[center][h1]Iceberg Ahoy![/h1][/center] [center][h1]Fireteam Viking[/h1][/center] [center][h1][color=gray]Tahlia Harris[/color][/h1][/center] The hovercraft drifted, rolling behind Jamie, though it would have likely bounced off him with the presence he was bringing, no doubt absolutely relishing his opportunity to turn the environment before him into even more rubble than the mine already made. "Need a lift?" Javi asked, door open as Raphael operated the crew-mounted 20mm, blasting rounds down range, covering the retreat of Jamie, even though it looked like there was no retreat of his to really cover. There was a lost of destruction, damage and hellfire, but well, they'd trooped through it. Tahlia looked from afar at the explosions, roaring of jets, and blasting of autocannon and various other weapons packages onto Artemis like it was a death knell. "You look like you turned this grey mess into even more shit!" Not bad for a morning out. [hr] [center][h1]Skybound![/h1][/center] [center][h1]Fireteam Icarus[/h1][/center] [center][h1][color=lightblue]Skye Rosalind Lyons[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h1][color=Goldenrod]Athena Anna Kanataario[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h1][color=Chocolate]Purna Chai Gurung[/color][/h1][/center] [b]Soundtrack: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Xwv5GwAfCA]Sea Power- Suffragette Riots[/url] [/b] Skye's red hair poured from her helmet in a cold look into the abyss for a second, looking to Purna, and glancing at the copy of her below. She really was everything like Skye, minus a few cuts and bruises, like a version that had been polished, brushed up, but well, there was little variation. Genetics set you on a path, even if there were variations in that. And yet there was Rose. Her heart lept a little, over all of it. But she'd been shattered, broken once, and broken again and again. The idea of "self" echoed, even if what the team had said were right. Who was Skye Lyons, really? Just a name pulled from a hat, given to another sample? Was that all she was? And Rose? It was harrowing, scary even to see that this was what she was capable of. This was what Skye could do with enough commitment of her own. All of this. All that blood. For what, some hijacking of an anarcho-capitalist group? And now with all this in the open, now what? Go live a normal life, even what she knew as normal in just working to eliminate threats like Artemis? It felt like she was physically decoupled from her own skin, as she looked at her own hands, and then Rose. "Skye. You still there?" Purna asked, Skye lost in her own thoughts, the Scotswoman replying. "Yeah. Still coming to terms with this. It hurts." "Nothing's going to change that, Skye. We did our job. We need to go home." "Where's home? We are done." She sighed, almost a little defeated. Like in that moment, the crack was allowed to wedge, even if she didn't show it entirely. "Wherever you find it." Purna replied, putting an arm around her. "Yeah. It's somewhere. Pretty fucking hard when you're looking at her though. Image is never gonna leave me. Takes doing after what we do." Skye sighed a tone only a Scotswoman could, exhaling hard. Taking it in for a moment. Then Sam's message came through. But almost a second late, as she processed a response, Skye was broken out of her shock hearing the call in the radio, and the HUD flash up with Sam's vitals. And her being flat. "Sam, you good?" Skye called into the comms, slowly standing up with hand to ear, realising, and with heavy footsteps, running. It was dawning. And it was becoming more and more real. And she found something inside of her instantly perk every hair on her neck. She'd dealt with casualties. But this, this was something else. "Sam! Fuck, Athena, find a defib, Purna, Oliver, secure up the area, if she's here, find Rose, tear her into fucking two!!" Skye's voice echoed, with pure, unbridled rage. Running up to Sam at the exit of the server lab, she ran herself up to the American, spasming a little with her movement on the floor, and Skye almost the same in her own shock. She'd done this before. She'd had to apply CPR, then a defibrillator, but this felt different. Like Skye had got her revenge, and now watched Rose get hers, in the most fucked way possible. How much she wished it wasn't her own. Sam had more than Skye did, so much more, and even if any member of Raven would be willing to fall, not like this, not now. And not when it seemed like Rose just had been back to her last. It was hard to understate that while Skye was someone who had long since led teams, she was merciless, a lion roaring, yet here and now, it was all that mattered. Doing all she could was all she had to force herself into. "Fuck, stay with me, come on Sam!" She roared, with a yell that sounded like a big cat screaming in the hallway, pulling her over, pulling her helmet and visor open, checking the vicinity of course before doing so, before putting bunded hands into her chest and pushing. She kept going, frequent, and she had to fight, fight to keep her mental side from slipping completely in this moment, the parts of her that wanted to give into all of the emotion, all of the feeling, all the rage, just directed instead towards just keeping her head, keeping focus and wanting to keep Sam alive. Every push, as she put her mouth to Sam's, exhaling hard, leaning her head back to get the air in, before going again. One, two, three, four, five..... Athena pushed on Skye's shoulder, bringing in a box, what looked like a portable defibrillator she had found. No words were exchanged, as Skye was focussed, not the first time she'd done this, but for a moment, deeply in this moment. Every second mattered, everything counted, and she was going to have to hope this worked. An electrical shock had fried her feet and legs and run into her and out of her hand, without her tactical gear, she'd be burnt to a crisp, so it had done well to insulate her as well as it had. More amps than anyone would have been able to handle, and the first thing Skye had noticed was now not shocking anyone else, given Sam had fallen away from the trap after getting burnt by it. Bringing the defibrillator into place onto Sam's thorax, after pulling armour out of the way, Skye looked over to Athena, putting the sticky electrodes across Sam's chest with a gentle push, and hit the button. The defib charged, and with another push of the button, the unit sent a charge. "Clear!" Oliver and Purna would have gone through the blimp, but found no trace of Rose. Not apart from one missing wingpack. [hr] [center][h1]The Planet Saver[/h1][/center] [center][h1]Fireteam Poseidon[/h1][/center] [center][h1][color=RosyBrown]Adam