sleeves and trying not to bounce on their toes. They’d texted Leila when they were on the way with an ETA, so the girl would likely be at the door quickly. They hummed excitedly. This night was going to rock! Leila still couldn’t believe her luck. When she got home the previous day the first thing she did was splash water on her face to make sure it wasn’t some incredibly vivid dream and then her mother asked why she was splashing water everywhere and Leila’s response was somewhere between a squee and a tea kettle. That night, while sleeping as restlessly as a little child on Christmas Eve, Leila kept thinking back to the van. To the kiss. To Yani. Leila was someone’s [i]girlfriend[/i] and it was someone cool, beautiful, musical, and…perfect. Her mother, in all her dry witted cynical snark, said this was the ‘honeymoon phase’ but Leila paid her no mind because after the honeymoon came the rest of a couple’s life. The Saturday before being picked up saw Leila scrambling to get ready. She woke up at noon in a panic, managed a very light brunch, and then took an uber to a salon for an emergency straightening of her hair. It wasn’t until there was barely twenty minutes left before Yani’s arrival that Leila had a moment of peace - and it came with looking at herself in a mirror. At the start of the year, Leila wasn’t even sure she was going to go to Homecoming - they never even played good music at school dances - but now…they could’ve played the chicken dance for three hours and Leila would only hear Yani’s voice. Her mom, realizing that prom photos were more valuable, still managed to take a few pictures of her daughter in her more [url=https://i.imgur.com/DKp8X40.jpeg]culturally traditional[/url] Homecoming [url=https://i.imgur.com/BDjEJnZ.jpeg]outfit[/url] that by the time the the knock came at the door, Leila was already told just to be back before the sun came up. Opening the door, Leila was ninety percent smiles. Yani was there, this was real, they were going to the dance together, and this was likely going to be the greatest night of her life. [color=#15d44c]“You look…” [/color]Somehow, amazing didn’t seem to cover it. Beautiful. Cool. Gorgeous. All these words and more but none of them could adequately describe what Leila thought of Yani in that moment, seeing them in their red suit. [color=#15d44c]“Unbelievable…” [/color]It would suffice. And it was true; Leila couldn’t believe that Yani was here. For her. That soon they’d be dancing together. If this was the honeymoon phase, she wanted it to last forever. [color=#ac046d]“What? Me? You look like a goddess!”[/color] Yani exclaimed, eyes wide as if they couldn’t take in enough of the sight in front of them at once. In opposition to Yani’s intense, almost fire engine red suit, Leila was draped in fine cloth richly colored a dark raspberry and adorned with floral beading across her torso. The oil heir fumbled excitedly with the box in their hand before holding it out for the other to view. Luckily for them both, the corsage matched well with the girl’s outfit and Yani couldn’t be more pleased with their luck. [color=#ac046d]“I am quite lucky, but I feel bad now,”[/color] They smiled so she knew they were joking. Taking the lid off the container to fully expose the corsage, Yani took it from the box and tucked the box beneath their arm. Holding the corsage in one hand, they held the other out to Leila so that they could put the floral arrangement on her wrist.[color=#ac046d] “I am handing such gorgeous flowers over to be worn by a beauty they could never match! I do a disservice to both you and the corsage.”[/color] If it was possible to swoon twice, Leila was doing it from Yani’s thoughtful words and even more thoughtful application of the corsage. Leila’s eyes looked to the corsage but inevitably they were drawn to Yani; it was still surreal that it had been barely a full day and she felt like a completely different person. Being in a relationship changes people, suddenly all those sappy romantic movies her mom secretly devoured made a lot of sense. Leila, too, would do crazy things if it meant keeping the smile on Yani’s face burning bright. A smile that Leila didn’t even think she was worth being blessed with. [color=#15d44c]“Well…I hope the flowers won’t mind being the third most beautiful thing between us.” [/color]In Leila’s eyes, Yani was, of course, number one just as she was sure the reverse was true for Yani. [color=#15d44c]“They are beautiful, though. And you are