[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230204/4845b153b0aa5194f883010594dee61c.png[/img][/center] [center][color=659EC7][b]MENTIONS:[/b][/color] [color=DCDCDC]Everyone[/color][/center] [color=DCDCDC]Neve had forgotten about the heat of battle. At one moment, they were floating about the open sea, their sights set on the distant Costa del Sol as Neve leaned upon the railing and watched the foam below. Another, a Valheimr ship had swept up to their side. It had only taken the moment between concurrent winds for a dragoon to land upon the deck and for strange, flying, helmeted figures with fire coming out of their backs to touch down like murderous birds of prey. Neve’s hands instinctively went to her staff, and she withdrew it as a violet-armored dragoon had turned his cold look from Izayoi to Galahad. There she stood, ready to fight, ready to help her friends– but frozen in place. Come on, she had to fight. She had to back them up, even if it meant spilling blood! Just as her grip tightened upon her staff, a melody rose from somewhere under the depths. The sound invaded her mind and curled invisible tendrils about her thoughts. Neve was locked in place, finding herself unable to act under the influence of such an alluring song. It was like something out of a myth, or fairy tail. Were there such things as Valheimr soldiers that could sing siren songs? But just as the melody had continued to enrapture her, another song rose in tandem with the abyssal tune. Unlike the former, this song came from familiar lips, and Ciradyl’s lyrics quickly swept most of the oceanic beast’s– Leviathan’s– melody away from the deep recesses of her mind. Neve winced as she grabbed her head, the clamor of battle now storming in her ears. Although her skull ached, she could still hear the high-pitched voice of Robin suggesting that they target the Valheimr’s packs. Yes, that [i]did[/i] make sense. Neve raised her staff, her aether churning within her as she sought to conjure a fierce Stone spell upon a Valheimr who had just landed upon the ship. Concentrated aether spiraled about the metallic pack upon his back before sharp stones dug into the device. The Valhemr cried out in shock as the force of the strike caused sparks to ripple across the steel, sparking open flame and causing the jetpack to burst into a vicious blaze. A small explosion occurred just after, and the young man screamed as he was engulfed in flames. Neve turned her face away, bile crawling up her throat as the pained shrieks rippled over the deck. Killing Blightbeasts was simple enough, but this…? The sight of Rudolf hurtling overboard was enough to snap her out of her brief stupor. Neve’s mouth dropped as she rushed over to the railing and stared into the tumultuous ocean. [color=659EC7][b]”[i]No![/i]"[/b][/color] [/color]