[center][h2][color=0054a6]Witch[/color][/h2] [i]Level 2 (0/20 EXP) Location: Meridi-at-Han Word Count: 302 (1 exp gained)[/i] [hider=New witchy spell] [b]Freezing Pulse[/b] – launches a crescent-shaped wave of ice magic that travels in a straight line and pierces through all solid targets. The projectile dissipates as it goes, growing steadily less powerful until it vanishes entirely. Targets pierced take cold damage, are left wholly or partially chilled/slowed, and have a 25% chance to be frozen solid for 3 seconds if struck at close range. [/hider][/center][hr] The king of bugs assailed her once again, but he’d already tipped his hand. Now the Witch was ready for him, and moved not with desperation but keen-eyed focus. Two firebats burst into embers as she shot then out of the air; the third could not touch her now that she knew to anticipate its change of course. Grimm was still quicker than her, prone to puffing into clouds of smoke and reappearing in completely different places, but after the first couple of times that trick would no longer take her by surprise. She kept alert, relied on her ears and her surroundings to better tell where he’d moved to, and even began to predict and anticipate where he’d strike from next. As her confidence grew, so too did the Witch’s aggression. She pelted her enemy with wand-strikes at every turn, chanced fireballs when she knew he’d be hard-pressed to dodge them. Her eyes blazed brighter than ever, as though she could practically see her victory lying ahead, the glorious end to this hard-fought duel—at least, until some clueless goon in a suit saw fit to throw himself into the fray. The Witch jumped back when she saw him, but it was not her he’d come for: his strange inky power went straight for the elusive circus master and sought to snare him before he could blink away. Was it just dumb luck? Did she have some unknown admirer? Whatever the case, the Witch would never shy away from such a golden opportunity. Tongues of flame rose up around her, casting her narrow frame in silhouette, and a final fireball soared forth from her wand to strike her foe down for good. If the newcomer happened to get caught in the blast, well, that was his own fault now, wasn’t it?