[@CitrusArms] With a relenting sigh, the figure out of old man slowly began to twist and turn with a black mist. In its place stood a bipedal with black and grey with a long mane of red hair punctuated by black spikes and held back in ponytail by a jade orb. [center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dt1Pm53W0AAZIGV.png[/img] [i][color=6ecff6]Entry #571. Zoroark the Illusion Fox Pokemon. Each has the ability to fool a large group of people simultaneously. They protect their lair with illusory scenery. Stories say those who tried to catch Zoroark were trapped in an illusion and punished. [/color][/i][/center] However, there were so many patches of silvery fur where darker fur once grew. It looked weary, much more withered than the example shown in the Pokedex. Stella was right, this Pokemon has been here long, much longer than its natural life span could ever allow it. Marie looked at Stella with tired, old eyes. With a decrepit, eerily human-like voice the Zoroark said, "Aria wasn't alone in that forest. In the heart of the forest, there was a man, but to call him a 'man' feels disingenuous. There was something... unnatural about him. It was like staring at the abyss and it didn't just stare back. He kept speaking of concepts that I couldn't understand and yet, my master seemed to have gleamed some meaning." The elderly Zoroark slowly walked into the room; her claws made a light clicking noise against the wood floors. "He broke her and took her away from us, but you already knew that." She stopped when she was just in front of Stella, looking down at her and the egg on her lap. "'Time is a tree.' Those were her last words and every day they echo in my head. They're a reminder of how I failed to protect her," she explained bitterly. "I couldn't repeat my failure. I've protected her husband until the day he died and her daughter until her descendants abandoned their homestead and their history and dare to turn this once great home into a community center. Now I live here, protecting my home such as it is and that..." She pointed a clawed finger at the egg that Stella held on to her lap. "Before Aria died, she begged Ms. Osman to protect the egg. As much as he hated Aria for what had happened to his wife, he honored her dying wish." She chuckled dryly "It has been over a hundred years and yet that egg still remains the day it arrived here. It almost feels like a bad joke." Her old frame settled on to the floor, exhaling deeply. "I am tired, dear child, and very afraid. Tell me, if someone replaces every floorboard, every coat of paint, every cupboard, every nail, is it still my home? Are all the memories and the history still there or wiped away like a clean slate? Do I keep on protecting it?" She looked to Stella with pleading eyes as if this girl she barely knew had the answers. Or maybe she just wanted to be heard after being alone for so long. [hr] [@Zarkun] When Jason's eyes fell upon the pot, the man with the greasy apron said gruffly, "10,000. If you want in, you gotta put 1200 in. Wouldn't recommend it kid. The missus wanted something to compete with the curry shop next door who had his own challenge first." He shrugged, tapping a notepad with a pen glistening with sweat and meat juices. The greasy, greasy looking man looked at Jason with an unscrupulous expression before he cleared his throat. He shouted over his shoulders, "Babe, put all other orders on hold! We got another junker on our hands!" There were murmurs from other people in the burger joint, some interested in what was happening and some complaining that their orders were going to take longer because some blue haired dude wanted to kill his gut. Jason was told to sit down and wait, and it certainly took a while, which was understandable. It was going to be quite the spectacle, but nothing could've prepared Jason. From behind the kitchen out came a tray that held a four-pound burger that was too large to be called a burger patty. It was more like a slab of ground meat piled with the typical toppings of lettuce, tomato, and onion followed by a pile of bacon and four massive eggs held between two massive pillowy buns, all on top of a pile of fries meant to be shared between three people. Oh and a big glass of water. "Here you go!" The thing that could only be legally called food was placed in front of him by a... a Nurse Joy? Except she looked like fry cook. The Chansey bounded next to her while a crowd began to form around him waiting to see if he could eat all of that food. Well, there was only one thing left to do. With the luckiest god damn roll of his life, Jason could feel a surge of energy in himself as he tackled the challenge with somehow the eagerness of a man starving on a deserted island. Now, how does Jason demolish this burger? [hr] [@Lunarlord34] And off she went! Steph