[h3] Dean [/h3] Dean sighed and released Mika as it was clear that she wanted him to turn his focus from her for a bit. He felt anxiety eating at his stomach, bursting at the seams to just get everything off his chest and end the tension that seemed to always bubble up when they weren’t fighting for their lives. Mika deserved to know everything, but he was so scared to admit to her that he was in love with Esme. There were times he wondered if it was possible to be in love with two people at once, because he still had moments of wanting to just protect Esme, pull her away from all of this, and fix the wrongs…but it wasn’t his place anymore, and Mika was back. The torn feelings in his brain destroyed him more than he would ever be able to admit to either of them. When she told him to go and talk to Duke, Dean closed his eyes, then turned his gaze down to the floor with a nod. He didn’t even know where to start with Duke, at this point. Seeing Duke with Esme brought up a lot of hostile feelings from what ended up a deeply hurtful period of both their lives, filled with jealousy, animosity and loss. Even his worst times with Sam hadn’t matched up with that summer. As Sam stepped into the kitchen, patting him on the back and Nat followed not too far behind him with Cason, Dean nodded a silent ‘hey’ at Cason and cleared his throat. He didn’t even want to get into Nat and Cason’s crap in the middle of the kitchen. He would talk to Natalia later, and once again, he had some explaining to do…and possibly an apology to a demon… “Alright. I’ll…I’ll go see what I can do.” Dean murmured, putting on his best passive face. He pressed one more kiss to the side of Mika’s head and then he pushed past her, before he changed his mind, and walked into the living room. As he stepped in, his heart dropped into his feet seeing Duke and Esme so passionate with one another. The way she kissed him was familiar, yet different from the way she ever kissed Dean, and for a moment, he almost turned around. He couldn’t do this. He stood there for a moment, his brain playing over flashbacks of the rain falling loudly in the parking lot puddles. Duke’s anguish echoing off the stacks of cars. The water falling from the edges of Duke’s hat like a cascading waterfall as Esme pulled him back from that edge and kissed him, right there. Dean had pushed it down for years as a desperate act to keep Duke from leaving, to give him something to stay for, but all it ended up being was the beginning of the end for the three of them. It was the first big domino that changed everything… Dean shook his head, coming back to the present as he stepped a little louder on the wood floor and cleared his throat, “Um…Can…can I borrow you for a second, man?” [h3] Cason and Anna [/h3] Cason was relieved when Natalia opened the door for him. He had his jacket on, and could easily cover his hand to open it, but this whole house was a giant trap to kick his ass, it seemed. There was iron everywhere. The less he had to touch, the better. He stepped out behind her and smirked at Bobby’s comments on his way by, noticing that Esme and Duke were mighty cozy on the couch. Cason smirked, tempted to chime in, but he decided against it. If they were happy, for the moment, it meant less questions for him to answer about Esme’s ‘humanity’ issue. He still needed to contact his people for that one, and was putting it off. The last thing he wanted to do was find information she didn’t want to hear, and have her explode. As he stepped into the kitchen behind Nat, he could tell that she was tense, as if they were sneaking around like teenagers, or could read her mind. He found it adorable, speeding up his steps to walk impossibly close to her back as they crossed the floor and up to the coffee pot. He placed a hand on her hip, rolling his eyes as she complained about the lack of food in the house. “Human problems…fun.” He teased with a smile, but then Sam chimed in about going to get food. Cason narrowed his eyes when Nat told him that they were already planning to go out, wondering when she had mentioned it to him. If she had, he had missed it. But then she suggested that they all go out together, and Cason’s eyes turned to Anna’s face. She was standing there, sipping her coffee and not making any eye contact with anyone in the room, as if she still didn’t feel like she belonged, “How are you doing, Anna?” “I’m okay.” Anna said quietly, flattening her lips in a fake smile, as she barely looked up at his eyes. She could no longer hear his heart, but she could smell him, and it was enough to make her a bit anxious. Cason was having none of it. He reached his hand out, pinching her chin and lifting her head to look him in the eyes. The touch from him was awkward, and Anna blushed, carefully looking him in the eyes. “Are you sure? You feeling up to going out?” Cason asked her, releasing her chin, and she nodded awkwardly, taking another drink of her coffee before waving her hand around. “If everyone will agree not to look at me like some sort of ticking time bomb, yes. I am okay with going out.” Anna explained and Cason nodded. “You don’t look like a ticking time bomb at all. You look like a hunter...with pretty eyes and a smile that needs to show back up. We’ll get one out of you, eventually.” Cason teased, and Anna’s lips struggled to fight down the smile that almost came up, just at him mentioning her smile. Her eyes