[h3] Dean [/h3] Dean chuckled at Lexi’s comment about ‘annoying brothers’ and he didn’t even try to argue with her that her room would be a lot more private compared to his. He and Sam had picked rooms relatively close to each other, just in case something happened in the middle of the night, while they got used to being in the giant building on their own. Sam would hear every word…or lack thereof, the entire night if they went to his room. The sad thought hit him for a moment that he used to share that room with Mika, but Lexi grabbing his hand and tugging him into the hallway broke him from the potentially night ruining memories, and he happily followed her, his body almost limp as he let her tug him along. As soon as they were alone in her room, the door shut securely behind him, he let his shoulders fall, tossing their shirts onto the desk beside him casually. Without skipping a beat, Lexi’s hands were on his jeans and he smiled widely, tilting his hips forward to let her unbuckle his belt. “Whoa…she’s not missing a single beat.” He chuckled, his smile lazy as he glanced down at her hands and then back up to her face. He found his ability to use his hands after a brief moment, wrapping his right hand around her neck. His stomach dropped and his heart fluttered watching the way his fingers touched the back of her neck, and his thumb sat so nicely against her throat, like the two of them just…fit. He used his thumb, tilting her head up with a soft growl, before covering her lips with his again, picking up where they left off. He turned and backed her against the door, trailing both his hands over her chest, down her stomach with a feather light touch as he reached for the band of her jeans. Once there, he slipped the tips of his fingers in, just tracing her waist band all the way to her hips, before they came back to the center and he flicked the button open with one hand. He shoved roughly at the fabric, pushing them down her hips before breaking the kiss briefly, with a breathless smirk against her lips. He nipped at her lip, tugging it between his teeth, “No regrets…” [h3] Anya [/h3] Anya raised her eyebrows at how fast it seemed that Dean had moved with Lexi. Watching the two of them, you would have thought they had known each other for years and just…built up some tension over time. Then again, Dean did seem like the type to fall fast for people, at least when it came to sex. She shook her head, a little surprise on her face as she scoffed and mouthed ‘wow’. Anya agreed. Just judging by the tired look on Dean’s face the first time she had met him, he needed a break. He needed a win, and if sealing the deal with Lexi was that win, she was happy for him. He seemed to have been through so much, and her heart broke for him, even if he didn’t seem to like her much at first. Sam’s voice broke her from her thoughts, the mischievous smirk never leaving her lips as he laughed at her joke. The mental image of Dean as a bunny flooded her brain as well and she laughed, tilting her head down for a moment. But then Sam’s voice seemed a little different as he echoed her mischief and brought her back to the fact that she was on his bed, in his room, and they were not only alone…but expected to stay in this room all night. Dean wasn’t throwing a fit about them anymore. She stood from the bed, placing a finger on her chin in a joking manner, before stepping over to his dresser. She turned to him, and pointed to the dresser, happy that the first drawer she reached for was where his t-shirts were. Maybe she read him too well already. As she pulled the drawer open, she saw a gray one that just seemed right. She pulled it and turned around, letting it unfold in front of her, and shook it a bit in a way that said “we were coming for clothes, remember? Wholesome.” She tossed it on the bed beside him, and then walked to stand in front of him, reaching both her hands down to grab the hem of her own shirt, pulling it up and whisking it over her head, tossing it on his other side. She kicked her boots off, never moving from her place in front of him, and unbuttoned her jeans, shoving them down her legs, stepping out of them and kicking them to the side. She stepped up to him, standing between his knees, and reached across his leg without touching him, just grabbing the t-shirt from the bed, and pulled it over her head, straightening her hair over it as it covered her body again. It was only then that she touched him, bringing both her hands down to brush the sides of his hair back, playing with his ears a bit as she stood almost eye level with him. She didn’t bother picking up her phone, just staring at his eyes with a smirk, as she mouthed, “Mission complete.”