[b][color=9e0b0f]Kaiga Agniyastra[/color][/b] [hr] Kaiga’s entire day had been a bad day, first was when he was asleep he had a nightmare and he didn’t get nightmares. Next he was kicked out of the library like always (something something to loud something something he shouldn’t use his powers when paper is around.) And the worst part at the start of his day was when his drink was spiced with something hot, it could have been a mistake on his part or someone had gone out of their way to play a prank on him. That’d never happen. And now at the worst part of his day he was frozen like a lollipop after trying to save a little kid. The best part of his day was that the voice had been quiet for most of the day after the nightmare…or well until now. “[color=9e0b0f]HAHHAHAHAHHAH[/color]” The voice laughed out filling Kaiga’s head with nothing with his annoying laughter “[color=9e0b0f]I told you not to go, but like the ungreatful idiot you are you immediately rushed in[/color].” Kaiga stayed quiet as the voice continued to ridicule him “[color=ed1c24]So are you going to help me get out or are you going to keep laughing[/color].” The voice stops before humming. “[color=9e0b0f]I don’t know you were pretty mean to me yesterday[/color].” “[color=ed1c24]Stop acting like a child and help me.[/color]” Kaiga claped back “[color=9e0b0f]Says the one on the floor right now, idiots learn best from experience free yourself by yourself.[/color]” After that it was radio silence “[color=9e0b0f]I should have shut him out.[/color]” Kaiga growled before funneling fire into himself. “[color=ed1c24]He’s lucky he’s not physical I would have strangled him.[/color]” Kaiga flames burn grow and grow until boom “[color=ed1c24]Let’s go for round two.[/color]”