[b]MIKA[/b] Mika matched Dean's smirk as she slipped her coffee, knowing exactly what he was thinking and he was right. After a long hard sleep, coffee was always her number one or she just couldn't fully function. If she could have drunk an entire jug of the drink without getting heart palpitations she probably would. She let him twirl a piece of her hair between his fingers absentmindedly before scrunching his nose as he went into thinking mode. She listened as he explained he really had only seen Duke be up and back in the house and that brought some relief to her heart. If Duke was already up and made it to the house from the RV, then it meant he felt strong enough after a good rest to do so. The news about Anna and Sam made her frown slightly, her eyes flicking over to the basement door briefly before back to Dean. She wondered if she needed to get back into mom mode again to go check on them before her thoughts got interrupted by Dean saying he hadn't seen or heard anything from Natalia and Cason. She hoped it was because Nat was still asleep, which she wouldn't have blamed the girl for. She was in a pretty rough shape earlier. She took in his actions of scratching an itch on his chest and flattening his hair and placing a hand on her hip before asking her if she was alright. “I'm alright, especially once more coffee gets in me” she chuckled before going serious again, “but in all seriousness, we're good. I know we didn't exactly talk much, we uhh..had other things on our minds” she briefly smirked, “but we're good. Duke kinda had a moment of wisdom in his pain. Think we both helped each other just a little” she admitted to him. She was done hiding things from Dean, and if that meant letting him know that she and Duke had a sibling heart to heart then it meant it. She didn't know whether to tell Dean what Duke said to her last night about feeling Dean would prefer him to be dead or not, those words of Duke's still haunted her mind even though she hoped her scolding changed his mind..even a little bit. She kept her free hand on Dean, enjoying the closeness as it helped her to believe her words to him even more. Eventually she decided on something else, “if you get the chance, check in on Duke properly yeah? He took it pretty hard when he couldn't help Esme himself. Think he needs reminding you're glad he's still us” she said simply, hoping Dean would get the hint and clue of what she was meaning by her words. “He really needs his brother right now” she added, pecking his lips. [b]NATALIA[/b] Feeling his thumb stroking her cheek made Natalia feel so at home with Cason. It always did and she couldn't imagine it ever being different. She chuckled softly when he said about possibly having his soul saved and yet she wished he could. Nat didn't know if it was even possible or known to happen, but if it was, she wanted that for him. “I hope it can be” she told him honestly. In her eyes, he had proven there was more to him than just being a soulless demon. The fact he could even feel love was proof enough for her to know he wasn't like any other demon or tortured soul in Hell. Closing her eyes, she kissed him back, the rush of the love she felt for him feeling like fireworks in her mind and heart every single time. It was such a new feeling to her that she didn't think she would ever tire of the excitement and joy she felt when each kiss or touch showed her that she was capable of loving another. When he pulled away, she opened her eyes again and looked at him as he spoke. His words amusing her, “now I'm the one sounding like the pet, a kitten that needs feeding every few hours” she teased. “But you're right, I will need to eat eventually even though laying here with you is far more enticing to me” she added with a smile. Nat also figured Bobby would want his room back at some point, which just reminded her how she really didn't have her own room at Bobby's. She always usually crashed on the couch or on Mika's floor before Cason came along, and that brought a thought to herself, maybe she attempt to find a place of her own nearby or do like Duke did and get her own RV to live in. At least that way, her and Cason would sort of have their own place to have privacy and somewhere to just relax away from her chaotic family. Her thoughts broke away from her mind when he asked her if he could tell her something, to which she nodded, “you can tell me anything” she told him, a little worried when his smile faded before he spoke up. She listened to him admit how he felt when he found out where she had been taken to, hearing he could do nothing but sit in dirt and wait to get remotely strong enough before coming for her brought a sadness to her eyes, but not for her. For him. She lifted her hand and cupped his cheek into her palm, “hey…you have nothing to apologize for. You came for me the moment you could and you still got me outta there. You got to me before my own brother did and I don't think Dean would have been able to break me out of that gurney in time…but you did. So please Cason, please don't feel guilty for not getting there sooner” she told him, meaning every single word she told him. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more she was convinced that if it had been Dean who pulled her out of the pool, she would have been unconscious for a lot longer and even closer to death than she was with Cason. “Also, out of your face and Dean's? I know I prefer your face being the first one I see when coming round” she smiled, trying to lighten the mood and remove the guilt he was feeling. “I love you and don't feel any animosity towards your timing okay? I was so scared of losing you before I was taken. Dean almost cuffed me to his steering wheel to stop me going after you with the head injury I had” she told him, to show she was just as worried about him as he was about her. [b]SAM[/b] Sam could hear Anna mumbling behind him before he made it back to her and it broke his heart hearing her go through yet another hallucination. He just wanted to rid her of all of them and he couldn't. He didn't know how other than either giving her Cason's blood or riding it out with her in the panic room. He saw how shaky she was getting from the detox, he listened as she explained how conflicted she clearly was by not wanting to drink it, but also couldn't cope with the hallucinations she was experiencing. It broke his heart hearing that one of those was Dean being cruel with his words and he felt glad that it wasn't really happening or he would have punched Dean himself for speaking so cruelly to Anna. He also didn't like hearing Alastair's name come out her mouth or the vagueness of an unknown woman coming to her. But it was the comment about a cold and cruel version of himself tormenting her in her mind that was the hardest to swallow. He never wanted her to see him in such a way, hell, he didn't even think that was even possible for him to be that cold. As Anna reached out to take the vial from his hands, he handed it to her. This was her choice and her choice alone. Whatever decision she made he would respect it and help through either situation. With her decision made, he gave a nod, “okay, I won't look” he agreed to her, looking down at his lap so he didn't look at her as she turned away from him and downed the blood in one go. He didn't look up until he heard her whisper about one of the fake versions of the people she saw vanishing. Looking up and back at her, he pulled her into a hug, glad to see the colour coming back into her face and her shaking beginning to subside. When you're ready, we can head up or we can stay down here. I'm not going to force your hand on anything right now. I just wish I could help you more” he told her, kissing the top of her head, not wanting to let her go.