Character sheet for [url=]Myriad Reality[/url] [hider=Felix] [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Felix [b]Species:[/b] Voidborn [b]Age:[/b] 1,000,000 (Appears to be a human teenager.) His age bends towards whatever 1,000,000 would be in that universe. [b]Personality:[/b] friendly, over confident, and kinda comedic. He's pretty fun once you get to know him. otherwise, he's just annoying. [b]Backstory:[/b] [color=00a651]"Why should I tell you?"[/color] [b]Interdimensional story:[/b] I know it's boring, but he was born with it. His multiverse is home to some annoying and powerful people, and he was one of them. He never wanted to leave until he got bored of watching the birth and death of universes. He is here for his own personal entertainment, and possibly for magical items. [b]Likes:[/b] Jokes, comedy movies, and french fries. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Mayo, romance movies, other people who disturb the peace more than he does. [b]Abilities:[/b] Overclock, Null Orbs, Void Bind, Phantom, Null Step, Voidshift, Void Nova, and Phantom revival. He can also summon items up to the size of a small fighter jet. (I don't have a name for that.) [hider=In depth Abilities][b]Overclock:[/b] When this occurs, he appears to visually glitch, and his eyes flash red occasionally. This boosts all aspects of him, from speed, to power, to wit. This includes whatever emotion he is feeling when he activates this ability. [b]Null Orbs:[/b] These orbs are made of black energy (like what he's holding in the picture) that can vary in strength. When touched (or when he feels like it) they create an explosion of pure black energy. This kills most normal people, and permanently scars those who survive. This just hurts people here. A lot. (I want to quote something I've said before: [color=00a651]"People who can't die don't fear death, but they fear pain."[/color]) [b]Void Bind:[/b] These are strips of pure shadow that come out of the ground. They paralyze normal people, but because people here aren't normal, it just grabs and restrains them. [b]Phantom:[/b] Literally turns him into a see through version of himself. He can't die in this form, but he also can't do anything except watch the omniverse and talk to people who can hear him or he chooses to hear him. Oh and he can waltz into your mind when in this form. He uses this power for good, like finding your car keys. [b]Null Step:[/b] His ability to teleport, he just gets swallowed in darkness from his back. This transports anybody touching him too. [i]this does not make a portal. It is just a visual effect he wanted.[/i] [b]VoidShift:[/b] He can shapeshift into anything. Brick, door, your ex, ANYTHING. (A message from my friend: [color=92278f]"Get your mind out of the gutter, sicko."[/color]) [b]Void Nova:[/b] This attack, his "special attack." is his most powerful and draining. He causes an orb of pure power to appear. The explosion caused on impact is rivaled by an exploding planet. His mastery over his power causes it only to dish out severe wounds (and more often than not, death.) to any idiot who ticks him off enough for him to use it. [b]Phantom Revival:[/b] The quote I said applies to Felix as well. I mean, the guy rips the fabric of reality for one of his most basic attacks, you think he can die? When he "dies", his soul is sent into a pocket dimension only he has access to. There, his body reforms over a LONG time. While this is happening, he is using phantom instead of taking a multi-century long nap. [/hider] [hider=Lime's notes (read)] V2 I edited his age and goal. I read the rules, if you need me to change anything, let me know if I should change or add anything. Ty Ty. (I need to stop thinking about fighter jets.) -Lime[/hider] [/hider]