[b][color=0072bc]Zenith[/color][/b] [@Squirrel98][@Zarkun] Meat was sizzling, pots bubbling and steaming, and the sound vegetables being stirred in a hot pan. A bead of sweat was trailing down his head, down to the tip of his nose, and then dripped down onto the stove. The chef grabbed an old piece of cloth and rubbed his face against it, taking a deep breath before he focused back onto the cooking. His eyes darted around to various timers that were strewn in some methodical madness, his hands keeping steadily keeping ahead of the ticking. Soon he was plating various dishes; slabs of meat with mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables, various pastas, hot sandwiches with fries, and it just didn't end. That was the life a chef in a mage guild and for that matter, the sole chef for that matter. Also, the lone server. Budget restraints and what not.   The kitchen door slammed against the wall by a lone foot and out came the Zenith with his greasy, food covered apron, hair net, sweaty t-shirt, and black slacks. [color=0072bc]"Order up!"[/color] He came out balancing trays of food on the very tip of his fingers, rushing to table to table handing out orders the same way an overworked restaurant worker would during a lunch rush. It would've been so much easier if he took over some octopus monster and used its extra arms to help carry these trays, but alas he was stuck with his two very human arms as he served guests and guild mage alike. At the very least, he could see that people enjoyed his food so that was a reward in it of itself. Well, that and the money was good too. It was hard, but it was worth it if he could offer solid support for Akemi. Money or not, this was exhausting. Zenith slumped over the bar counter chugging down a liter of water from a bottle. [color=0072bc]"God, at the very least Jenna could hire some more servers..."[/color] He muttered to himself. His eyes trailed along the guild hall, people watching out of sheer boredom. However, his focus shifted towards someone walking through the entrance to the guild. A very raggedy woman, someone that looked like the living definition of being down on her luck though he didn't recognize her. It was not like he knew everyone in town though. After all, he had only arrived with Akemi not too long ago, but he definitely would've remembered seeing a homeless pink haired woman around these parts. Zenith walked over to her and flashed her his typical friendly outgoing smile. [color=0072bc]"That would be our guild master Jenna. She's probably available."[/color] His eyes scanned her while they conversed.[i][color=0072bc] Damn, this girl must've been really slumming it. The heck happened to her?[/color][/i] [color=0072bc]"Are you o-?"[/color] Before he could ask, the doors swung open and more pink, much louder pink, barged on in. Also, why did the air suddenly taste very sweet? He just stared at the man that smelled like cotton candy as if he had worms, or in his case, gummy worms crawling out of his ears though he shook his head to zone back in. Zenith tilted his head back and shouted, [color=0072bc]"Hey Jenna! We've got a couple more recruits! I'm gonna get a meal started for one of them!"[/color]