turned back to the baseboard of the wall in front of her, and she sighed as Cason continued, “But seriously. I got you back to Sam. You’re alright. Let’s go get some food…I know you’re all starving. Humans and all.” [h3] Duke [/h3] Duke chased Esme’s lips as she broke their kiss and brushed noses with him, something she knew made him weak in the knees. Luckily he was sitting down. When she smiled against his lips and her breathed passed over them, he laughed, a fully wide smile at the words had heard from Bobby a million times about ‘sweet nothings’. He gasped with a small shudder and a groan as her fingers tangled themselves in his hair again and she deepened the kiss. With the way his heart fluttered somewhere in his stomach, they really needed to get it together, or he was going to lose his mind. He wrapped an arm gently around her back, ready to lean into her and lay her back down when Dean cleared his throat and Duke reluctantly broke the kiss with a sigh. On one hand he was thankful, because he couldn’t let Esme move things much further. He was too afraid of hurting her, but also because his self control could only handle so much of the little touches. She was fully his, now… Duke brushed Esme’s nose with his, and leaned back, taking his weight off of her as he glanced up at Dean and nodded, “Yeah. Yeah sure.” He turned back and looked into Esme’s eyes, bringing his hands up to remove hers from the back of his head. He brought her hands up to his lips and kissed each of her knuckles, “Hold that thought. Please. I’ll be right back.” He grunted with a little pain as he scooted himself back and stood from the couch, walking over to Dean. Dean nodded his head toward the basement door, and Duke followed his lead, following him down the stairs, closing the door behind him. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Duke instinctively prepared himself for Dean to punch him. It was a reflex, even after all these years, after their last meaningful day together. But instead, Dean turned and leaned against the wall outside the panic room. “I want to um…I want to apologize for this morning.” Dean started, and Duke narrowed his eyes, trying with his fuzzy mind to remember what Dean would even be apologizing for. “I should have let you take care of her. She’s not…she’s not mine to care for, now.” “You think I’m upset about that?” Duke asked, shaking his head with a scoff, which caused Dean to tilt his head in confusion. “This ain’t about some petty love triangle. Me and you didn’t exactly leave on good terms way back when, if you remember…” “I know.” Dean sighed, shaking his head. “Then you know that whatever you feel between me and you is because of me and you, right?” Duke asked, and Dean nodded but his face still held a bit of confusion. “There are days, man…most of the time I’ve known you, that I feel like you would be a lot happier if I just wasn’t around. It’s why I never called you after…that day…” “I’m sorry about that too, man.” Dean sighed, closing his eyes as his emotions began to bubble up. He and Duke were closer than brothers, before their falling out. The pain in both their chests, standing in that basement was a reminder of that. “But don’t you ever question how much…what I would do for you. Do you hear me? I would still take a bullet for you in a heartbeat. You’re my brother.” “I know…” “Do you? Because from what Mika said, you think I would rather kill you myself than see you happy. You think I [I]wanted[/I] you to die last night? I fell apart…” Dean choked the last part of his sentence out, and Duke raised his eyes from the floor to look at his face, hearing him get emotional. His own eyes filled with tears and he shook his head but Dean stopped him, “I felt a piece of me die, right then. No matter what happened between us. No matter what we said…there has never been a day that I stopped loving you. Do you hear me?” “I hear ya…” Duke whispered, sniffling as he placed his hands on his hips. He didn’t know what to say. After all these years, he just assumed that coming back would only complicate Dean’s life. Dean pushed away from the wall, and sniffled himself, before wrapping both his arms around Duke, holding him protectively. The hug was so tight that Duke groaned in pain, but he brought both his arms around and hugged him just as tight. “Don’t you ever do that to me again and don’t you ever think that there’s anything I wouldn’t do for you. I don’t want to hear that again. I love you, okay? Everything else, we can figure out.” Dean spoke against the side of Duke’s face, and then he pulled back and scanned Duke’s eyes, blinking his own tears away from his eyes, “Are we good?” Duke thought about it for a moment, as he scanned Dean’s eyes. They weren’t good. Not really. There was still so much to say. There was still so much Duke wanted to get off his chest. They needed to discuss his relationship with Esme. They needed to talk about the day they left each other. But Duke simply closed his eyes and nodded. Without another word, Dean patted the side of his face and turned to walk up the stairs, trying to wipe his eyes and make sure no one could tell he was crying. Duke sighed, looking around the basement for a moment, before dropping his shoulders and walking back upstairs, his eyes landing on the couch as soon as he stepped in. “Wanna get out of here?” He asked Esme bluntly, wiping both hands down his face to clear his emotions.