[table][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/1qM7xLM.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240714/3001ee5176d2d725b016218b6c5bde89.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/MrFrT8O.png[/img][/cell][/row] [row][cell][sub]Location: Eastern Town Gate [/sub][/cell][/row][/table]Through knee-deep snow, Nyla willed herself to take another step. Her body cried for rest, but she trudged on, her gloved fingers trembling as they pulled her teal and gold colored cloak closer to her body. Another step. A large fur-lined hood veiled her face, keeping her tanned skin safe from the bite of this goddess-forsaken land. Despite buying the [url=https://i.imgur.com/b5HrZHY.png]warmest clothing she could find[/url] in the capital’s market, it wasn’t enough. The cold seeped through her thick layers, chilling her to the bone. Her toes hurt beneath her boots and she actively daydreamed about the warmth of Aelios’ sacred hot springs, enveloped by her grace’s warmth. Just one more step… Her breathing became labored as her legs shook with each high step into the pristine white snow that covered the entire trail to Dawnhaven. She silently cursed it with every step, hating it for everything it was and wishing for Aelios to melt it all away. This journey had been excruciating from the very beginning. Her decision to flee the capital had been [i]impeccably timed[/i], leading her right into a blizzard as soon as she entered the mountains. She’d never experienced such ferocity from nature before. She had traveled far and wide in Aurelia, but this landscape was unforgiving. Growing up in the heat of the desert lands made snow feel unnatural and hellish. If not for her new transformation, she surely would have frozen to death by now. The horse she’d stolen hadn’t lasted long, either. One night, while Nyla sheltered in an abandoned home, a blighted creature tore the poor animal apart. The rest of her journey had to be done by foot or flight. She flew when she could—transforming into a butterfly made of light or shrinking down in size so that her own wings might be able to carry her weight. However, with the blizzard winds, flying seemed more difficult than walking. And it drained her. Made her hungry in ways she couldn’t explain. If she lost too much energy she’d become mean and devoid of emotion. Feral. Just yesterday she had come across a weary traveler, taking shelter in the same abandoned home she had sought out. She had tried… she really did. She made conversation with the man, helped him make a fire and tried to suffice herself off the bread he offered to eat. But her own needs had won. By morning, the man was dead. Pausing, Nyla leaned heavily against the rough bark of an oak tree, pressing her icy gloves into the ancient wood. Her raven hair, the ends slick with melted snow, clung to her face as she shut her eyes, just for a moment, letting the cold air fill her lungs as she tried to steady herself. Luckily the blizzard had broken by this morning, but exhaustion still settled deep into her bones. She’d need to find somewhere to rest for the day, though she didn’t want to stop. If she pushed herself much further, she’d need to… Opening her pale blue eyes, she looked ahead, her breath catching as they settled upon a wooden gate flanked by familiar Aurelian guards. Their polished armor gleamed beneath the full moon overhead. A plume of ghostly mist escaped Nyla’s lips as she exhaled a sigh of relief, the warmth of her breath meeting the cold of the air. She had never held any love for Aurelian guards in the past, but they were a welcome sight now. A small flicker of renewed energy surged through her. Dawnhaven’s gates were just ahead, and beyond them, warmth! She had [i]finally[/i] made it. Just as she was about to move towards the gate, she froze. Her heart skipped a few beats as she remembered how she would immediately appear to them. Skin glittering with golden flecks, sharp pointed ears, monarch wings attached to her back and black horns sitting atop her head. She bit her lower lip in thought, staring at the guards who took notice of her then. [color=#FA8072]“Who goes there?!”[/color] Despite her horns and wings being covered by her cloak, the thought of revealing her true nature to strangers was unsettling. She knew Dawnhaven was a sanctuary for people like her, but… her heart ached. She did not want to reveal anything at all. Not yet, anyway. And what if Flynn… Nyla closed her eyes, drawing a deep breath as she focused on the familiar sensation of transformation. She reached within herself, tapping into the energy she had consumed yesterday, channeling it to shift her appearance back to her former human self. The change was instantaneous, and only a tad bit painful. Her head was free of horns, her ears human, her back no longer bore wings, and the shimmering golden skin that defined her blight-born identity had faded to a more familiar shade. For now, she felt a sense of relief, wanting to blend in, to be seen as she once was. She knew this transformation wouldn’t last forever; the energy it required would eventually drain her, forcing her to reveal the truth beneath the facade. Yet for the moment, she embraced the comfort of her humanity, the warmth of familiarity. [color=#FA8072]“Identify yourself and state your business, traveler!”[/color] With a surge of excitement, Nyla moved forward, her heart racing as she approached the guards. The cool air brushed against her face as she removed her hood, revealing her human self. [color=DBA73D]“Please,”[/color] she called out as she grew nearer, [color=DBA73D]“My name is Nyla Zafira. I’ve traveled through a blizzard and come from the capital. I seek a warm bed and a hot meal.”[/color] She forced a smile, though the ache in her body gnawed at her with every movement. The two guards exchanged a glance, their eyes assessing Nyla as she drew closer. After a moment, one of them stepped forward, his expression softening for a beautiful woman. [color=#FA8072]“You’re fortunate to find Dawnhaven then, miss.”[/color] He gestured for her to enter, his tone becoming more welcoming. [color=#FA8072]“You’ll want to head to the Eye of the Beholder. The Prince is holding a feast there. They’ll have beds and plenty of meals to share.”[/color] Nyla’s heart caught in her chest at the mention of Flynn, the Prince, her ex-lover. A mix of longing and apprehension gripped her, twisting like a knife in her chest. Part of her wanted to avoid him, yet the other part ached to see him again. [color=DBA73D]“Thank you.”[/color] she said, her voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions swirling within. As the guards stepped aside, permitting her to pass through the gates, Nyla offered them a grateful nod before heading in the direction they indicated. Though she had been dreaming of a warm bed for weeks, her thoughts were now consumed by what she would say to the man who awaited her here.