Character sheet for [url=]Noble Arms - The ASEAN War, Second Thread[/url] [hider=Kaden] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Height & Weight:[/b] 6'0", 168 lbs [b]Name:[/b] Kaden "Kay" Ashford [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Nationality:[/b] American [b]Noble Arm Name & Appearance:[/b] Duality Blades, two Katanas that shift in color depending on their form: a soft blue for light and a deep crimson red for dark. They are connected by a spectral purple chain. [b]Noble Arm Ranking: B[/b] [hider=B]Power: C (Dark: B ; Special Attack: A) Speed: C (Light: A) Range: C (Dark: B , Special Attack: B) Persistence: C (Dark: B) Precision: D Potential: D[/hider] [b]Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range:[/b] Melee, Light & Dark, close-to-mid range [b]Noble Arm Abilities:[/b] The Duality Blades can change between three forms: Light, Dark, and Neutral/Equilibrium. [i][u]LIGHT:[/u][/i] Kaden's speed and power are enhanced, allowing him to attack quickly. The purple chain shatters and changes color to vibrant blue. The chain passes through Kaden but is solid to anyone else. He also can send minor beams of light out of the swords. They are weak and go about a 25m, but he can rapid fire them. They knock the target back a bit. [i][u]DARK:[/u][/i] Kaden's power and range increase, as a darker aura can extend the swords to an unnatural length. When he enters this, the chain shatters and is replaced by a light red chain. This chain acts like the blue chain. He can slam the swords onto the ground to make a shockwave that does moderate damage and goes in around a 75m radius. This needs to recharge for a bit, and makes his arms tired. He picks the targets of the blast. (This means he can only pick people he is aware exist/are fighting. THIS IS IMPORTANT!) [i][u]NEUTRAL:[/u][/i] Kaden has both active, one on each sword. his stats stay the same, but he gains the light beams and a weaker version of the shockwave. The chain stays purple and acts like the other chains. One neutral attack, or ten seconds in neutral, is required when switching between light and dark. The chain stays purple in this form, passing through Kaden. He also gains a new attack, but I'm going to make a dropdown for it. [hider=Radiant Blast.]This attack is basically unusable unless under perfect conditions (EX: Holding the swords in front of you when you're about to get hit by an 18 wheeler on the highway). If the Shinogi-Ji's (the flat ends of a Katana) touch, A shockwave that has a 200m radius booms from them, and this damages everything and everyone within its radius. This includes the Kaden, but he will take half damage as the wielder. Most people can't survive this blast. Why not list this as an attack? That needs another dropdown about the way the Katana's work. [hider=Anatomy of the Duality Blades]It's actually quite simple. Light and Dark are like the opposite of North and South on a magnet. They repel each other. You would have to have a minimum force of 425,824 Newtons (about 95729 lbs of force) to make them even have a minor tap. Although this is enough to trigger the blast, it is extremely difficult to pull off and may never happen again. This only applies for the Shinogi-Ji's of the blades, as any other part is perfectly fine.[/hider][/hider] Misc Abilities: Ambidextrous, pretty good strategist, knows MMA (Mixed Martial Arts), and is a great dancer (trained his footwork by dancing). He speaks 3 different dialects of Arabic. (Levantine, Egyptian, and Modern Standard Arabic/MSA) Personality: Kaden is kind, funny, and protective of people he cares about and works with often (or hopes to work with often). He can also be [s]very[/s] over confident. He doesn't always seem all there, and is often caught daydreaming in his free time. His true desire is to upkeep his reputation, and this drives him to do otherwise stupid things. *[b]Likes[/b][b]:[/b] Comedy movies, video games, fighting, and competition. *[b]Dislikes[/b][b]:[/b] Being underestimated, losing, spiders (he's not scared, he just doesn't like 'em.) [b]Fears[/b][b]:[/b] Failing to protect his family, friends, and most of all, his ego. [b]Bio:[/b] Kaden was born in Arizona and stayed there most of his life. He came from a family of war refugees from syria and immersed himself in their culture. He loves his family, which consists of his parents, an older sister and a ten year old brother. His family and friends call him Kay or Kane. Kaden can't remember a time when he did not have a sword of any type with him. He carried a wooden around for practice whenever he could, kept a different wooden one in his backpack, and practiced with a real katana at home. he devoted his life to swordsmanship, and hoped that he could become a master swordsman. When he got the Duality Blades, or Zole as he likes to call them, it hit home for him. One incident changed the way he viewed the Duality Blades. His friend challenged him to run across an "empty" 8-lane highway in the desert. Almost to the end, he hears a horn. he stops and looks where it's coming from. by the time he turns, it was too late. He held out his hands, instinctively holding the blades like he always does when in danger. When the blades made contact with the truck, they bumped into each other, and this unleashed a blast of purple energy. Kaden was hospitalized in critical condition, and managed to survive without any scars. his friend and the trucker were not so lucky. The trucker died instantaneously, and his friend lost his left leg. He never seemed all there after that point. *[b]Current Goal:[/b] Survive, find somebody to love, and prove he isn't weak. [b]Military or Civilian Rank:[/b] Second Lieutenant [hider=Lime's notes] UPDATED: V2 [b][i][u]IMPORTANT![/u][/i][/b] I do not have discord or any way to get discord at this moment. If this is something that can't be worked around, sorry for wasting your time. It is literally impossible at the moment. (I've tried. Oh how I've tried...)[/hider] [/hider]