was having quite a bit of trouble keeping up with the prepubescent girl with a heart condition for it turned out that when heading into trouble, children possessed other worldly speed. That and the head start Amelia had been also a contributing factor. Whatever the case, Steph ran after her though quickly Amelia disappeared into the fog of the forest though that definitely would not have deterred Steph. In fact, she was very likely to keep running and running without paying much attention to her surroundings. There was a loud [i][b]CRACK[/b][/i] beneath her foot and the ground suddenly gave way. She dropped down a hole and landed on her butt on the earthen floor with large bits of foliage that had acted as camouflage above until she broke it. If she looked up, she would see the one's responsible for her current predicament. It was these brown bipedal creatures with beige masks and singular leaves sprouting from their heads. [center] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2f/db/48/2fdb4824e0e3d5747aaef8affbf0884b.png[/img] [i][color=6ecff6]#Entry 274. Nuzleaf, the Wily Pokemon. It lives deep in forests. With the leaf on its head, it makes a flute whose song makes listeners uneasy.[/color][/i] [/center] They snickered mischievously at Steph because there was no way the average person was going to be able to climb out of the hole that they dug. However, they truly did not understand what exactly they brought upon themselves. Would Steph like to prove them wrong? [hr] [@Joshua Tamashii] With only a prayer Amelia threw two Pokeballs to hopefully catch the two ghost types and high tail it out of there. However, with a cast of a die the universe seemed to have very different plans for the little medium. The Spinaraks were not entirely unaware that Amelia was present. When Amelia threw those Pokeballs, they were shot out of the air by glowing purple needles shot out by the Spinarkas, except for the ghost-type one. However, their focus was no longer on the Pumpkaboo, but on her with their big soulless looking eyes. There was no getting out of a battle. How does Amelia want to play this out? For in game information, there are four Spinaraks, including the Evigian one. [hr] [@samreaper] Ramos arched a curious brow at Tristan's remark. [color=39b54a]"Bullying? This is a battle. If you think your Pokemon can't handle it, then you shouldn't send them in."[/color] His eyes fell back down to the fire chicken that just fired small bits of flame towards his Grovyle while maintaining its distance. The gardener furrowed his brow and with a stern voice said, [color=39b54a]"Detect and then close the distance with a Leaf Blade!"[/color] Once again the Grovyle's eyes glowed with a dim light blue and dashed in the direction of the embers before Ace could shoot in that direction as if it could predict it before it even happened. Green glowing scythes of energy grew from its wrists as it ran towards the Torchic though before it could swing down to bring heavy damage to him, Ace would use Quick Attack as burst of speed to maintain distance. There was something that Tristan maybe didn't notice before. There was a thin light bit of white energy surrounding Ace, his speed was increased incrementally. Speed Boost was activated. [color=39b54a]"Grovyle! Use your own Quick Attack!"[/color] With a burst of its own speed, the Grovyle dashed towards the Torchic. The Grovyle was still faster, perhaps it couldn't be out sped but did Tristan need to? What does Tristan do? [hr] [@Sanguine Rose] The receptionist looked at her with mild concern, but she shook it off. "Well, you've come to the right place then. We do have a lab on the upper floors where scientists research the garden and its Pokemon. You could probably make some inquiries and who knows, maybe they'll feel like helping you. We also do have Aria's personal library, which is open to the public, but if you wish to read her letters and journals you will need permission. We have a nice young man helping us until the end of the preparation for the upcoming festivities." One would think she would have taken a breath between any of those sentences, but no, she said it in all one breath. "Funny kid though. He seems so ill ease. Wonder why?" The receptionist mused to herself though she realized that she was accidentally gossiping with a guest. "Oh, uh, never mind that last bit. We have maps on the reception counter. I'd recommend it since this place is pretty large. If you have any questions I will be back at my desk." True to her word, she went back to her desk waiting patiently for anyone that would ever need assistance. Faye would feel uneasy herself. It was not like she was being watched and certainly wasn't haunted. It was strange, but it was as if something was bubbling to the surface. What it was, was uncertain. Well, what does she do?