[center][h1]Skybound![/h1][/center] [center][h1]Fireteam Icarus[/h1][/center] [center][h1][color=lightblue]Skye Rosalind Lyons[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h1][color=Goldenrod]Athena Anna Kanataario[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h1][color=Chocolate]Purna Chai Gurung[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h1][color=ec008c]Samantha Dalton AKA Chaos[/color][/h1][/center] [b]Soundtrack: [url=https://youtu.be/vTnWFT3DvVA?si=4A4Xjzt_87e3X7Va] See You Again - Carrie Underwood[/url] [/b] Samantha had finished destroying all the data on Rose and her clones and the Sol Hestia. She had killed all of Rose’s remaining clones in the room before she could hop to any of them. Samantha had finished her work in Rose’s hidden room on the blimp and was moving to rejoin the team when she triggered Rose’s final countermeasure. Rose’s original body was awakened by the deaths of her clones. The clones' deaths armed a pressure plate trap that Samantha had missed. The pressure plate took up most of the middle of the floor on the way to the exit. Samantha had been hit by 220 volts of electricity that arced up from the metal floor plate up through Samantha’s body. The voltage had been strong enough to jump past Samantha’s combat boots which had nonconductive slip resistant soles. The electricity had arced and jumped to the hidden circuitry in Samantha’s armor. Her armor was designed to collect and direct kinetic energy back into her suit’s systems. The strong voltage had surged into it and blew the circuitry all to hell overloading the built in circuit breakers. The electrical surge had hit her body and climbed it. Samantha’s body had jerked and danced frozen in a lance of electrical fire before the electrical blast cut out, its charge spent. Samantha’s body had cried out in agony before passing out as her body had hit the floor falling away from the pressure plate. Samantha’s armor smoked where the circuits had been overloaded causing the surrounding material to heat up. Fortunately for Samantha, the ballistic gel lining her suit was nonflammable and dissipated some of the electrical surge but her suit wasn’t designed to compensate for sustained high voltage strikes. Samantha’s body was still twitching as her nerves and muscles responded to the remaining electrical impulses. Her heart beat would flatline and then stutter and give a blip before flatlining again. Samantha was unconscious and unaware of Skye fighting to save her life. Samantha was flat on her back. The front of her armor had been torn open down her chest. She was unresponsive as Skye started CPR and rescue breathing. Time was passing slowly for Samantha. Samantha was confused and she was in pain. She opened her eyes and everything was fuzzy and blurry. The light was so bright she could barely see. She closed her eyes again. When she opened them again, she could see the blurry outline of two people approaching. Samantha felt pressure in her chest and gave a deep gasping breath. Samantha’s consciousness faded again. She heard Skye yelling at her. [color=lightblue]"Fuck, stay with me, come on Sam!"[/color] Samantha looked around for Skye. She suddenly felt so weak. She couldn’t talk and barely managed a whisper. [color=ec008c][i]“Skye?”[/i][/color] She couldn’t find Skye. Everything was blurry again. Her chest felt like it was on fire. Pain was coursing through her body. She faded out again. Samantha’s eyes opened again and the two blurry figures she saw stepped towards her. She blinked as she recognized them. She didn’t understand why she was laying on the ground. She didn’t seem to be able to stand. [color=ec008c][i]“Dad? Sofu?”[/i][/color] Samantha had tears running down her face. [color=ec008c][i]“I have missed you both so much. How are you here? You both died…”[/i][/color] She was sobbing, unable to catch her breath. That horrible pressure was building in her chest once more. Her body shuddered as another harsh gasp forced breath into her body. Skye had forced another rescue breath into Samantha before continuing CPR. Samantha winced as pain washed over her taking her father and grandfather’s images away from her. She was crying out [color=ec008c][i]“Don’t go!”[/i][/color] The words never leaving her lips. Darkness took her away. Slowly a light in the distance grew once more. As the light lit up the area around her, she could see her father and grandfather again. She reached out trying to hold their hands. They leaned down and each took one of her hands. Samantha couldn’t speak as tears choked her. She could her father’s voice clear as a bell.Then suddenly he was back standing in the light again with her grandfather at his side. [color=ec008c][i]Jake Dalton: “Samantha, I will always love you. You know I will always be a part of you. You have to go back. It is not time to join me yet.”[/i] [/color] A new voice reached her. One she barely remembered. [color=ec008c][i]Maria Lopez: “Samantha, I am so sorry we didn’t have much time together. I know growing up without me was so hard for you. I am so proud of the woman you have become. It is not time for you to join me and your father.” [/i][/color]Her mother stepped into the light, her arm through her father’s. [color=ec008c][i]Ryuji Takahashi: “Magomusume, please tell Kameko that I am waiting for her. Please share my regret that we didn’t have more time together. She will join me soon enough. But Samantha, it is not time for you to join us yet. You must go back, granddaughter. You have not yet fulfilled your purpose.”[/i] [/color] Samantha wanted to protest. She had suffered so much. It is warm and comforting here in their presence. In the presence of those she had lost who loved her. She didn’t want to go back. Only pain and misery waited for her there. [color=ec008c][i]Ryuji Takahashi: “Samantha you know the truth. You know better than to think those thoughts. Even now your new friends are trying to save you. Skye will need you more than ever. My beloved granddaughter. I would spare you this pain if I could. You must go back.”[/i] [/color] Samantha fought it but their images grew fuzzy again. That horrible pressure was building again in her chest. A heavy weight held her down. She couldn’t breathe. Darkness took her again. Samantha’s heartbeat flatlined in the HUD once more. Skye had managed to get the electrodes onto Samantha’s chest. [color=lightblue]Skye: "Clear!"[/color] Samantha’s body bowed up off the ground as Skye hit the button, shocking her heart. Samantha took a deep breath in and let out a blood curdling scream before pain caused her to pass out again. This time though, her heartbeat remained steady.