[center][h2][color=SpringGreen]Junior[/color], [color=Aqua]Rika[/color], & Geralt of Rivia[/h2][/center] [center]Mafia Town, Assaulting Consul [i]I[/i]’s Ship[/center] [center]Word Count:1,779 word (+3)[/center] The ship assaulting seekers approached the cannon mounted vessel with as much haste as they could muster, eyes sharply on the lookout for any retaliation to their brazen assault on this sower of chaos. Yet they found nothing. No look outs, no cannons at the ready. Nothing. [color=SpringGreen]”What a bunch of dummies, just letting anyone and everyone sail up to their ship”[/color] Jr declared over confidently. Geralt, on the other hand, was extremely suspicious as Rika’s whale garnered no reaction from the ship. Tilting his head towards Dave, he nodded at the vessel. “Either ship’s empty, or we’re walking into a trap.” He advised flatly. Dave just sighed. “Yeah, I figured as much as soon as we got out here and nobody tried to shoot at us. I don’t have that kind of luck.” Rika, meanwhile, decided to test the self procured name of the vessel, the ”SS Literally Can't Sink”, lancing one of her new floating rocket propelled swords at its hull, and only to have it simply glance off the side of the ship. [color=Aqua]”No making stairs out of those then. Guess I’ll just jump up?”[/color] Rika supposed, staring up at the hatch they were floating several meters beneath. With all her movement abilities, that wouldn’t be a problem at all. [color=SpringGreen]”oh, oh, give me a piggyback, and we can try out that new move we figured out to bust on in in style!”[/color] Jr suggested excitedly, practically bouncing with excitement at the notion. [color=Aqua]”mmm, that might bust it”[/color] Rika agreed, though that was only going to get them up there. As Geralt and Dave’s own ride approached, the Witcher looked at his diver companion and frowned. “Gonna be tough to get up there. I might be able to make the jump and climb over the railing, but I don’t think getting you up with me will be easy.” He didn’t beat around the bush of Dave’s weight, but the diver simply nodded, hefting his harpoon gun. “Can’t hurt to try with this. I can reel in some pretty huge fish with it. You get up there, I’ll shoot the harpoon, and you pull me up on the rope!” Geralt hummed, thinking it over for a few moments before shrugging. He was right, it probably couldn’t hurt to try. If this was an efficient ambush, they’d wait until they were all on board to spring it anyway, to lull them further into a false sense of security. In-front of them, Rika crouched down on the water, and Jr hopped on her shoulders, which seemed like a bit of an odd move until the ship girl tapped a rune attached to her gauntlet’s palm, and promptly shot up into the air. She rose up and up, then the wall jumped off of the side of the ship just below one of the side hatches. As she did, Jr held his staff sized paint brush above her head, producing a white glow that wove its way down into Rika’s gauntlets, the illumination reaching a peak just as she came in level with the hatch. There, she seemed to hang in the air, before unleashing a rapid fire barrage of punches, each one accompanied with a burst of holy light, bending and buckling the hatch before drawing bac fore one last punch, only to summon a massive mechanized [url=https://i.imgur.com/cJA4mhk.jpeg]lance[/url] in the grip of her first and to ram forwards with it. The Black Lance punctured and then shattered the battered hatch, Rika’s energy shield flaring as she and her brother entered the vessel in a shower of shrapnel that would have been devastating to any ambushers. There were, however, none to be found. Yet. As such a moment later both of the kid’s heads popped out the wrecked hole, Rika waving with a big gauntletted while Jr called out that there where [color=SpringGreen]”No dummies here”[/color] On Geralt and Dave’s end, they’d pulled up onto the top deck of the ship, only to realize that their…wasn’t really [i]a[/i] top deck of the ship. Geralt had been forced to straddle the railing of the side of the ship and pull Dave over, helping toss him to a cargo container that was suitably high up to not create a large drop. The Witcher himself wound up just dropping to the deck belowship, rolling to break his fall and looking around. “Nothing down here, either.” He called up to the pair, who were looking outside the ship, possibly having assumed they’d wait for the Koopas to scout ahead. Instead of a great ambush, they found a bunch of cargo containers, and some things Geralt vaguely recognized from Midgar. [color=SpringGreen]”Oh..”