[center][h2]Anne Mayer[/h2][h3]Nieve — Mages' Guild[/h3][/center] "Yes, he's one of ours." Even if so-called golems were a known quantity here, the streets Anne had walked through on the way here hadn't exactly been teeming with them. The odds of there being two of them carrying blonde children around were small enough that she was willing to chance it. "We can meet up with him once we're done in here. If we're lucky he'll have found some more leads for us to look into..." It was good to know that Lewa had kept the young girl safe, but right now Anne's attention was mostly occupied by the contract Serena had handed her. She didn't exactly [i]like[/i] paperwork, but running a trans-galactic research institute had given her plenty of experience in putting together formal contracts and agreements. Specifically, she knew all the underhanded methods people used to try and trick one another in the small print—mostly because she'd employed all those tricks herself. All in the name of world peace, of course. However, by all appearances this document was exactly what it purported itself to be. Ideally she'd have had more time to familiarize herself with the local legal systems, but... [i]It'll do.[/i] The benefits of the agreement easily outweighed the risks, and in the worst-case scenario they could just forcefully twist the arms of anyone who tried to use it against them. "I'm satisfied with this." After neatly signing her name, she handed the papers across to Remilia. "You can look over it yourself if you want, but I can vouch that there's nothing shifty about it. We thank you for your patronage, Princess." She flashed Serena her most charming diplomatic smile, with a graceful nod of her head. Laying it on a little thick, but she did genuinely owe her for the help with the magic items, and for putting up with the stroppy vampire. [@Rezod92][@FujiwaraPhoenix][@VitaVitaAR]