[h2]Caria[/h2] Still stuck in her inspection of all things Dandelion, it took a good few seconds for the armoured girl to realise that [i]she[/i] was the one being addressed. And then a good few more to actually identify the source, her gaze initially skipping [i]over[/i] everybody's heads before coming to rest on a small redhead. Actually small, not just small from her perspective; she was still learning the difference between those two… "She's, um…" That was a good question. Did they even have a name? 'My fluffy plant friend' wasn't super descriptive, she didn't know if they could be found anywhere else, and there'd obviously been quite a lack of anyone to properly name them… "I have no idea what they're called! But sure, you can pet her!" That meant shifting the grip on her axe, and Caria swore she could almost here a sigh of relief as the axe head was rested on the ground, with her other arm carefully lowering the curious ball of fluff from her head to something around pettable height. Fluffy even gave a little chirp, she must be interested, too. [@Tachi][@MrSkimobile]