too. This is already the best night ever.” [/color]Leila wanted nothing more than to hold Yani’s hand after the corsage was applied and skip - metaphorically in this case - down the path towards their chariot; she would settle for holding their hand or locking arms or anything to keep the distance between them close. [color=#15d44c]“I feel bad for the others at the dance, they don’t have you as their date.” [/color] As Leila had hoped, Yani did not release her hand after applying the corsage, they simply changed the way they grasped it until their fingers were intertwined and Yani was now by her side instead of infront of her. The DJ began leading her slowly down the driveway towards the awaiting van with the never ending smile still overtaking their features. They were practically glowing underneath Leila’s compliments and the way their date was blushing was setting their heart beating and striking a new song into their soul. They could already hear the fantastical intro tripping into a resonating build that mimicked the heat rising on Leila’s skin. [color=#ac046d]“I do not feel bad, personally,”[/color] They spoke confidently, face tilted towards her.[color=#ac046d] “Maybe that is a bit selfish but I have with me [/color][i][color=#ac046d]exactly[/color][/i][color=#ac046d] who I want. I do not care if it upsets anyone else, so long as we are both happy,”[/color] The grin was less all encompassing now but the energy was all still there, it was just that even Yani couldn’t smile forever, everyone needed to relax their facial muscles. Plus as they neared the car, Yani was brought back to the ground from their place on cloud nine and remembered the third person chilling in their van. Slowing down as they reached the vehicle, Yani let their date know the situation. [color=#ac046d]“So listen, my brother, he is in the back so that you can have the passenger seat. I did not want him driving alone and he has been acting weird,”[/color] Yani revealed with a level tone, impressing on the gorgeous girl beside them that they weren’t trying to throw off the date or surprise her with anything. Well, anything aside from the flowers waiting for her in the cup holder, but Yani had promised to bring flowers yesterday and they were a person of their word. [color=#ac046d]“I was just…a little worried, and made him come with me instead. I am sorry if this makes you uncomfortable in any way.”[/color] Leila didn’t want to pry into the sibling affairs; whatever might have been causing Yani’s brother to act weird for him to know and deal with and Leila wasn’t going to let anything keep her from having a wonderful evening. She wasn’t uncomfortable about it, at the very least, and nodded her understanding of the situation. [color=#15d44c]“It’s okay, he’s your brother and you care about him. I totally get that. And honestly, I don’t think I’d even notice my own shadow when I’m around you.” [/color]The music-lover hoped she wasn’t laying it on too thick or too sweetly, but she was just being honest. Being on cloud nine was a wonderful experience and one she hoped others could experience just so they could feel a fraction of the bliss she felt in the moment. [color=#15d44c]“But I hope he is okay.” [/color] [i]Me too.[/i] Samyan thought but didn't say, instead grabbing her hands and clasping them within their own against their chest, looking into Leila’s eyes so she could see their sincerity when they said, [color=#ac046d]“You are wonderful.”[/color] And she was. Everything about Leila had Yani wanting to lean in to experience her just that little bit more, left them reeling with the beat of life she sent pounding through their oversized heart with so little as the thought of her. For a musician, Leila was the best sort of danger that could be asked for; a muse radiating so much inspiration that it could leave Samyan dizzy from the rush. Not to mention the rush they got when kissing her, no matter how chaste it had been. It was like nothing they’d ever experienced in any other even vaguely romantic encounter from their past and it was something they wanted to experience over and over again. They didn’t think they could ever get too much of one Leila Webb. Thanking the girl with a quick kiss to her cheek, Samyan led her to the passenger side of the van and held the door open, hand out to once again help the princess-for-a-night into her temporary chariot. They fast paced their way back around once she was situated and hopped into the driver’s seat, turning to their brother in the silence. [color=#ac046d]“Did you say hi?”