[indent][indent] [sub]Near the Blimp’s exit[/sub] [hr] Intruders in Lady Setsuka’s territory ain’t exactly a novelty, but today there are way too many, did they organize a party or something? First that fox kid that was beating Brandon’s butt, and if she didn’t take care of his [i]guardian[/i], things could have been ugly. But now someone used some form of Time magic, or something like that, not everyone is an expert on the theory but distortions in the Space-Time continuum aren’t terribly difficult to notice, and this is a big distortion. [i]Are they in a vehicle?[/i] That would be the only explanation for such a big rip, either that or it’s a giant. [color=darkred]”Too bad, Isenfeur won’t be of much use to you, even if he could get out of there.”[/color] Liv called upon her crystalline minions, almost ruby-like at a distance but once close it would be clear they’re made of blood red ice, a collection of kind-of humanoids and absolutely not even close to humanoids. [color=darkred]”They could get out of the Time Rift at any moment, Rauða, take down their engine will you?”[/color] The massive red ice beast grumbling as it set itself into position, it would be accurate to call it a living artillery piece. [sub]Meanwhile, in Fenix Tear Main Guild Base[/sub] [hr] Zeire is literally just sweeping the floor of her empty apothecary as she had finished dealing with the clientele. [i]Maybe the others are just taking the quest as a relaxing vacation.[/i] [/indent][/indent]