[h2]Esme[/h2] Esme had smiled again behind the kiss at the reaction she had gotten from Duke. His gasp and shudder alone made it all the better. She felt Duke wrap his arm around her back and knew where this was about to head, but then she heard Dean clear his throat. When Duke broke the kiss, she matched his sigh as she opened her eyes. She knew that if Dean hadn’t interrupted them, Duke probably would have before it got much further for fear of hurting her. Esme closed her eyes briefly when Duke brushed noses with her before he leaned back and answered Dean. When Duke looked back at her, she met his gaze and let him remove her hands from the back of his head. Esme watched him as he brought her hands to his lips and kissed each of her knuckles. “Alright, I’ll still be here.” she said softly with a smile. She released Duke’s hands as he scooted himself back and stood from the couch. She followed both guys with her eyes until they were out of sight to the basement, sighing softly as she heard the door close behind them. She looked down at the blanket that was still partially over her. Esme decided to fold it and toss it to the other end of the couch. Then, carefully turning her body, she rested her arm on the back of the couch, rested her chin on her arm, and brought her knees up towards her chest, resting her other arm on her knees. Esme stared out the window, going into thought. She knew that look on Dean’s face. He wanted to talk to Duke and try to fix things between them, which used to result in only scratching the surface and not fixing the root problem of it all, and would also result in a scuffle between them. After everything that’s happened, a scuffle between them was one of the last things they needed, and she hoped one wouldn’t break out without anyone down in the basement to break it up. Sighing heavily through her nose, Esme closed her eyes and tried to keep herself from thinking about the worst that could happen down in the basement, but she failed miserably. Her mind was filled with all the times the guys had gotten into it when she was around. For the most part, it would start out fine, but it would quickly get heated, and then a scuffle would happen. Back then, she didn’t even try to step in and break it up except for yelling at them to stop and break it up. And when they ignored her, she could only walk away and leave them alone until they were finished. She couldn’t watch until they got it out of their systems. She asked Bobby to help her break them up a few times before fists started flying, and he did step in a few times to stop it. However, he wouldn’t touch a few of them with a ten-foot pole, saying they needed to work through it on their own, which didn’t sit well with her, even though she knew Bobby was right. As those memories played themself out, Esme felt the tears burning her eyes, but she willed them not to show themselves. Moments of the boys walking back into Bobby’s house or a motel room showed themselves to her. She’d make them sit and would patch them up, but she wouldn’t talk to them as she did for several hours after, only glare at them and not let them anywhere near her. It would always piss her off when they let things between them build so much that it resulted in them throwing punches. Thinking back on it now, she should have let them patch themselves up and locked herself in a separate room for a while a few times, not that it would have changed anything. That probably would have surprised or confused the hell out of them since that would have been entirely out of character for her. The thought was almost funny but not quite funny enough to laugh at. A scuffle or fistfight between brothers or other family members was nothing to laugh at if there was hostility behind it. It was pretty sad. There were a few times she almost left when the boys had gotten into it. Esme had been completely fed up and done with it all, but Bobby talked her out of leaving for the boys' sake. Even though she stayed, she would give them the cold shoulder and the silent treatment for a while. Thinking about it now, she didn’t know if Bobby ever said anything to them about it or not. She surely didn’t. Esme was pulled from her thoughts at the sound of the basement door opening. Opening her eyes, she turned her face away from the window and watched for Duke to come back into the living room. First, she saw Dean, noticing that he’d been crying, which could be good or bad. She almost narrowed her eyes as she watched Dean walk through, but then her eyes fell on Duke as he came into view. Her eyes instantly went to his face, seeing he’d been crying also. Esme sighed just before he asked her if she wanted to get out of there. She nodded, taking in the bluntness of his tone and the way he wiped his hand down his face. Stretching out her legs, she carefully turned her body and swung her legs off the couch. She slowly took to her feet, standing there momentarily on weak-feeling legs. Esme crossed the room to his side, bringing her hands up to cup his face, using her thumbs to wipe away a few tears she saw as she looked up at him. “You don’t have to hide these from me.” she told him softly. “But yes, let’s get out of here.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him before lowering herself and removing her hands from his face. She moved to Duke’s side, wrapped an arm around his waist, and placed her other hand on his stomach just above his bandage. Looking at the kitchen and seeing how crowded it was, she decided not to go through to get to the back door and to keep some distance between Duke and Dean. Esme gave Duke a light tug away from the kitchen so they could go out the front door. “Come on, Cowboy. Let’s go this way.” she said warmly. Once he compiled, she walked with him to the front door, opened it, and walked outside with her, where Sarah greeted them with a happy bark. “Hey, girl.” Esme said warmly to the Hellhound, patting her head. Sarah barked softly and whined as she moved in and nuzzled Esme. “I know. You must have heard what went on this morning. Sorry, I worried you, girl.” Esme briefly looked back through the open door, then looked back at Sarah. “You think you could do something for me, girl?” she asked. Sarah barked a reply, and Esme smiled warmly. “Could you run in there and grab the duffles with our clothes, please.” Without a sound, except for her nails on the wood, Sarah trotted into the house, returning moments later with both their duffles hanging from her mouth. “Good girl.” Esme cooed softly. Once Sarah had cleared the door, Esme closed it and led Duke down the steps after placing her hand back on his stomach. She stopped a few feet away. She closed her eyes and breathed in the cool night air, shivering as the cold finally hit her. Opening her eyes, she turned toward Duke, placed her hands on his hips, and looked up at him, reading his face and emotions. “I want to ask if you’re okay, but clearly, you're not.” she started softly. “Judging by the look on your face, that talk went just like it always has. He barely scratched the surface of the problems and then asked if you two were good.” She sighed through her nose in frustration, noticing Sarah walk past them out of the corner of her eye. “He needs to be tied to a chair, have his mouth taped shut, and made to listen.” she told him. The only ones she could see getting away with doing something like that to Dean were Sam and Mika, but whether they would actually do it was the big question.