[/color] [color=#04ac43]“Hello, Leila,”[/color] Kisho spoke up with a sigh, closing his eyes for a moment behind his novel as he remained reclined on the mattress. Sure, he’d waved when the girl glanced back at him, but he didn’t realize verbal interaction was going to be required here. Catching his sibling’s steady gaze, he frowned at their imploring look and continued with the apparently required niceties. [color=#04ac43]“You look lovely tonight, how are you?”[/color] The best outcome was that the ride wouldn’t be awkward; Leila was confident that a little awkward ride to the dance wouldn’t spoil her mood but even so she definitely preferred things to be…normal. As she settled into the passenger seat, a thought rolled to the front of her mind: what if she made it awkward by treating Kisho as a third wheel? The absolute last thing she wanted was to cause a rift between the siblings - especially if Leila had every intention of being a present figure in Yani’s social life in the days, weeks, months, ahead. With that thought burning a hole in her mind, Leila turned to give Kisho the friendliest of greetings: a slow nod of the head. It was Yani who broke the ice between their brother and Leila and Leila was glad for that. Despite how bubbly Leila was when in the privacy of her room or when she was just feeling the music in her brain, she was absolutely terrible at small talk and greetings; she was worse when meeting people for the first time and they never quite knew if they had to shout at her (they didn’t) but they always did. Always. [color=#15d44c]“Oh, this old thing?” [/color]She was, of course, being modest, but the outfit had been purchased in advance by her mother - though she figured it would be worn at a wedding or some formal event that wasn’t a high school dance. Leila figured her mom was just happy that it was getting worn at all. [color=#15d44c]“Thanks.” [/color]She couldn’t hide the soft blush. She liked getting complimented, who would’ve guessed? Before answering the question, Leila stole a glance towards Yani in the driver’s seat, and the blush deepened and when she spoke, her words aimed right towards the dashboard. [color=#15d44c]“I’m…really…really…good.” [/color]Words were difficult all of a sudden. [color=#15d44c]“Are you…doing good?” [/color]She turned to ask Kisho, concern clear as the sky in her query. [color=#04ac43]“That’s wonderful,” [/color]Kisho had raised an eyebrow at the girl’s blushing admission to the dashboard and his sibling’s responding blinding grin towards her, not at all surprised that Yani had finally found someone that could fall just as fast and hard as they could. Closing his book and tucking it back up on the shelf as Yani started the van up and pulled out of the driveway, he took the moment where he wasn’t directly facing Leila to let all the emotions that her simple question dredged up flicker across his face. Was he doing good? Ha! Absolutely not. He was one wrong move from his entire friend and support group imploding and the puck was his to shoot. Why hadn’t he gone to any of his friends about what Theo had over him in the past four years since it happened? Why did Theo have to have gotten that blackmail in the first place? Creepy fucking psychopath. None of those thoughts were on his face when he turned to his sibling’s date with an ineffective smile meant for deflection. [color=#04ac43]“I am doing well, thank you,”[/color] He lied right to her face, ignoring the way Yani’s eyes had sharpened on him from where they were watching him in the rearview mirror. It was a warning just as much as it was a denial of his words, and he resisted the childlike urge to stick his tongue out at Yani in response to their gaze. It’s not like he was going to be honest with her about his mental state right off the bat, this was small talk after all. The childish feeling passed as Yani’s attention was pulled back to the road before them. [color=#04ac43]“Are you excited for the dance? Yani would not stop talking about you after school yesterday.”[/color] [color=#ac046d]“It’s true, and I am excited still!”