[color=darkgray] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3EdPgr4.png[/img][/center] [Color=salmon][b]Time:[/b][/color] Morning [Color=salmon][b]Location:[/b][/color] Edward's Estate [Color=salmon][b]Interaction:[/b][/color] [@princess] [@Helo] [@PapaOso] Cassius, Callum, Charlotte [Color=salmon][b]Mention:[/b][/color] Charlotte with her charm had for a moment, taken Lorenzo away from the goings on of the stage. He couldn't help but admire her in such a carefree state as he she held onto him. [color=D0B4EC]“She’s got… cheesy toes!”[/color] Lorenzo chuckled. It would be his last during this outing. [Color=salmon]“The cheesiest.”[/color] He added before watching her stumble. He took a step forward to aid her but stopped the moment she erupted into laughter. He smiled, sharing her happiness before his eyes drew to the stage. Lorenzo thought he'd be staring into the eyes of a hateful enemy. One he could glare at with nothing but enmity. He stood strong as they locked but… something was off. Something was… Disgusting. Completely and utterly disgusting. The idea of it- No he could see it here and now. Lorenzo mentally cursed the image slowly cementing into his psyche. Now, he was silent, paralyzed with regret. The man could only wish he hadn't attended this party today. He wished he was blind. Temporary or permanent, it mattered not to him. All he desired was to unsee the abomination set before him. Which god dared do this? Which god yearned to birth such enmity and aversion into the core of his being? Into his soul? What had he done to deserve this? Lorenzo was no saint but even if he was a shameless debaucherous scoundrel, he would not deserve this… this [I]thing[/I]. It would be perfectly fine for someone else but for Lorenzo, this was no different than serving him a stack of syrup-glazed pancakes for lunch. A late lunch at that! One that could never be mistaken for the flexible meal-time known as “brunch.” Blasphemy! Perhaps it was exactly that. Some foul demonic entity was preying upon his peace and sanity. Poking at him with a bloody dung-covered spearhead, cackling as it did so. He only wished it had aimed for his eyes first. Blindness. Was it the remedy? Or was it the goal? To remove the very sight from his senses could not save him as much as he wished it could have. What of his mind? His soul? Stricken and assaulted so viciously that he might not recover. Perhaps if he continued drinking, he could forget. That… that would be the remedy, yet also a gamble. What if he remembered despite putting himself in a terrible stupor? What if in that stupor, he entertained this thing that deserved to be wholly rejected? What if he accepted it? Disgusting. Completely and utterly disgusting…. Dutchess Victoria’s head whipped toward Lorenzo, her eyes appeared to be filled with burning passion. A passion Lorenzo was no stranger to, as he could recall the same look Mayet had given him when he attended dinner with the Alidasht royal family. Her lips parted as if she was going to speak, however, her attention was drawn elsewhere. Lorenzo was bewildered by this advance coming from someone he was never fond of. As abusive as Emina was to him, Victoria seemed to somehow supercharge Emina’s willingness to commit harm to him. All the two women needed was a single afternoon outing and his wife would return to him in an intolerant and nigh hateful mood. So why? Why was Victoria looking at him in this way? Was this her method of enacting retribution? Or had she been flattered by the insult to her foul-smelling feet? [Color=salmon][I]Does she like that sort of thing … please no. Pleeeeease no.[/i][/color] Maybe… Maybe it was all in his head. Gideon, her husband, had approached her to take control of the situation. Lorenzo thought him to be a masterful mediator while he appeared to have some kind of magical power to subdue the hellish fiend of woman. As Gideon laid a hand on her, Lorenzo felt it safe to look away but something kept him. [I]She[/I] kept him. [Color=salmon][I]What now? A threat? An insult?[/I][/color] Her lips curled into a tight, challenging smile. A daring smile that one flashed when faced with an on-par obstacle. Even with her beloved husband at her side, she dared try to tempt Lorenzo. The betrayal! Her eyes were locked on him, requiring him to use every ounce of his being to keep from dry heaving. Lorenzo would remain strong in the face of such adversity but could doing so only encourage her? With all the elegance and poise of a practiced noblewoman, Victoria lifted her glass, as if in a mock toast, her fingers tightening ever so slightly around the [I]stem[/I]. Lorenzo could only gulp knowing there was no doubt anymore. This… this was real. This was true. He had mistakenly opened the gates of hell and now there was a horrid demon claiming him with lustful intentions. [color=F0E399]"Enjoy the party, Duke Vikena,"[/color] she said softly, her voice carrying just enough edge for him to know what she desired from him if it wasn't already obvious. As she lowered her glass, her eyes remained fixed on him. She didn’t need to say anything more—her look alone was enough to make it clear. It was an invitation. A depraved invitation. Lorenzo could do nothing as he dared not embarrass Gideon in such a way. Falsely claiming his wife had smelly feet was a small thing but this… This was alarming. How could he tell Gideon his wife's intentions? What if Gideon was in on the whole thing? No… he had his peculiarities but Gideon Edwards was not that kind of man. Lorenzo had just created a temptress he did not desire in the slightest, and he was well aware Victoria Edwards was not a woman who forgot about the things her eyes desired. It's why she had nearly everything she wanted at the end of the day. With one last piercing stare that could cut through steel, she averted her gaze and addressed everyone, or that's how Victoria made it appear. Despite not looking his way, she still addressed him… secretly yet in the open, she continued to speak to him. [color=F0E399]"For the record, I bathe daily and apply only the finest floral-scented lotions to my feet regularly. I receive pedicures every week from the best in the kingdom. If anyone doubts me, you're welcome to sniff my feet yourselves!"[/color] An invitation. Just as he thought. Lorenzo took a seat, again cast into despair, knowing Victoria was unrelenting. She would force him to smell her feet now, and there would be no end to her attempts until he gave in. To think the woman had a foot fetish, and he unknowingly stepped into the web of her kink. Grabbing another glass, he could do nothing but embrace it. Embrace it so he could forget this if he was lucky. As he drank half the glass, he noticed Charlotte and Cassius lying beside each other in the grass below. He was glad to see her happy but was unsure what to think of Calbert's son. He had been so nasty to him, yet seemed fixated on Charlotte. [Color=salmon]“Why are they still on the grass… oh, they're drunk… like me… oh,”[/color] Lorenzo mumbled. [Color=salmon]“Lottie… please darling, get up… There's… there's feet down there, Lottie. So many feet… ugh… I have to give Lord Drake his gifts…. I have to do it… do it before the dutchess finds a way to corner me.”[/color] He mumbled barely intelligibly. [Color=salmon]“Lottie… get up from there. The king ferret…. Lorenzo Vikena, the ferret… the ferret king of the Furonian Kingdom demand… it.”[/color] Lorenzo sighed in defeat, resting the whole weight of his face on his propped hand mumbling to Charlotte as the Ferret King Lorenzo Vikena of the Furonian Kingdom about getting up from the grass to avoid being attacked by feet. [/Color]