[table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][b]THE[color=2e2c2c].[/color]PRISM[color=2e2c2c].[/color]RINGS[/b][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xIxuTmr.jpg[/img][hr][sub]| The Lux Ampiflier |[/sub] [i]"The balance of power lies in restraint."[/i] [hr][sup][b]ORIGINS & CREATIONS:[/b] | The Prism Rings were forged by an ancient cult of Adepts from the world of Stars who sought to harness the ambient Lux of the Allverse. Through a deep understanding of Lux and the interconnectedness of all things, they created these rings to act as conduits for Lux, allowing wearers to tap into the energy surrounding them. | [b]TYPE:[/b] | Conduit Artifact | [b]LOCATION:[/b] | The twelve Prism Rings are scattered all over the All-Verse. Two of them are currently being held on Elysium Island by the Elite, while another is in the Pit, hidden somewhere on the body of the Deathpile. | [b]NOTABLE OWNERS:[/b] | None of note. | [b]ABSTRACTION-GRANTING:[/b] | No. | [/sup][/center][/cell][cell]The Prism Rings consist of twelve rings, which can be worn individually or collectively. When worn by an Adept, these rings enable the user to draw Lux from their environment and other dimensions, boosting the potency of their spells. The rings amplify Adept's abilities and convert any other color of Lux they draw into their specific color, enhancing the overall effectiveness of their casting. For instance, a pyromancer could wear the red ring to absorb ambient red Lux from the surroundings, significantly increasing their fire spells' heat and destructive power. A fireball could explode on impact, causing a more significant damage radius or igniting flammable objects. Similarly, a healer could use Lux from the environment to enhance their healing spells, allowing them to heal multiple allies simultaneously or significantly speed up the recovery of grievous injuries. However, using the Prism Rings requires caution. The user can control the amount of Lux they channel, but the more they draw, the more volatile their casting becomes. Excessive Lux can lead to unpredictable results, increasing the likelihood of spells backfiring, misfiring, or spiraling out of control. For example, if a Red-Lux Adept tries to channel too much Lux while casting a fireball. In that case, the spell may become too powerful, leading to an uncontrollable explosion that injures enemies and puts allies at risk. In the case of healing, drawing too much green Lux while attempting to heal a minor wound could result in over-healing, rapidly causing the recipient's body to regenerate to an unstable state, causing tumors and ugly scars. The risks associated with the Prism Rings make them a powerful tool and a double-edged sword. [color=2e2c2c]..........................................................................................................[/color][/cell][/row][/table]