[/color] Yani admitted shamelessly, taking their eyes off the road just to make ridiculous puppy love eyes at Leila for a mere second. [color=#15d44c]“Excited…” [/color]Leila paused, as she was suddenly finding herself doing more and more while in Yani’s presence - and how could she not when those beautiful eyes were looking right at her, and shook her head accordingly. [color=#15d44c]“Doesn’t really cover it. You might think it’s funny…but I couldn’t sleep much last night because of tonight.” [/color]The numerous wrinkles in her bedsheets from tossing and turning in delight was a testament to that. [color=#15d44c]“I think my parents got tired of me talking about yesterday, or at least my dad did. My mom kept insisting Yani was imaginary right up until they rang the doorbell.” [/color]Not having the burden of watching the road, Leila took the chance to look towards the driver’s seat, at her date for the evening and hopefully many evenings to come, and smiled. [color=#15d44c]“Are you hoping to dance with anyone tonight?” [/color]Leila just hoped the question to Kisho wasn’t taken poorly. Kisho hoped she didn’t take his abrupt laugh too negatively, and judging by Yani’s eyes in the mirror his sibling was more upset [i]for[/i] him from his response rather than [i]at[/i] him. It wasn’t Leila’s fault for asking a question that Kisho felt had an obvious answer, given he’s basically never been seen with anyone outside his boys or his sibling in his entire highschool career, but that hadn’t stopped his reflexive response. [color=#04ac43]“Sorry. No, I am not,”[/color] He answered, trying to think of if there was ever a person that the mere thought of kept him up at night. In a good way, at least, as he already had his own personal nightmare keeping him awake last night. Judging by the way Leila and Yani looked and were acting versus how he was, he had a feeling it really wasn’t the same experience at all. Must be nice. [color=#04ac43]“I would not expect to see much of me once we arrive.”[/color] [color=#ac046d]“Do not pull a disappearing act,”[/color] Yani pouted, but the steel in their eyes told him it was a warning too. Rolling his eyes, Kisho gave into his previous impulsive urge and stuck his tongue out at his sibling, grabbed his novel back off the shelf, opening it up to show his intended activity for the rest of the car ride. [color=#04ac43]“I will not be disappearing on [/color][i][color=#04ac43]you[/color][/i][color=#04ac43], Samyan,”[/color] Kisho assured, flopping back onto the bed with his book, reaching above him for the headphones connected to the back stereo since his were still somewhere up front. [color=#04ac43]“I am only ever a message away, but do not act like you do not want time alone with your stunning girlfriend. I am not upset about it.”[/color] Samyan eyed their brother as he disappeared back into whatever fantasy world he was reading about, ultimately deciding that he’d done well considering he hated small talk and that it was time to let him be free. [color=#ac046d]“He is right, you know,”[/color] Yani glanced to Leila again, voice a bit lower now that it didn’t have to reach Kisho’s ears in the back. [color=#ac046d]“You are stunning, and I would like to give you much if not all of my attention tonight. You deserve it.”[/color] When Leila saw Kisho reach for the headphones, she knew exactly what that meant; on road trips with her parents, Leila did the same thing. Nothing got rid of the awkward car talk quite like drowning things out with music; the one downside was that her parents knew her hearing situation just as much as she did and they never quite bought the ‘I can’t hear you’ excuse when she tried to get out of discussions on low test scores or arguments about visiting family for holidays. In this instance, though, she wasn’t upset. It was clear that Kisho was…going through something and she was hardly equipped to help him through it when all she had to offer was sympathy, empathy, and platitudes. [color=#15d44c]“It’s a good thing I’m like a flower.” [/color]Leila began the comparison knowing the end result was a little on the cheesy side; fortunately it didn’t seem like Yani was lactose intolerant when it came to Leila. [color=#15d44c]“Your attention makes me blossom.” [/color]What a strange and wonderful thing being in a relationship was, it made her talk like she was writing Hallmark cards but it made her feel like she was in a Jane Austen novel…without the classism. [color=#15d44c]“I apologize in advance for my dancing. I have never danced with someone before. Just warning you now in case my lack of coordination ruins my allure.” [/color]She was kidding, of course, as if the curve of her lips didn’t make that clear. [color=#15d44c]“I think with you, I would even be able to tolerate the bad songs they will probably play tonight.”