[/color] Jr replied, a little upset at their flashy way onboard having been unnecessary, while Rika just leaned back in and gave a big thumbs up. “Huh, a bunch of vending machines?” Dave questioned, puzzled, walking up to one of them. “It’s all wrestling-themed stuff, huh? Guess that makes sense, what with all those Wrestlemania-looking guys messing up the town. We gotta stop them. Bancho Sushi got messed up badly enough as it is!” Dave’s tone was somewhat dramatically despondent, but he’d really grown to love that place. He wasn’t going to put up with somebody messing with it! Small-scale motivations aside, Geralt agreed, and nodded to show as much, summoning Tartaglia’s Hydro weapons. He might as well get used to fighting with them, though rather than the dual blades, he formed the Hydro energy into a single joined twinblade. “Alright, Junior, Rika, let’s take a look around. Most likely place to find [i]I[/i] would be the bridge.” [color=SpringGreen]”I’d settle for that shouty commentator guy”[/color] Jr replied while Rika poked her head back out the ship and tossed her golden spinner down to retrieve her whale from the water. Indeed, said commentator was still banging on about the brawl back in the city, including, apparently, some kind of brawl going down in the mafia headquarters that had nothing to do with the wrestlers themselves: “And would you look at that! The reigning champ of maffia town has combined all of his lackeys into a massive ball that he’s rolling around ontop of! Now that’s something you don’t see every day!” He was loud enough to be heard on the island itself, which meant that on the ship? Almost painful to hear. [color=SpringGreen]”Aww, and now I wanna see that”[/color] Jr moaned at the latest announcement, while Rika shrugged, saying [color=Aqua]”Punching [i]I[/i] will be better. Probably”[/color] while also putting on a pair of headphones under her helmet. [color=SpringGreen]”Oh, yeah, that’ll help”[/color] Jr said as he saw this, imitating her, before realizing why she was actually doing it and saying [color=SpringGreen]”oh, no, right, that strategy, got it”[/color] With everyone armed and ready, the quartet advanced up the ship towards the bridge, passing more and more containers containing much of the same, although there were also books with titles like ‘dive kicks for dummies’ on them as well. There was, once again, no resistance. Even when they got to the flame clock sat below the bridge, no one came out to defend it. Not that they knew how to destroy them anyway. What was interesting, however, was that before this clock there sat 4 panels, a few feet wide, all emblazoned with the serrated sun symbol of what they now knew where [url=https://i.imgur.com/yWMFWwI.png]respawn pads[/url] [color=SpringGreen]”Huh. So I guess these are what Kamek was talking about? Just. Sitting out in the open”[/color] Jr commented at the sight of the apparently normally hidden mechanisms of repopulating the world of light, here so brazenly put out on display. “Huh. Have to admit, I wouldn’t have expected them to be so brazenly displayed, though I suppose there wouldn’t be a problem, since anybody here would either be an enemy, or Gleaming.” Dave’s attention started wandering elsewhere as soon as information more directly related to the grand conflict of the World of Light came out, but when they started getting close to the bridge, his attitude started getting even more serious. “Alright, everyone, let’s do this.” Geralt warned as he forced open the door to the bridge, seamlessly stepping in and moving to the side to give the others room to enter, Hydro twinblade flourishing as he cast Quen to protect himself. Rather than an onslaught of fighters, the response to them all bursting in was a shout of “Wow hey, what are you folks doing here the rings over there!” from the [url=https://i.imgur.com/5Zp7Fus.jpeg]announcer[/url] as he dove behind the spinning captain’s chair of a surly looking [url=https://i.imgur.com/Q1jVU7x.png]walrus captain[/url] who seemed entirely disinterested in their attack. That, and a slow clap from the consul who stood before the window, silhouetted against the setting sun as it hung low over the city she had just brought destruction too. “Congratulations on making it abroad seekers of-” [i]I[/i] began with the tone of a preacher about to deliver a self assured sermon, only for Rika to raise a palm and unleash a hail of gunfire at the Consul. She made no move to avoid this attack, and instead without nary a thought raised a [url=https://i.imgur.com/vcORXje.jpeg]barrier[/url] around her that absorbed the attack, while she shook her head in disappointment. “So you are here for me then? Sadly I am afraid I have no interest in giving you the satisfaction of battling you” she told them, reaching down and grasping an incredibly heaving looking [url=https://i.imgur.com/WsuqXwl.png]metallic idol[/url] that was sat next to her before saying “but not to worry. For your efforts, I will provide you with a suitable challenge” She hauled up the idol as if it was nothing, and in that very same moment something massive burst from the water next to the ship, as if by hoisting the idol, she had pulled it something out of the depths. The wave from the rapid emergence of the massive object rocked the ship, sending everyone but her stumbling. Then a moment later the gigantic [url=https://i.imgur.com/rM3u5q3.png]hermit crab[/url] she had summoned crashed down among the shipping containers down below. Its eyestalks glanced to and fro, before their glowing ire locked upon the bridge, and upon those that had summoned it here, prompting it to shove its claws into one of the shipping containers, and to haul out several of the vending machines in its titanic claws. Completely disinterested in the fact that she was between the angry monster and its targets, [i]I[/i] added that “Oh, and I’m sure the other Consuls will be most interested to know you are here. Perhaps that will bring you the satisfaction you desire” before simply teleporting away. Right as the vending machines the titanic hermit crab had grabbed came smashing through the glass windows of the bridge.