[right]Forests surrounding Rembrandt April 13, X903 Suspicious Monster Sighting [@Cello][@Lunarlord34][@Sanguine Rose][/right] Initially the two monsters remained unaware of any other danger to them besides each other, clashing and hitting each other. For each horrible gash the many claws of the red monster left, the Vulcan pummeled the beast visciously, knocking it around and doing damage in its own way. However, the Vulcan dodged right at the wrong time and stepped directly on a tentacle, immediately becoming entangled by it. The red beast noticed and barely managed to avoid a pair angled to snag it's back legs, lashing out with it's right front paw at the same time and shredding it with it's many claws(read, ten). Before it touched the ground and dodged again as the Vulcan struggled to break free. Meanwhile, to Adelyn's credit, her distraction was equal parts well-timed and poorly aimed as of the series of bolts, all but four found their mark, dealing a surprising amount of damage to the Vulcan as it convulsed, even a couple arcing to the red monster and shocking it. However, the four that missed fried the tendril that Mark had caught it in, releasing it from it's energy draining prison and allowing it to turn on her, which it did with a monkey yell. Plunging a fist into the ground, it flung a boulder at her position in the tree, though its recent electrotherapy ensured it missed this time, the boulder doing little more than spurring a breeze as it passed her by. However, it wouldn't risk it again and was already running towards her. A red beam lanced through the air towards the Vulcan and it barely managed to avoid in time, though the dodge forced it to change course and bout Adelyn more time to move. As was agreed upon, the Sergeant was watching their backs. [hr] [right]Road to the Outpost April 13, X903 Urgent Delivery-Rendezvous [@Remram][@Sanguine Rose][/right] There wasn't an immediate answer, but there also wasn't any laughter or mockery as Nolan might have expected. Instead, the Corporal spoke with one of the other guard's via a separate channel before responding. {Typically they'd coral their targets into a small area, keep them from escaping. Usually three or four corral while the pack leader goes for the killing blows, usually the throat. But in hordes, the tactics change immensely. They try and simply swarm prey and no one touches them once they're dead until their Alpha has had its share. There's...} The Corporal hesitates and then sighs before continuing. {These are all unconfirmed reports, but there's supposedly instances of the Alpha setting up ambushes and separating the horde into individual packs that it orders via some kind of low-frequency roar, having them attack in different patterns and groups. The reported instances are so isolated that most biologists are sure it was simply perceived wrong.} [hr] [right]Rembrandt Township April 13, X903 Rising Starborn Guildhall [@CitrusArms][/right] "Suppose an orientation of sorts wouldn't hurt. Here on the main floor is my office, the guild hall proper, including bar, kitchen, and stage; guest rooms for our clients, and the job board." Jenna points to a set of stairs leading up. "On the second floor is where [i]most[/i] of our members live. Expenses are covered, though we do take a 15% cut of your job pay to help with that." From the hall leading to her office, the Amazonian woman leads Trinity out back, where there's a separate building across a field. The field itself has some adornments that indicate it's used both for training and recreation. Opening the door to the building, however, reveals the actual training hall, including a sparring field, where several mages from the guild were in the midst of sparring and training. "This is the training hall, complete with a specialized field to prevent permanent damage to the training field or harm to those training." [hr] [right]Rembrandt Township April 13, X903 Rising Starborn Guildhall [@Squirrel98][@Remram][/right] Karma couldn't help but smile as Jenna lead one of their newest members to the training hall after describing the layout of the guildhall itself. [i]More migrant mages are finding us by the day. Might have to commission a bigger hall here soon...[/i] At the same time, Zenith came bursting out of the kitchen with the next set of orders for todays visitors and the mages still hanging around between jobs with no interest in working today. The bartender and Archive mage couldn't help but smile at the sight. She was in the process of finding him help serving, but so far no one quite clicked with the Takeover mages timing, but that would eventually be righted. Shortly after, two more new mages burst in. One a girl in clothes so worn-out and stained it was a miracle they weren't thread bare yet, and the other a young man with [i]Candy? In his hair? Alright then...[/i] Zenith was quick to get to the pair and call for Jenna, who had just left. "Jenna just walked one of the new arrivals out to the training field, Zen, I'll get them." She walked over to the pair and appraised them before addressing them, making note of their mannerisms. "Sir, why don't you have a seat at one of the booths while you wait, maybe get a meal or a drink. Miss, come with me and we'll get you cleaned up while Zen cooks you up a meal and I'll see if Lenna can't do something about your clothes." She smiled warmly. "As for joining, that's simple, but we'll wait for the Guild Master to come back in so you can speak with her."