[center][h1][color=ff5000][b]Renar Hagen[/b][/color][/h1][/center] He'd thought that the situation would have lost its humor by now, but Renar just couldn't resist taking amusement in the inherent comedy of such a person of influence debasing himself like this. He didn't exactly have much to contribute here, not being versed in magics like Gertrude or having a connection to the fey itself like Fionn, so Renar contented himself with observing the situation for now. The king's own court mage being here wasn't much of a surprise, considering the Duke being a member of His Majesty's line. Still, it was something to keep an eye on. Trying to make inroads with the man at the current moment was ill-advised, considering all of them were here to fulfill an actual task. Something to keep in mind for later. At the very least, Renar could take the time to see what made the man tick. Renar stayed on the fringes of the gathering, wondering to himself for a moment. If this were him, how would he have taken advantage of the situation? There was always somebody looking to profit from a crisis like this. One only had to consider the correct angle...ah. He nodded to himself for a moment before stepping out of the hall briefly and flagging a passing servant down. [color=ff5000][b]"My good man,"[/b][/color] Renar casually slipped the servant a handful of coin. [color=ff5000][b]"No doubt you know that we're here to investigate the duke's...condition. Tell me, does he have any political rivals or anyone who stands to benefit from the poor lord's sudden befuddlement?"[/b][/color] He'd already ruled the son out. The man had the perfect chance to rule in his father's place by deeming him invalid, but as it stood, it seemed Thedric's child had made no moves in that regard.