[center][h1]Fireteam Poseidon[/h1][/center] [center][h1][color=8dc73f]Chuck “Boomer” Simmons[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h1][color=RosyBrown]Adam Stanislaw Kajtanowicz[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h1][color=92278f]Vincent Cisse AKA Hawk[/color][/h1][/center] [b]Soundtrack: [url=https://youtu.be/gkLvpt9Z3fA?feature=shared] Light Up the Night - The Protomen[/url][/b] [hr] Chuck stood just inside the hole he had made into the wall. He held the exit he had made until Shimura had managed to join them and until he had heard back from Adam on whether he needed to hold it. Chuck continued to hold the breach like a moving wall. He decided they were leaving anyway. He emptied all the non lethals he had left into the oncoming waves of soldiers. He would save the heavier ammo for the next part. Sparks of electricity from the taser rounds lighting up the air in the smoke now filling the air. Screams from soldiers caught in his attacks filled the air. Then suddenly there was Shimura emerging from the smoke. [color=RosyBrown]"Well, that'll stop them coming! Rig's cut off now, pumps are set to detonate. It'll make it unstable, so we haven't much time to bail!" [/color] Chuck gave a sigh of relief to see Shimura emerge. He was a new team member but still a team member. Chuck gave him a nod as he watched for incoming enemy fire from behind him. Chuck told Shimura as he arrived [color=8dc73f]“Nice work. Now for the easy part, leaving.” [/color] The whole rig shook in a warning of its impending demise. Chuck balanced and rode out the wave of shaking trying to throw him off balance. [color=RosyBrown]"Team, we need to leave! We now have a window, but we can't stay long or we'll get swallowed in it! They'll not pump anything from here anymore!" [/color] [color=92278f]Vincent: "Merde, the thing is falling into the sea, and I have hostiles all over. Get to the water, I'll put the ramp down but you need to find a way to get to me, fast. I cannot stay long!"[/color] Chuck had just thrown out his last grenade when he heard Adam finally give him the response he had been waiting on. He wouldn’t leave Freya behind if she needed help escaping. [color=RosyBrown]"Boomer, get moving with the others, this place is going to shit, so carve a path back down to the SDV!" [/color] Chuck replied immediately as he moved through the hole to rejoin his part of the team. [color=8dc73f]“Boomer acknowledges, Creating that path...”[/color] Chuck grabbed his carbine in his left hand and used his right to guide the heavy caliber FunGun. Chuck began to jog back towards the front of the rig where they had come up from the SDV. Chuck laid waste to anyone who came close. His heavy caliber gun took out a drone that had been firing down on them. Explosions rocked the rig as metal began to groan. You could hear metal shearing and twisting. Chuck roared as he put the heavy machine gun to use as he sprayed soldiers on jet skis and in smaller patrol boats. The heavy machine gun put holes in their rides and punched through their soldiers as he made a path for the team to exit. Chuck could feel his armor being ravaged as he drew enemy fire. He did his best to keep moving. [color=RosyBrown]"Boomer, Shimura, Boaro...don't wait on us, we have another way out, meet you at the bottom and get on that fucking boat!"[/color] Chuck frowned and he didn’t like it but he acknowledged the order. [color=8dc73f]Chuck: “Boomer acknowledges Frigga and Wilk taking an alternative exit.”[/color] A massive explosion rocked the rig, the shockwave throwing Chuck to the ground as the platform began to sink on one side. Chuck was grateful he had packed a spare rebreather since his armor’s integrity was shot to shit by this point. He looked back and saw secondary explosions rocking the platform even more. He was out of time. He hit the latches that would drop his outer armor chest and back plate. He had to ditch his helmet too. The visor opened but the rebreather wouldn’t fit into the opening. That would reduce his weight some. He had lost the flotation devices help for his armor. He stumbled as another explosion rocked the platform. He took a deep breath and jumped. Chuck fell like an ungainly stone. His velocity was broken up on impact with the water with the help of his remaining armor. He hit the ocean kicking up a 20 foot splash. Debris from the rig was falling into the sea around him. He barely managed to dodge a piece of metal railing. He was still sinking like a stone. He swam hard to get some buoyancy and distance. He managed to get the rebreather attached to his mouth. He took a deep breath as he searched for the SDV. Chuck was an experienced diver and swimmer. He swam away from the danger area around the rig. Swimming was hard, the weight of his remaining armor dragged at his legs. Chuck was able to do it only because of his strength but he was tiring quickly. Chuck had begun to kick for the surface when out of the dark turbulent gloom under the waves came lights from the SDV. He was grateful for the pickup. His legs felt like lead. He grabbed onto the handle on the outside and tapped twice to let the pilot know he was on. He couldn’t talk with the spare rebreather on to give them comms acknowledgement. The SDV picked up others as Chuck hung onto the outside of it. He tried to kick his legs to aid the SDV’s progress since he didn’t have flotation devices to help with buoyancy. The SDV finally surfaced next to the VTOL. Chuck swam to the ramp. Chuck took out the rebreather and took a deep breath of fresh air. He then got up and helped pull the SDV up the ramp. Chuck waited there to see if anyone needed help getting out of the SDV. He did his best to curb his anxiety.