Stanislaw Kajtanowicz[/color][/h1][/center] [b]Soundtrack: [url= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smnJ-qM1RWk]Hans Zimmer and Lorne Balfe- Extraction Point[/url] [/b] Things were going utterly apeshit on the rig. Adam had survived barely getting scorched, and somehow, Freya had kept going after Laura. And whatever their relationship was. Somehow, without saying a word, he felt like she may have had more history than just Raven, from the way they almost seemed to be flirting with one another, but Adam kept the hell out of the way. Instead, he went for a flanking squad of enemies, keeping in cover whilst his field generator recharged, sending rounds down range and clipping them, before flanking them with a clever push, spraying them with rounds. Staying to the flanks, Adam sent rounds into one of the AAA platforms. He made his call into Vincent, before hearing the flamer belch, and Freya respond in turn with her own. She was not getting involved in that fight. Even Adam's survival instincts were smart enough to realise he was not bringing anything to that confrontation, but rather, he could keep pushing the control room while she kept Laura busy. Leaping down, Adam flanked through, hosing down another two more mercs, moving in, finding the rig's main controls, and a vast array of AR enabled, and digital touchscreens at the rain soaked control room. Perfect. With it, he got to work, and started fiddling away. He called that into the team as well, and started to sheer off the connections to the geothermal network, closing valves, and sealing certain routes, that would be flooding with Artemis mercs at this point. And well, some more chaos with the wind turbines and the pump infrastructure for the vapour. "Well, that'll stop them coming! Rig's cut off now, pumps are set to detonate. It'll make it unstable, so we haven't much time to bail!" Adam should have really known better. A high pressure, geothermally linked system to a massive set of pumps, now without safeties? Well, it was going to destroy the place. And suddenly, the building shook, the sight of a massive explosion in the horizon as the first of the substations blew on the far-away satellite pumping station. "Team, we need to leave! We now have a window, but we can't stay long or we'll get swallowed in it! They'll not pump anything from here anymore!" Adam called back, knowing the team below had dealt a blow to the tanks, but here and now, they needed to extract. He was hasty, but if he hadn't of done that, there was a chance the team below were going to get overwhelmed. And just in time too, as fire from the sky from Vincent's VTOL, 40mm and 90mm rounds slamming into the structure below, punching holes, as with it, Adam left it behind. He headed back towards the flames, checking his box magazine, before heading down, hearing Freya pin Laura down, before taking a high caliber round. Adam flanked and wiped the team out, Freya retreating into smoke, as did Laura, clambering barely, waddling out with pain, but right now, fuck that. This place was falling apart. "Merde, the thing is falling into the sea, and I have hostiles all over. Get to the water, I'll put the ramp down but you need to find a way to get to me, fast. I cannot stay long!" Was the response Adam did not want to hear. And moving towards Freya, Adam regrouped, knowing there was no point chasing Laura. She was as good as drowned considering, and well, she'd be a problem for later to deal with if she survived. The comms were clear from Adam to her, knowing she was in shock, no doubt, but time was of the essence. "Your new boyfriend is waiting for you, we need to get the hell out!" Adam yelled, knowing Freya was hurting, no doubt her segment of armour was going to be pretty blasted, but well, unless they made a move for it now, they were not getting off this rig. A massive explosion licked above as one of the green hydrogen tanks detonated, sending a massive pipework through the entire rig, slamming through the floor, and making their drop down a little quicker. Adam kept leading the way, clipping a team ahead, replying to Chuck. "Boomer, get moving with the others, this place is going to shit, so carve a path back down to the SDV!" Adam barked back, a staircase collapsing entirely to their side as Adam kept moving, knowing Freya was struggling behind, the Pole looking back to her, pointing out another way. "You won't like this. But the SDV is nearly direct below. You might need your magnetics to get you attracted to it. I'll try and pilot it." Adam called, realising they weren't going to make it to the rest of the team. The sea was a cauldron below, but well, they had no other choice. Chuck, Ebrima and Ban would have a shorter drop, maybe even they could just go down the ladder and back where they'd parked up, if they were really, really lucky, grab their rebreathers and floatation kit, but that was looking less viable by every missed second. "Boomer, Shimura, Boaro...don't wait on us, we have another way out, meet you at the bottom and get on that fucking boat!" Adam called, looking to Freya, tapping her on the shoulder, and realising that the fiery stairs below were maybe not the best way. But, the exposed wall, and the four storey drop into water might be their only shot at it. And well, with hardly any more motivation, considering the entire thing was coming down, he made his move out and off the platform. Leaping into the sea, Adam pushed for air, seeing the SDV, swimming hard, in spite of the weight wanting to pull him down, and grabbed a hold of a rail. Clambering into the steering, he picked up HUD elements for the other team members that were falling off the rig too, a fairly decent descent down, and well, he had to recover people. Hooking into the SDV's oxygen supply, he found the first person, then the next and the next, picking them out of the water one by one and getting them air from the SDV's central tank, the weighed-down SDV having to go deeper and deeper, before he could pull it back to buoyancy and back towards surface. Vincent was adjusting the VTOL as part of the rig just exploded and cascaded with a huge lean and fell into the sea spitting out shrapnel and bodies, the main rig itself still standing, but in bits now relative to what it had been before. And pulling the SDV towards the ramp, it was a messy affair, but they'd gotten out. Artemis soldiers were trying to evacuate too, but none of them had the luxury of an underwater craft and a VTOL for evacuation. And with it, Adam could at least trawl the SDV to the rear, and drive it inside, the part sub now beached, and allowing the team to get out, and most of all, the SDV to dust off.