Prototype character sheet for [url=]Fire Emblem: Aphotic Legacy - an Interest Check[/url] [hider=Hiko V1] Fire Emblem: Aphotic Legacy - an Interest Check [b]Name:[/b] Hiko [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nationality:[/b] Tinacean [b]Social Status:[/b] Commoner [b]Occupation:[/b] Mercenary [b]Class:[/b] [url=]Mercenary[/url] [hider=Appearance][img][/img] [b]Height:[/b] 5'8" [b]Eye Color:[/b] Red [b]Hair Color:[/b] White [b]Clothing:[/b] Red scarf, white shirt, brown pants. Really, he's a simple man. [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Hiko is laid-back, yet restless, with a wild streak. He's a man who values his freedom above all else, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to maintain it. He kills with ease, lies with skill, and cheats without remorse—all part of his personal code of living on his own terms. But, beneath the surface, he has a deep-rooted sense of justice, particularly against forces of darkness. Even though he enjoys fighting for fun or stealing for the thrill, he despises unnecessary evil and stands against those who bring harm to the innocent. While he often keeps to himself, avoiding unnecessary interactions, he's surprisingly kind to those who earn his trust, though few ever get that close. Hiko's not driven by the typical heroics or moral codes; instead, he’s a pragmatic, free-spirited rogue who just wants to live life by his own rules. [b]Likes:[/b] Freedom, combat, dark humor, winning on his own terms. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Authority figures, unnecessary cruelty, magic-users (he finds them unpredictable). [b]Background:[/b] Hiko grew up in Tinace, where he was raised with minimal supervision and no strict codes to follow. From a young age, he learned how to manipulate situations to his advantage, using every tool at his disposal, whether that meant stealing or bending the truth. He quickly became known as an effective, though somewhat morally ambiguous, mercenary. What sets Hiko apart is his odd sense of justice. While he's perfectly fine lying, cheating, and killing for the right price, he has a particular hatred for darkness—whether it's literal darkness, evil forces, or those who embrace it. Hiko joined the All-Aoes Exploration Fleet simply because he was bored of Tinace. The new land offers a chance for new adventures, new battles, and a whole new frontier to conquer in his own way. [b]Weapon Proficiency:[/b] Sword [b]Skills & Abilities:[/b] [url=]Vantage[/url]: It allows the user to initiate an attack first when an enemy engaging them in battle would have normally attacked first. [url=]Wrath[/url]: It activates when the user's HP is at a very low magnitude, resulting in their critical rate being drastically increased. (If I understand correctly, I'm allowed to use Vantage over Armsthrift.) [b]Equipment:[/b] Iron Sword, Vulnerary, Antitoxin [/hider] UPDATE: Out of Commission...for now...