[/color] [color=#ac046d]“Are you saying you have not fully blossomed and you are this staggering?”[/color] Yani gave a dramatic gasp and gave a gentle swoon in their seat before grinning at Leila. [color=#ac046d]“How lucky I am! Also, not to brag, but I believe I am equipped to lead us in any actual dancing. It is sort of a requirement to know how to dance given the amount of Galas and other social or business events we have been dragged to nearly since birth,”[/color] The oil heir assured easily. [color=#ac046d]“I believe you would find the flow quite easily, just as I am sure not much more is expected of any slow dance at a highschool aside from swaying.”[/color] Yani would dance however Leila wanted to tonight, and they would savor every moment of it. There wasn’t a single thought in the DJ’s mind about disappointing the girl they were lucky enough to now be dating, only thoughts on how to make this an unforgettable experience for the both of them and hopefully kickstart their relationship with a bang. As they turned onto the road that would have them going straight until they needed to turn into the school’s property, they held out their hand to their girlfriend. [i]Girlfriend[/i], ha! They loved saying that, man! [color=#ac046d]“I do not believe I told you what I preferred to be referred to as, but you may call me your partner or however you wish to phrase it, as I am sure you guessed. I just wanted to clarify as you clearly told me you liked to be called girlfriend,”[/color] They checked on their brother in the rearview once more and saw him doing his best to ruin his vision by keeping his book mere inches from his face, headphones still firmly in place. [color=#ac046d]“Considering I have musical partners as well, any neutral term is fine by me if you wish to avoid confusion.”[/color] The thought of how to refer to Yani had only entered Leila’s mind the night before, in the waning moments of elation before she managed to steal what sleep she could; by the time she woke in the morning she realized that partner was perfect already. Still, it was nice to have that confirmation just to avoid any potential awkwardness that could’ve come - though she expected it mainly from the adults in her life who were stubbornly clinging to the belief that it was still the eighties and nineties or whatever. [color=#15d44c]“Partner is good, as long as you will continue to call me yours.” [/color]Leila was starting to understand how all the musicians of the world were able to write such timeless love songs or why heroes of old tales always fought for the heart of a maiden. [color=#15d44c]“I didn’t know you went to a lot of Galas.” [/color]She circled back to what Yani had mentioned in passing. There was likely many things she didn’t yet know about her partner, but they would come in time. Yani was someone that Leila wanted to share and make memories with, good, bad, messy, and everything in between. [color=#15d44c]“But I can picture it. Were these Galas things you [/color][color=#15d44c][i]wanted[/i][/color][color=#15d44c] to go to or things you [/color][color=#15d44c][i]had[/i][/color][color=#15d44c] to go to?”[/color] [color=#ac046d]“I will call you mine as long as you will let me.”[/color] A simple promise. [color=#ac046d]“Our oyaji is very philanthropic,”[/color] Yani supplied, memories of hiding under the cloth draped tables with Kisho and other company heirs and heiresses their age bubbling to the surface. As they got older, they showed face more often and actually became a part of the scene. While Kisho wasn’t the most talkative, he knew how to schmooze and work a room in high society, and Yani was exuberant and business minded while never losing their wild streak. The elders took them in with thinly veiled patience while those around their father’s age were more interested in hearing about their plans and ideas, while Hiro Fujimori- always proud of his children interacting and networking- would stay back a step and watch them work while glaring subtly at the crotchety older crowd. [color=#ac046d]“Thank you for asking, but we do not mind them. We had to go to them when we were young, now it is just habit and good practice for any business oriented futures. We are required to go to one gala per season and if we do not, we are to spend a day serving the community in some way.”