[h2]Esme[/h2] Esme had noticed the fake smile before Duke answered that he could get her what she asked for. She knew he had to be thinking why did she suddenly not trust Bobby and thinking the same thing she was. What did Bobby give her this morning? When he got up to get what she asked for, she had to stop him and know how he was. So she was glad when he stopped and looked back at her. But she didn’t like how his smile faded from his lips and how he shrugged his shoulders. Esme’s eyes never left his face as he spoke, cleared his throat, and rolled his head to force himself to answer her question. She wasn’t sure if she fully believed his answer about being fine physically, but she knew he had to be struggling mentally, even if he told her he didn’t know how to answer that yet. She didn’t like the answer but would take it for now. The important thing for her right now was that he seemed better than he was this morning. He had a glimmer in his eyes and had been smiling before she asked how he was. When he looked down at the blanket just above her stomach, she could tell he was looking for answers she wanted to hear. She didn’t expect him to find the answer right then, just as long as he was okay. When Duke turned his eyes back to her, Esme met his gaze and softly smiled back. “You’re half right this time, my sweet Cowboy.” she told him. She forced herself to sit up with a wince and groan as her head and sore muscles protested her moving. Taking his face into her hands, she looked deep into his eyes. “The only difference this time is that you don’t have to go through it alone. You hear me? I’m here with you through it all, and don’t you dare try to keep anything from me. I want you to be honest with me, even if you think it’s unimportant or will hurt.” Esme looked at him for a moment before pulling his face closer and placing a sweet kiss on his forehead. “I don’t want there to be any secrets between us. Okay?” She spoke softly against his forehead before placing another kiss on his forehead. She wanted them to be open with each other, without any more secrets. Too many years had gone by with them keeping things from one another. It was time to open up and be honest with each other. Otherwise, Esme felt that this relationship wasn’t going to last long. Plus, she didn’t want their relationship built around secrets and lies. It wasn’t healthy, and it wouldn’t last. Esme also didn’t want to drive him away. She needed him just as much as she felt he needed her. Esme slightly turned her head so his forehead was resting on the side of her head. “I love you, Bright Eyes. Nothing will ever change that.” she whispered.