[b]MIKA[/b] Mika didn't want to confuse Dean, nor did she want to risk hurting him but she felt being tactful about how his actions in the early hours of the morning really hurt Duke. She didn't want her soul mate and practical brother fighting, especially over another person. It wasn't fair to either of them and she knew deep down it wasn't fair on Esme to have them both at each other's throats over who looked after her when she was hurt. She was still trying to come round to Esme as a person, a hunter and as an ex of Dean's, but she still wouldn't wish Esme to be brought in the middle of the boys’ fights. It was hard enough to deal with on the rare occasion that Sam and Dean fought and she had to break them up, so if letting Duke open up to her and talk him down, as well as doing the same for Dean would help the situation? Then Mika would damn well do it. She saw how he wanted so desperately to say something about her getting close with Duke again, but it wouldn't matter if he did say anything, it wouldn't change her mind. The fact he decided against saying anything told Mika that he knew that also, and she was glad if that were to be the case. For now, she wanted to keep the more light-hearted feeling going, smiling as she felt his thumb caressing the skin on her hip. The small action always made her smile, there was just [I]something[/I] about it that felt so calming and sweetly intimate about it between them. The smile didn't last long however when she saw the confused look on Dean's face at her next lot of words, but she knew they had to be said. Hearing him actually say she was right about the whole talking with Duke made her internally sigh with relief he was being so open to the suggestion. All she wanted was for her boys to be on good terms again. She loved them both equally, albeit different types of love and she hated it when they fought it argued it just plain didn't see eye to eye. She wanted them united as a team and friends. She snapped out of her thoughts when he continued to speak and mentioned about actually getting round to that long talk they so needed about the time she had run off, causing him to find Esme. Sighing, not exactly having been looking forward to it, she nodded. Mika wanted to move forward, get over that period of her life and never remember the kind of person she was back then, but she also knew Dean was right. If they didn't talk it through properly and calmly, she would never get over or accept the reminder of their old ways in the room. Esme. “okay, only if you're willing to hear my side of that time as well, if you're going to be fully honest with me, then I need to be with you too. But talk with Duke first please? Then we can have our chat” she replied, leaning into his hand with her head out of instinct. She looked him in the eyes the whole time she spoke to show she meant it. Even if she wasn't looking forward to it. But if he was going to tell her his connection with Esme? Then she had to explain properly about Ethan. The man she tried to replace Dean with to no avail. Even if she hadn't checked to see if he was still alive ever since Dean came back to her. [b]NATALIA[/b] Natalia really wanted Cason to know she didn't hold a grudge or anything negative towards him for getting to her almost too late. The fact that anyone, even him, came for her at all meant the world to her as the other demons had gotten into her head hurt enough to truly sow that seed of doubt that anyone cared enough to save her. If she had forgotten that brief moment and believed that, how could she hold anything against Cason for taking, what he considered, too long in reaching her? Matter of fact was, she couldn't. So she did hope that in time he would be able to forgive himself somewhat and until he could? She would do all the forgiving. His words about looking cool saving her made her laugh, even though it made her twitch in discomfort in her cheek from the action. “not what I meant and you know it but you still make a valid point” she smirked back before she went into slightly serious mode once more. She hated having to admit that Dean was ready to cuff her to the car for how she recklessly behaved, and she knew in some ways, she could count her blessings for being sick to stop him doing it. She wasn't thinking clearly back at the barn and field, her head had been pounding like a freight train was running in it and she refused to let Cason be taken from her. Even though Dean never explicitly said to her he would cuff her, she did hear him discuss it with Sam when Sam asked if he was going to do it. Even feeling delirious and dizzy, she still could overhear them. The teasing he gave her made Nat chuckle back but she knew there was most certainly an element of truth in what he said. That was only solidified in her mind when he continued on and said what lengths he'd go to keep her safe. As much as she didn't agree with him possibly killing entire families to keep her out of harm's way, she understood his point. “I love you too and yeah, that's not particularly healthy over a paper cut” she smiled. “but I get what you're saying and I love that you feel that determined to keep me safe” she told him. It was then she realised she was getting kind of hungry, making her sigh. “I'm getting hungry, we should get up” she grumbled, glancing up at the ceiling before back at him again. Untangling herself from Cason, she carefully sat up and forced herself to get out of bed before walking across to her bag to pull out some clean clothes to wear. Bending down just enough to pick it up, she carried it to the end of the bed so she could unzip it and pull out a clean t-shirt and jeans before slowly and carefully pulling both on with a grunt from the soreness in her limbs. [b]SAM[/b] Every time Anna buried herself into him, Sam felt like they were closer to being back on fully good terms once more. The relief he felt from her actions as it told him that she still felt safe with him was immeasurable. He kept a protective hold on her, wanting her to move when she was ready to and no sooner than that, even though he himself was ready to get out of the panic room. It wasn't exactly comfortable but that wasn't it's reason for being built. He felt and heard her mumble against his chest that she did want to go upstairs before lifting his head back as he felt her move back enough to be able to look him in the eye. “okay baby girl” he replied, giving her a reassuring loving smile, moving one hand up to stroke her cheek sweetly. As she readjusted herself and leaned up to him to kiss him, he kissed her back. Something that he realised he always took for granted before now. Since they're disagreement the night before, he didn't think she would ever kiss him the way she was right here and in this moment. As she pulled herself even closer to him, he held her securely, deepening the kiss back, trying with all his might to show her just how much she means to him and how much he loved her. He never wanted to let her go, but he knew at some point he would have to or they'd never get out of the panic room. As the kiss ended, he felt her rest her forehead against his, just enjoying and appreciating the intimate moment between them both. “I love you too” he replied to her, opening his own eyes and looking at her back, giving her a soft smile and stroked her cheek with his thumb one more time. He eventually moved them both so they could stand up, dusting himself off once more, purely out of habit as he held his hand out for her to help her into her own feet. “time to see the back of this room and see if any of the others have resisted killing each other” he smirked. He also was curious to know how Nat was now that she had slept for a bit, or so he hoped.