[/color] Hiro Fujimori was a community man just as much as he was a businessman, and he has strictly enforced his ethics into his children throughout their life. It wasn’t a bad thing, he had an amazing work, family, and community ethic that his children [i]wanted[/i] to emulate far more than they had ever been [i]forced[/i] to. Their father was a man to look up to, especially in the years since Kisho and Yani had been born. [color=#ac046d]“They can actually be quite fun, if you know who to gravitate towards, I would love to take you to one,”[/color] Yani continued as they neared the turn for the school’s property. [color=#ac046d]“Many of the kids and teens tend to sneak off and find different spaces to decompress from the, ah, pomp and circumstance. Kisho has a special pocket in his suits that fit his handheld system, the little ones crowding around him while he plays Mario or Kirby is just adorable.”[/color] [color=#04ac43]“They are cute, I suppose,”[/color] Kisho piped up from where he’d removed the headphones as Yani took their final turn and headed for the parking lot. [color=#04ac43]“The thumb sucking is disgusting, though.”[/color] [color=#ac046d]“They are [/color][i][color=#ac046d]children[/color][/i][color=#ac046d].”[/color] [color=#04ac43]“They are bacteria factories [/color][color=#04ac43][i]before[/i][/color][color=#04ac43] you factor the things they touch everything with being coated in spit.”[/color] [color=#ac046d]“You are just delightful.”[/color] [color=#04ac43]“It is a gift,”[/color] The boy deadpanned as Yani pulled into a parking spot and turned the car off. Removing their seatbelt, turning around and sticking their tongue out at their brother, Yani couldn’t help but grin. They grinned even wider as they caught the warm glowing gaze of their girlfriend. [color=#ac046d]“Are we ready for this?”[/color] [color=#04ac43]“Woohoo.”[/color] [color=#ac046d]“There was no excitement in that!”[/color] [color=#04ac43]“It is the best you are getting.”[/color] Kisho slid open the side door and crouched down, about to hop out and avoid the running board completely. Pausing for just a moment, he leaned back with an eye roll and gave his sibling and Leila as genuine a smile as he could muster at the moment. [color=#04ac43]“Have fun tonight, you both look adorable.”[/color] And then he was hopping out of the van and walking towards the school with his hands shoved in his pockets. Yani threw their door open and waved emphatically at his departing figure. [color=#ac046d]“Love you!!”[/color] They called across the parking lot, Kisho sighing and lifting an acknowledging hand into the air but not breaking his stride. Yani then scrambled out of the van fully and all but skipped to the passenger side door, opening it with a flourish and holding a hand out for Leila to grab. Looking their girlfriend in the eye and smiling, Yani asked more directly. [color=#ac046d]“Are you ready for this, beautiful?”[/color] Leila was listening with rapt attention as Yani discussed the galas, not just because she had asked and was interested but because she felt she could listen to Yani discuss anything. For once she was truly glad to have to focus on the lips of someone as they spoke in addition to her implant because it meant she got to look ever so longingly at the lips she had kissed. As Yani spoke, Leila understood that the two of them came from different worlds, Leila had never gone to a gala nor was she expected to. Her mother had been to film festivals and awards shows but the only stories told to Leila after the fact was a resounding “it’s even more boring in person than on tv”. But there was no resentment or jealousy or negative thoughts about the difference in upbringing and expectations; on the contrary Leila was flattered and honored that Yani would even extend the offer to take her to one in the future. An offer she surely couldn’t refuse if it arose. It was with a deep breath that Leila prefaced her response when the van parked and a hand was offered to her. Her first dance. With a partner. No pressure. No nerves. Just pretend that it was just her and Yani. She could do that. And the thought of it brought a smile once again to her face, one that widened when her hand was closed around Yani’s as she was helped onto the ground. [color=#15d44c]“More ready than I’ve ever been.” [/color]It wasn’t a terribly long walk from the parking lot to the dance proper, but so long as Leila was holding Yani’s hand and being led towards it, she wouldn’t have minded if it took the entire night to make their entrance. Would that time could stop, but fortunately for Leila the memory of this night would last forever. [/color][/indent][/indent]